Once women and even men, sewed things for themselves, as there was no such opportunity to go to the store and buy the finished product. Girls are taught from an early age. And now it has become a rarity, and when a woman is sewing, it is considered to be perfect, and some even think that it is old-fashioned. In fact, everything is done with his own hands, valued at much more than than what you purchased.
In order to learn a new craft, it is not difficult, the main desire, and his hands will do everything for you. To get started all you need is a needle. Try to flash a few simple stitches. But for those who have never nothing sewed. Try to sew a button.

- Sewing machines
- Instruments
- Next we will learn to make patterns
Sewing machines
Stage with a needle is passed successfully, then proceed to the sewing machine. Sewing machines are divided into manual and electric, to be controlled by foot. conventional manual machine suitable for beginners. To master the machine, you need to learn to practice correctly lay flat from the point, to fill yarns, and of course do not forget about the careful use. Sewing machine must be in a pure form and stored in a special bag.

Next, prepare the necessary tools for the job. Namely, pins, sewing needles handmade nitkovdevatel, thimble. First job, do the most simple, plain stitch used handkerchief. To do this, take a square piece of cloth, tuck it in two turns and laid by hand. Next, sew on a typewriter. If everything worked out, then go ahead. Complicate the work and stitch sheet or towel.
If everything is fine, it turns out, we try to make the product more difficult. They include kitchen potholder, as it is necessary to sew several layers of tissue and be sure to treat the tape.

Next we will learn to make patterns
To learn how to be a pattern, it is better to try to do it the most, and not ready to take out of a magazine or book. Try to build a pattern of conventional apron or nightgown.
But remember not smart enough to cost a pattern, you should still be able to take measurements correctly. Measurements taken correctly work half done. Remember this rule. You need to take measurements with the man when he stands. Be sure to ask the man to not strained, not inhaled stomach, the main thing that was the most natural. So the more the likelihood that the product will turn out high-quality and size of the customer.

Take measurements preferably several times, especially for beginners. Measurements of breast and thighs remove standing behind him, it is better if you will be someone to help, so get more accurate.
Now that you have learned to be the pattern and take measurements try to make a more complex product. You can make anything in their household or herself. For example, for this job is perfect pencil skirt or vest.
Also, you will need to work a varied amount of fabric and thread. But that's all the indications now everything depends on you. And most importantly, remember more practice and then just do it!