Spilled liquid on the laptop or computer keyboard - what to do to prevent breakage?


  • Actions to be taken first
  • Features of the effects of various liquids on the state of the
  • keyboard How can I repair a spoiled laptop myself?

Despite the recommendation of specialists not to use different drinks while working at the computer, many modern users prefer to do as they please. Often, everything ends up spilling on the surface of the keys with liquid and panicky search for an exit from the situation. If the keyboard from a computer or a monoblock can simply be replaced, then with the keys on the surface of the laptop this will not work.

Some people think that it's enough to pour out the liquid by turning the device over, and wait until it dries out on its own. In some cases this really helps, but do not be surprised if after a few days or weeks after the accident the device will stop working.

Actions to be performed first

Emergency assistance consists of three phases, the correctness and speed of which will directly affect the state of the laptop. It is necessary to start at the same moment when the liquid, irrespective of its quality and texture, was shed:

  1. Disconnect the device and pull out the battery. Proper shutdown of the system to save data is not as important as preventing short circuits and burning all contacts. Contrary to popular belief, disconnecting the battery is equally important, because in it, even after disconnecting from the network, power schemes work.
  2. After that, disconnect from the device flash drives, disks, memory cards.
  3. Next, depending on the amount of spilled water or other liquid. If its volume is not more than 1-2 tablespoons, then turn the keyboard or laptop to prevent moisture from penetrating into the central parts of the case, after which we blot the surface with a paper towel. In the case of a larger volume, install the device on the edge, the ventilation holes should be located below, and gently shake, removing the maximum amount of liquid.

Tip: In the process of emergency assistance, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the device to check if it works. We will have to accept that they will not have to use at least 2-3 days.

Only having spent all these manipulations, it is necessary to decide what to do next - to try to clean and restore the device yourself or to seek help in a repair shop.

Features of the effects of various liquids on the state of the keyboard

The degree of damage to the laptop depends not only on the volume, but also on the quality of the liquid spilled onto its surface. The destructive effect of all drinks is different, which must be taken into account in the repair process.

  • Water. If water has been spilled on the keyboard, the chances of a system recovery are quite high, the product is fairly innocuous. The main thing is to act quickly and strictly according to the plan developed by specialists, otherwise there is a risk of corrosion development of individual elements. It should not be forgotten that a clean product will spread through the internal strokes of the device swiftly, increasing the possibility of a short circuit. In no case can you just try to dry the keys, processing should be full and consistent.
  • Such traditional drinks as tea or coffee, including those in which sugar or milk is added. With this defeat, the situation is much worse because of the acids that make up most of the components. For example, tea contains tannin, which has an acidic reaction. If milk is added to the drink, then the level of negative impact is even higher. Coffee is also quite aggressive, and in combination with sugar and cream ensures the appearance of a sticky layer that interferes with the operation of the keys.
  • Natural or packaged juice. Often consists of fairly large particles that are able to tighten firmly between elements. In addition, the sweet drink contains fruit acids, which have a pronounced destructive effect.
  • Beer. Not many people know that beer not only leaves a sticky trace on the plastic, but it also corrodes the elements of the device due to the low acid content. Many owners of laptops on which beer was spilled, even in the smallest amount, are faced with the fact that the product quickly fails, even if it did not initially fail.
  • Soda. Represents the greatest possible danger. In Coke, Sprite and their counterparts an impressive amount of chemical components, oxidizing and corroding the inside of the laptop or keyboard. In this case, it is necessary to act very quickly, in just a few hours the drink can cause irreparable harm to the device.

Regardless of what was spilled on the surface of keys, coffee, wine, tea, juice, beer or milk, it is necessary not only to get rid of excess liquid, but to wash the object with clean water. After that, you can go to the service center or start self-repair.

How can I repair a spoiled laptop myself?

To qualitatively and correctly clean the laptop, you do not need to contact a specialist. In general, they will do the same thing with the device, but the precious time, which in the case of spilled soda is counted in hours, can be missed.

  • The product must first be dismantled. To do this, we arm ourselves with suitable screwdrivers and, by placing an oilcloth under the panel, we methodically twist each screw. In order not to be confused with latches and hidden panels, it is recommended to use the instruction for parsing a particular model that can be found on the Internet. After that we conduct the inspection and evaluate the damage. Before you do anything else, you need to disconnect the battery that powers the motherboard, preventing a theoretically possible short circuit.

  • Cleaning and rinsing of components. Armed with a magnifying glass, inspect all the elements of the keyboard or laptop, looking for signs of darkening of the material or the appearance of spots. We remove all suspicious formulations with a soft lint-free cloth or with a dry toothbrush. First, use an alcohol solution, then distilled water( in extreme cases we replace the component with drinking water or filtered water).In the same way, you need to clean all the parts of the device.
  • If the board is damaged too much, then remove it, process it in a traditional way and leave it to dry for at least a day.
  • After processing, it remains to dry the laptop. Some masters advise using a hair dryer to speed up the process of getting rid of unnecessary liquid, but this is a too dangerous approach. If you even over-restrain the device, you can melt various elements or drive dust to where you do not need it. It is better to leave the product for 1-2 days in a dry place without dust and with good ventilation. It is necessary to take care that the parts do not get direct sunlight.

If you get water on the laptop, all the same manipulations are carried out, you do not just need to wash the product. After all the terms have passed, you need to assemble the device, do it better according to the scheme, and not from memory. If the device does not turn on or does not work, you will still have to contact the service center. Sometimes after such cleaning does not work only the keyboard, then you can try to replace it or draw an external device.