- Reasons for deformation of woolen articles
- Ways to help you reanimate a planted thing
- If the case is more serious
- If the product needs to be stretched only a little
How to stretch a sweater that has sat down after washing?- This is quite problematic, at first glance, because if he sat down, then it became small, and since it's small, then it will be almost impossible to dress him. And more often it happens with delicate and not cheap things, for example, woolen ones. But strangely enough, this problem has long been learned to cope. And how exactly, we will tell you in this article.
to the contents ↑Reasons for the deformation of woolen products
With a significant reduction in the size of the thing after the end of washing, a lot of housewives came across. In order to completely eliminate the possibility of such a problem in the future, you must understand why woolen things do sit down. There are only two main reasons.
Unsuitable detergents used
Aggressive powders have a negative effect on the structure of the yarns, destroy the protein, which implies active compression. In order to wash the woolen thing correctly and not be puzzled by the problem, how to stretch the sweater that sat down after washing:
- use only special compounds - as a rule, they should be marked for wool;
- give preference to the fact that they are sold as a liquid - this is a self-simplifying rinse.
Important! If you do not have such a tool at hand, you can use an ordinary hair shampoo. It will be a more acceptable option than regular powder or rather aggressive household chemicals.
Abrupt change of the temperature regime of
The main cause of compression of woolen things is neither as hot water, as most people are used to thinking. Compression of the filaments provokes a very sharp change in the temperature regime of the water.
Important! It is for this reason that it is not recommended to wash such items of the wardrobe with a washing machine, even putting out delicate washing.
to the contents ↑Ways to help you reanimate the planted thing
Even if you have made a mistake or a village thing, although you seem to have observed all the rules for washing it, you can correct the situation. So, the sweater sat down after washing - what to do?
Stretching with steam
Returning a larger view of the size, which will roughly resemble the original, will help the effect of heat and the steam itself. But if you use them, be extremely careful, because the thermal impact can permanently disrupt the structure of the material:
- Sow the product several times soak and wring out.
- After this, spread it on a flat horizontal surface and cover with a cotton cloth.
- Through this protective layer, stroke the thing with a hot iron, you can connect the steaming mode or steam blow.
- While ironing a thing, you should lightly stretch it with your hands in the direction you need. But be very careful, after such manipulations the material will be incredibly hot.
- Repeat these steps until the product dries completely.
Important! Such a technique excellently acts on things that have a mixed composition. A sweater that is made of 100% wool in this way is unlikely to stretch .
Special Compositions and Tools
To reanimate your favorite product will help rinse in a special composition. He will make woolen yarns soft and elastic, which will make the stretching process expensive for the heart of the outfit much easier:
- Prepare the following composition, for this take: 4-6 l of water, which should be room temperature, 1 tbsp.l.vodka or cologne, 3 tbsp.l.ammonia, 1 tbsp.l.turpentine. Soak the sweater in it for 40 minutes, rinse, squeeze lightly. After that, you can go directly to stretching. Soak for 30 minutes in a solution of vinegar, the proportion of water and vinegar should be 2: 1.After that, try to stretch.
- In 1 bucket of water at room temperature, add 2-3 tbsp.l.ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Soak a settled copy of clothes for 30 minutes. After that, wring out and dry, periodically stretching, while trying to give the desired shape.
Combined method
The sequence of actions when using such a tool is as follows:
- Wet the product in the water, with the exception of the shoulders, and also the throat. Wrap it in a towel, so that it absorbs all excess moisture. It is strictly prohibited to press the product.
- Then hang it on the hangers and leave until the product dries completely.
- Water again in cold water and leave it in a completely horizontal position.
- Constantly approach the product and stretch it.
- Later, hang the thing already on the hanger, so that it is slightly ventilated.
- Prepare the iron. It is desirable that it has a steaming function.
- Separately, prepare a mixture of water and vinegar in a proportion of 2: 1, pour it into a spray.
- Treat it with a sweater, and then start to steam, but in no case touching the fur itself.
- Simultaneously, try to stretch the thing with your hands.
Another little secret is that the conditioner for hair helps smooth the woolen threads. Knowing this secret will help you if you need to stretch a sweater that has sat down after washing.
Here's what you should do:
- Rinse the product in water, the temperature of which will not be more than 30 degrees.
- After that, place it in the pelvis, anoint it with an available hair conditioner.
Important! Make sure that the air conditioner is evenly applied to the entire surface of your product.
- After passing 5 minutes you can already pull the jacket, but only with your hands horizontally.
Important! The size of your product can increase a maximum of 1.5 times.
to the contents ↑If the case is more serious
There is an even more effective recipe for how to stretch a woolen sweater that sat down after washing. Thus, it can be increased by approximately one size. In order to do this:
- Place the product in slightly warm water. If the throat is not small, this part should be left dry.
- Wipe the product with a towel and then place it on the hanger. Of course, ideally, this product can be worn on a mannequin, which is unlikely to be found on your balcony or in the attic.
- When drying the product, make sure that the air is not excessively warm.
- In addition, during the drying process, you can pin the resusable sweater to one of your towels at the edges with the help of pins, so that it can not move or decrease.
Dry Cleaning
In the event that none of the above described methods could help, and you really want to save the product, ask for a dry-cleaning service. They certainly know about how to stretch a sweater, which sat down after washing.
But not in all purges such a service is provided, so before you give the thing, consult the receiver. In particular, if your product belongs to those to whom this procedure is contraindicated. For example, if there are silk threads in the composition of this product, or they are decorated with some elements that are not very strong in appearance.
to the contents ↑If the product needs to be stretched only a little
First of all, you must definitely determine what was deformed: only some places may be problematic, for example: armholes, sleeves and the like. In this case, the product can simply be carried, putting it on yourself and walking in it for about 4-6 hours.
As it turned out, if you adhere to simple rules, you can even stretch a carefully-worn sweater. We hope you managed to do this and you will not have to repeat the search for ways to restore your clothes.