In the life of modern people is very much needed and not things, but a classic piece of outerwear, such as coats, there necessarily. Coats can be so different and beautiful, that to refrain from buying such a thing is impossible. So part of our lives cashmere coat, polyester, wool and many other fabrics.
Anyone who had put on the article of clothing will feel confident. But the situation may change considerably if a bright, elegant coat becomes dirty. Wear it will be awkward and uncomfortable. Then it is necessary to wash the coat at home.
- What you need to know for self-washing
- Wash depending on the tissue type
- professional advice
What you need to know for self-washing

Before going into self-cleaning products, you need to study it carefully. To begin, take a look at the factory label, affixed to the inner lining of the product. If it is drawn upside down and crossed the basin, it means that the washing in an automatic washing machine is not recommended for him. In this case, do not risk the appearance of the dearest things and spend money on dry cleaning, trust the professionals. The dry cleaning is used Special cleaners and professional equipment, there is your thing can lead in order and bring it back to life.
The most basic embodiment to select cleaning is:
- The fabric from which the sewn product.
- tailoring the quality of the product.
Carefully review all the seams, which sewn product and make sure that they are all equal. Also important is the thickness of the thread. The thicker the skin, the better the quality. In many modern models of outerwear found glued parts. Such a thing should not be washed in the machine, it is better to use local methods of cleaning by hand. Check the quality of the fabric is very simple. Enough to take the least conspicuous corner of fabric and rub on her water. Soak the piece in the water for an hour and see if the water will turn, and if a piece of fabric fade. If the above has happened, it is better to abandon the idea to wash yourself.
If you can not find the ban on washing on the label, and the soaking water was drowned, You can be washed in the machine. But before it is better to remove all the unnecessary details from the product. We are talking about a fur trim, large buttons and other elements of decor. Repulse them, and be able to return them to the place with a few stitches at the end of the washing and drying.
Wash depending on the tissue type
Washable wool coat can wash your hands or on the delicate cycle in the washing machine. For washing, use special gels, washing woolen clothes. On automatic washing machine has a washing mode - for wool, use it, and in any case not include spin.
After removal from the machine things put it on a flat surface to allow water to drain. Then hang it on trempel. If somewhere there folds after washing, can be ironed creases on the lowest temperature, but do not forget to use a thin cloth or gauze to utyuzhivaniya. The product should be slightly nedosushennym. Can I wash woolen coat, the answer is - yes, but given the number of its features.
It is now the most popular is the coat of polyester. This is a very unpretentious modern material, it is easily amenable to washing at home, including in an automatic washing machine. Yet the need to wash delicate mode, the water temperature should be no higher than 30 degrees Celsius. Polyester is a synthetic material, which is usually well tolerated by these types of washing. Wash the thing to be dried on trempel.
If you wash cashmere coat in the machine, most likely, the material sit or get a lot of pellet. Purifying such garments must manually and locally, only in place of the polluted or dry cleaning. machine wash cashmere coat It will be disastrous.
Leather coat, at first glance, quite unpretentious, but to wash it in the machine is not necessary. Clear contamination with such a product, you can manually, using a mild soap solution. Just wipe the soiled place a cloth soaked in soapy water. Often there are grease stains, to remove them, use talcum powder or gasoline. If a thing Ink, use alcohol or vinegar. Drying of such products is also carried out via trempelya.
Coat of thick woolen cloth, as well as cashmere coat, does not tolerate aggressive types of laundry, wash it only manually. To use liquid cleansing gels or by special means for delicate fabrics. Such tissue will not tolerate twisting and rubbing stains. Only a very careful treatment of the outerwear will help to keep a nice appearance and avoid deformation.
professional advice
The greater the percentage of natural fibers in the product, the more vigilant to be its owner, decided to wash the thing home. This product is much more likely to become covered spool or out of shape after washing.
Before washing, you need to coat buttoned all the zippers and buttons, and then turn the coat inside out and put it in a bag for washing things. If you do not have a special bag, use an old or unnecessary pillowcase with a zipper, just be sure not to paint the pillowcase fabric product.
Tops are usually sewn of dense tissue, so the drying process takes a lot of time. To avoid zaprevaniya things dry it on trempel in a ventilated area.
Detergent should be chosen, given the type of fabric and colors specific to the product that you will be cleaned.
If it is insulated by a fluff or padding polyester, the material may be matted during washing. To avoid this, use the special balls for washing these things and put them in the drum.
Wool coat will look better after washing, if before washing tray for sprinkling powder add a little glycerin. This will not matted fabric in the future. To better preserve the color of wool, will help to add to the water a weak vinegar.
Mitigate natural fabrics and provide additional protection against further contamination will help a small amount of added air conditioner for the hair in the tray.
A lot of factors affect the appearance in the washing process, so Think several timesBefore you decide to wash the thing yourself. Remember, quite the smallest mistakes to lose your favorite thing ever. If there is one factor that causes doubt, do not ignore it and contact a specialist.