How do I remove a clothing label with a picture: ways and means

How do I remove a clothing label with a picture: ways and means

You want to remove the label from the garment when it is no longer needed? There are several different ways to solve this problem. Pictures of vinyl, decorative iron-on transfers - all this can be removed without a trace, and then - continue to use clothes. But you first need to understand what ...

How to remove rust from clothes: stain removers and other available means

How to remove rust from clothes: stain removers and other available means

By putting on a T-shirt from the corrosive stain or plaque wash pants with coins in your pocket, you have to find effective methods to remove rust from clothes. The first thing you should know before you get rid of the rusty streaks: the sooner take up the case, the greater the likelihood of suc...

What you can scrub the paint off clothes: different methods and techniques

What you can scrub the paint off clothes: different methods and techniques

In everyday life, as a rule, all repairs are completed cases remnants of paint products on personal things. Before you decide how to scrub paint from clothing, you need to know its composition, only then can you choose the right way to remove stains from clothing colors. It is better not to post...

Rust on clothing: methods of removing stains from white and colored items

Rust on clothing: methods of removing stains from white and colored items

Clothes can get dirty due to various reasons. Stains from street dirt or water is usually very easy to wash out. But red wine, fresh paint, or even worse -rzhavchina can deliver a big problem. Wash off rust from clothes at home is difficult, not for nothing are considered stubborn stains. But fo...

Soften leather goods at home: how to soften the coat and shoes from leather

Soften leather goods at home: how to soften the coat and shoes from leather

Clothes, shoes, gloves and other leather goods are in high demand. This is not surprising, because the leather goods proved their best due to its durability and practicality. Leather has always been in the trend. In addition, leather look very stylish and elegant. However, it is worth considerin...

How to wash and remove stains from the wax and the wax on clothes without resorting to the services of dry cleaning?

How to wash and remove stains from the wax and the wax on clothes without resorting to the services of dry cleaning?

It would seem that in the era of electricity and technology, the problem of removing stains from the wax of clothing is not relevant. Firstly, the demand for candles is not too large, and secondly, in our time there are dry cleaning, which can easily give a thing and pick it clean without much h...

How to wash clothes with wax: the known methods, tips for different types of fabric

How to wash clothes with wax: the known methods, tips for different types of fabric

Weddings, banquets, gala dinners and romantic dinners - candles found in the lives of people more often than you think. Tipsy guest restless child or a careless movement and... favorite once output dress sent to the far corner of the closet. Still drenched clothes waxed sooner considered hopeles...

Using paint for leather jackets in your house: types of dyes for leather

Using paint for leather jackets in your house: types of dyes for leather

Leather jackets are products that never go out of fashion, because it is elegant and stylish. But they have one drawback. Paint, which colored skin tends to quickly fade. Therefore, through the season, or a maximum of two of the original beauty and elegance is not a trace remains. With this lack...

How to bleach a white shirt at home: the methods, the use of folk and chemicals

How to bleach a white shirt at home: the methods, the use of folk and chemicals

Business people white clothes - it's the vast majority of everyday wardrobe and image. Style office requires a strict attitude towards appearance. White shirt is always an element symbol of purity and cleanliness. But very often this thing loses its aesthetic appearance. Content Methods of wh...

From old shirts get a great skirt: description of the process, tricks, advice

From old shirts get a great skirt: description of the process, tricks, advice

If you have a sewing machine and two hours of free time, there is no trouble to give old things new life. If you have imagination and desire, from old shirts get a great skirt. You will need to make a few simple steps.ContentRequired toolsNine Easy StepsAdvanced optionRequired toolsFirst of all i...