- How to iron a jacket?
- Sequence of actions when ironing a suit
- Features of ironing various materials
A classic jacket is an indispensable thing in the wardrobe of not only men but also business women. A business suit is the only suitable clothing for solemn occasions, and since the saying says "meet on clothes", it's not superfluous to know how to stroke a jacket.
Can someone say that there is nothing complicated in this process. However, the creases that appeared once on the jacket may not be smoothed out. In addition, if you iron the jacket incorrectly, then there is a risk of making new wrinkles.
Important! If you are not sure that you can pat your jacket yourself, then better entrust this procedure to dry cleaners.
to the contents ↑How to iron a jacket?
Jackets and jackets are a classic style and they should always look neat. To iron a jacket or an entire business suit, you need certain tools, in particular:
- Iron. It is more preferable to iron the iron with the steaming function, although today almost all models are equipped with this option.
- Ironing board. We recommend using an ironing board with a narrow nozzle, which will help to iron the three-dimensional details.
- Thin cotton fabric( gauze).
Before the ironing procedure, it is necessary to carry out the preparatory work with the product itself:
- Make sure that the jacket is clean, because if there are stains and dirt on the fabric, after the heat treatment with an iron, they will go deep into the fibers, and getting rid of stains will be very problematic.
- Even if the product is clean, just in case, knock it out and clean it with a wet brush to remove dust and hair.
- Carefully read the labels on the product, which indicates the manufacturer's recommendations for clothing care. Pay attention to the recommended temperature regime, so as to surely properly pat the jacket.
Important! Sometimes manufacturers hide labels in their internal pockets.
- Remove all pockets and check for foreign objects.
Procedure for ironing the suit
- First of all, install the ironing board.
- Turn on the iron and set the recommended temperature mode. Be sure to check that the soleplate of the iron is perfectly clean, otherwise the dirt from it will fall on the fabric of the product. If the sole requires cleaning, then rub it with a brush, and then wipe it with a damp cloth. For more thorough contamination, use a special cleaning pencil.
Important! Do not iron the clothes with a hotter iron than stated on the label, as it can damage the fabric. Choose a lower temperature to stroke the jacket, too, should not, since it is much more difficult to smooth out all the creases. For products made of natural wool, the temperature of the iron should not exceed 165 ° C.
- Pour water into a small container to wet, a clean cloth prepared.
- Place the jacket on the ironing board.
- Gently smooth out all the bends, creases, wrinkles.
- Remove the pockets, evenly spread them on the ironing board.
- Through wet matter, iron one pocket and then the other.
- Carefully remove the pockets.
- Wear the jacket of the jacket with water.
- Pull the sleeve of the sleeve onto the small nozzle.
Important! Special sleeves for sleeves are sold complete with ironing boards, however you can purchase them separately.
If you do not have a special sleeper stand, then use a rolled towel - put it inside.
For ironing sleeves without a nozzle, you can use a wooden rolling pin, wrapped in a towel. Make a kind of roller and insert it into the sleeve.
- Smooth the sleeves with steam, gradually turning them in a circle. Make sure that there are no creases and bends - then you can properly stroke the jacket. Shooter do not need.
- Shoulder shoulders slightly moisten by sprinkling them from the spray gun.
- Pull the shoulder of the jacket on the tapering part of the board.
- The shoulders should be ironed on the wrong side.
- Pay attention to the seams( elbow and shoulder), carefully straightening and ironing. Turn the jacket over to the front.
- Through a damp cloth, iron the back and shelves, as well as the bottom. They are easy to iron, the main thing is not to leave wrinkles.
- Gently stretch the collar and lapels.
- Cover the front door with a damp cloth.
- Smooth the iron smoothly on the seam. If the part is wrinkled, then with one hand, tighten the gate, and the second - gently apply the iron.
- Lapel smooth without stripping through cotton fabric( gauze).Corner straighten with a sharp spout iron.
- After completing ironing, allow the product to dry thoroughly and cool down.
Important! An alternative to an iron can be a steamer. With its help, iron the product hung on the hangers, without using the board and other devices.
Useful advices:
- If the product is made of a smooth fabric, then ironing the jacket is necessary from the bottom-up. And if the fabric on the jacket is fuzzy, then start stroking the product from above, so that the pile is properly laid and not wrung.
- If you have chosen some direction for ironing a smooth fabric, then observe it on the surface of the entire jacket.
- Gauze( or other fabric), through which you iron, thoroughly wet and squeeze, so that there are no shiny places on the product.
- If the thing is wriggled so badly that you can not smooth the wrinkles with the iron, then use a vertical steamer or hang clothes over your shoulders over the basin with boiling water. Under the influence of steam, the tissue will be straightened in 20-30 minutes and will be ready for ironing.
- If there is an unpleasant shine in some places of the product, iron this area through a woolen damp cloth.
- During the ironing process, the light should fall on the left, and the cord - do not get under your feet.
- If there are metal buttons on the thing, iron the jacket very carefully, as the parts can melt or tarnish. During the ironing procedure, try not to touch the buttons and set the temperature correctly.
- If the jacket is made of synthetic fabrics( nylon, polyester), then use a cooler mode of iron and without steam.
Features of the ironing process for various materials
In addition to the standard rules, there are a number of additional recommendations from the manufacturers of classic costume clothing regarding how to pat this or that fabric.
Jacket made of wool
The peculiarity of wool clothes is that it can stretch or sit down. Therefore, to avoid stretching the seams and material, the iron can not be transported by parts. Apply the device first to one place, and then to the next. At the beginning of the ironing procedure, the product should be slightly damp - and at the end - almost dry.
Important! If the woolen jacket is not left dry, then shrinkage may occur. If the product has sat down while washing, then during ironing, you can deliberately stretch it a little.
Corduroy jacket
To iron a jacket made of pile fabric is necessary with special attention so that it does not lose sight. Corduroy jacket must be ironed only in the direction of the nap and from the underside. Place the front part of the product not on the board, but on a piece of nap cloth or a towel.
Observe the following guidelines for straightening fabrics for corduroy models:
- Do not treat the product dry.
- Do not iron the jacket wet.
- To avoid staining, do not spray water on the front of the product.
- For the ironing procedure, use a Teflon sole with a steamer.
- Irrigate only.
- Do not press the iron hard to avoid deforming the material pattern.
Linen Jacket
As a rule, products made from flax very quickly crumple, and ironing is difficult. High temperatures for linen products are contraindicated. It is best to not iron or coat a linen jacket without letting the product dry completely( for example, immediately after washing).Proizvodite from the wrong side.
Since the linen jacket does not have a lining, this will facilitate the complex process of straightening folds and creases on it. In addition, if the jacket made of linen is slightly wrinkled and does not look perfect, then it should be remembered that an easy bruising for such products is the norm.
How to iron a leather jacket?
Often, leather products crumple after long storage in cabinets, lose respectable appearance. If you doubt your abilities, do not know how to choose the right way to iron the product from the skin, then use dry cleaning services. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several methods of ironing leather things at home, but you should use these tips very carefully, because the skin is both natural and artificial, a very delicate material. If the ironing process is not performed correctly, it can be spoiled.
Important! Do not use an iron when smoothing leather things. However, if you want to use this device, set the temperature regime to a minimum, and cover the product with a thin layer of Kraft paper, and lead the iron over it, but not over the skin.
Cold method
The easiest and easiest way to straighten a leather jacket. Just hang the thing on the hanger-hanger and let it stretch out. If the product has undesirable creases or creases, the drawbacks will be eliminated by themselves during the drawing process.
Disadvantage of this method:
To iron such a cloak or jacket, it will take an average of a week, although for a thin leather material, one or two days will suffice.
Steam method
Direct contact with water on the skin is highly undesirable, but steam treatment is recommended. The treatment of the product is very simple: fill half the bath with hot water and hang over it the right thing.
Important! Watch for the level of evaporation of water, as excessive vapor emission can adversely affect the product.
The steam generator can also be used for steam processing. The maximum height of the device above the product is 10 cm. The device can be replaced with an iron having the function of a steam generator.
Vaseline and peanut butter as an equalizer
The most gentle of all methods is the method of leveling a leather product with Vaseline or peanut butter.
The treatment process is as follows:
- Dampen the cotton swab( disk) with petroleum jelly.
- Handle all problem areas of the product with a swab.
- Place the jacket on your hangers.
- Take out the product for 2 hours in a well-ventilated place( balcony, loggia, etc.)
Important! Vaseline can be replaced with walnut oil, but it is quite expensive, and not in every city it is sold.
We hope that thanks to our article, you have patted the jacket correctly, you have not had any more questions, and your product shines with cleanliness and a beautiful view.