What you can scrub the paint off clothes: different methods and techniques

Removing paint from clothingIn everyday life, as a rule, all repairs are completed cases remnants of paint products on personal things. Before you decide how to scrub paint from clothing, you need to know its composition, only then can you choose the right way to remove stains from clothing colors. It is better not to postpone the decision of this question for later and not to lose time, a thing is still possible to save and return to her previous form!

Many wondered how to wash coat of paint and the paint can be rubbed away with the clothes.


  1. General rules
  2. oil-based
  3. Water dyes
  4. Hair dye
  5. aniline dyes
  6. Removal of acrylic compositions

General rules

It is important to try as much as possible to remove the paint from clothing, until it is completely dried up.

  1. You should not rub the stain first tucked a solvent, it is necessary to choose it carefully.
  2. Aggressive solvent initially need to test on inconspicuous place clothes and to evaluate the response of the tissue itself. If the structure and coloring material do not change, we can start to work.
  3. It is necessary to handle the contaminated area only from the wrong side, so that pollution does not penetrate deep into the fibers. Under the fabric need to put a plain white paper to absorb the solution of dirt.
  4. source of contamination should be removed from the periphery to the center, in order to eliminate stains.
  5. If you are unable to scrub completely, you will certainly need to wash the whole thing, not only to remove the particles of different cleaning agents, but also odor.


In many ways, you can scrub oil paint from clothing. Fresh stains can be spread with vegetable oil or butter. After 60 minutes of liquefaction in the oil to remove dirt from clothes liquid dishwashing. With the fat stains on the fabric is easy to handle and ammonia.

It is possible to "destroy" pollution, moistened with alcohol and priporoshit salt or soap rub, wet alcohol and prostiraut after 15 minutes. The latter option is ideal for rescue office pants.

Scrub oily stains with unruly denim trousers may be mineral spirits, gasoline or kerosene. Such solvents are well cleaned with a strong contamination of hair. Jeans quite absorb the paint, so the more effective means of cleaning is carried out in several stages. Such purification is suitable for even the most unruly patches.

  • To begin to process the material selected solvent, do not rinse for fifteen minutes.
  • Then wash with soap economic.
  • If the contamination is not completely gone, you have to use an oxygen remover.

Ways to remove paint FROM colored clothes You can remove oily stains nail polish remover (without acetone) and warm glycerol. For example, if a fabric with colored and colorful pattern, it is not desirable to use acetone.

However, Trouser light from a natural material Acetone is the ideal option, but do not forget about testing! If you do not want to deal with acetone, then you can apply a mixture of gasoline and grated chalk. It is mush rub into the fabric after 60 minutes it is necessary to remove the brush pieces of chalk and wash the thing.

For long-standing spots:

  • To get them, you have to treat the place with turpentine: how to soften the stain, rub it with water soaked soda (food);
  • Mix alcohol, benzene, turpentine. Take a tampon, dip it into the mixture and rub the stain until until it disappears from the clothing.

Water dyes

To dye the water-based should be treated with care. After drying, they really are not washed, It is no wonder that the water-based paint and acrylic used in the construction business for painting facades. However fresh stains are washed away without problems by means of warm water and the solid brush.

Ways to bring a spot of paintFROM hair better to remove paint a lot of shampoo and warm water, but first remove the excess with a tissue contamination. Harder to scrub the paint off clothing if vodoemulsionku dry. It is necessary to soften the cloth with water, put it on a damp cloth. In 30 minutes walk with a stiff brush and wash.

To remove the acrylic should be added to the soapy water soda or vinegar and rub the material thoroughly. If the layer is dried up securely, you can soak the cloth overnight in an unusual solution: mix two cups of water, two tablespoons of salt and vinegar.

Hair dye

Scrub hair dye from clothing will only be on the "hot pursuit": first rub with warm water, followed by drop of glycerine and walk again with a sponge. The bleach solution may add 3 drops of acetic acid and applied to tissue. The hot water in any case does not apply, so as hair dyes at high temperatures are absorbed deeper into the fiber. It failed completely wash off the paint Hair - it is necessary to wet the stained portion of ammonia and rinse or buy a stain remover.

aniline dyes

Undoubtedly, with these spots have to tinker, to clean clothes from them is difficult, because the aniline used for dyeing fabrics. First you need to remove as much dirt with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol. The treated solution of potassium permanganate stain and rub gently with oxalic acid.

Removal of acrylic compositions

Show acrylic paint with a jacket - not an easy task, but it is possible by using isopropyl alcohol.

  1. Spot of paint on his jacketTo begin to wet the stain with isopropyl alcohol (you can buy it in pharmacies) and soak well.
  2. Scrape off the paint in one direction and then in reverse, using a toothpick or coins.
  3. In the washing machine to wash the jacket, it is necessary to pre-select the optimal mode for washing fabrics, to bring clothes with paint.

With some dyes can handle only a professional dry cleaning.