Soften leather goods at home: how to soften the coat and shoes from leather

How to soften the skin - useful tipsClothes, shoes, gloves and other leather goods are in high demand. This is not surprising, because the leather goods proved their best due to its durability and practicality. Leather has always been in the trend. In addition, leather look very stylish and elegant. However, it is worth considering the fact that such clothes need proper care.

After some time, the skin becomes rough and tough. Because of this, a jacket or shoes lose its attractive appearance. That is why to return to the original form of the product need to know how to soften the skin, without violating the integrity of it. But to start is to deal with the question of why the skin loses its softness.


  1. Why leather products become rough
  2. Ways to mitigate the jacket
  3. Rugged Leather Shoulder Bag
  4. How to soften shoes

Why leather products become rough

How to make leather shoes softerBecause of their positive characteristics about the quality of commonly used things from leather are top clothes and shoes - things that most reacted with sunlight, rain and low temperature. If after getting wet or a long stay in the sun leather goods stored properly, they become rough. Products acquire stiffness and hardness. Such jackets, gloves and shoes put uncomfortable to wear. Of course, the product can be returned to the previous form, giving them to the repair or dry-cleaned, but they can also restore their own.

Currently, the sale is a set of various tools for the care of leather goods. It remains to allocate only a little time and patience to the works were awarded with a positive result.

Ways to mitigate the jacket

Most at risk of losing its softness it is exposed to a leather jacket, because she has to endure the scorching rays of the sun and, cold and rain, and even frost. Because of all these climatic effects, it becomes rough and tough. In order to make the product soft again, you can use one of several simple ways that you can apply at home:

  • Castor oil. This option is best used for dark-colored jackets. Processing of leather products with castor oil makes it possible to make them once again soft and pleasant to the touch. Oil can be purchased at any pharmacy. In order to soften the jacket, means must first pour a thick cloth, and then simply triturated by oil jacket surface. That the product has acquired its original form, it must be oiled 2-3 times. However, between the procedures necessary to make small breaks to allow the oil to soak in.
  • Vaseline - one of the most popular tools for skin carepetroleum jelly. If a jacket or light-colored gloves are soft and have acquired the old look, you can restore better to use petroleum jelly. Means you just need to grind the surface of clothing or accessory.
  • Wax. This tool is also suitable for light-colored products. For the best effect it is recommended to use the wax together with Vaseline. To do this you need to mix the ingredients in equal proportions and rub the surface with a cloth jacket or other items.
  • Glycerol. This tool should be used only in combination with other substances. If the jacket spread only glycerin, it is after drying will become even tougher. In order to make the composition to soften the leather products need glycerol, two egg whites, warm water and lemon. Proteins are whipped, and they smeared jacket using textile napkins. After that the product should dry for 4 hours. Frozen protein is removed with a damp cloth. The surface is then wiped with a double jacket with a slice of lemon with a two-hour break. At the end of the procedure the surface should soften with glycerine. After 6-8 hours, the remains of the glycerol must be removed with a damp cloth.

Rugged Leather Shoulder Bag

Strap of leather over time, loses moisture and becomes rough. Fortunately, there are several ways of softening the rough leather belt that can be applied at home:

  • Lard will help to make things softer leatherFat or any fat. This natural component is able to soften the skin and make it soft again. To do this, soak a cloth in fat and rub their belt. Then the product should be left to dry completely. At the end of the procedure, the skin can be lubricated additionally castor oil or baby cream.
  • Coconut oil. To soften skin products smeared vehicle with a cloth or rag. Thereafter, the belt must be placed in the open air for 5 minutes to skin pores were opened, and the oil was absorbed inside. The procedure must continue for as long as the entire surface of the accessory is covered with a thin layer of oil.

How to soften shoes

Shoes, like jackets, heavily exposed to external shocks. well suited to soften the skin:

  • Vaseline.
  • Castor oil.
  • Linseed oil.

This requires only rub one of these means into the surface of the shoe with a cloth or wipe. It should also pay attention to the fact that flaxseed oil has also water repellent.

If only coarsened shoe heel or toe, it is best to use wax or paraffin. To do this simply means to be well rubbed into the surface and allow to dry well.

To mitigate the natural leather are also well suited cream or fat cow's milk.

All of the above methods are very effective against the tough and rough skin. Using these shoes can again regain its original elasticity and softness, further increasing its service life.