If you have a sewing machine and two hours of free time, there is no trouble to give old things new life. If you have imagination and desire, from old shirts get a great skirt. You will need to make a few simple steps.

- Required tools
- Nine Easy Steps
- Advanced option
Required tools
First of all it is necessary to free the desktop or other suitable surface of all superfluous. Then you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools:

- scissors;
- a measuring tape (suitable conventional tape measure);
- large safety pin;
- a tailor's chalk (can replace conventional soap sharpened on one side);
- elastic tape 3 cm in width (longest string is also suitable);
- square;
- old unnecessary shirt.
Once all the necessary to be prepared, you can begin to work.
Nine Easy Steps
Sewing is necessary to observe a certain course of action:

- Cut off the bottom of the shirt. To do this, from the bottom edge to measure the expected future long skirts, mark and cut out.
- Try. To fold in half skirt to get the belt, and then to put it on yourself or on a future owner of the skirt. The belt should be free, but it does not fly with the hips.
- Scribbling clasp along buttons from top to bottom. The upper and lower edge stitch 2-3.
- Prepare Drawstring waist. The upper skirt part bent to the reverse side for 4 cm (or 2.5 cm when the lace is used instead of the elastic band). The bending iron to iron and stitch on the edge, leaving an exposed portion to vdet elastic band.
- Insert the elastic band in Drawstring waist. On the edge of the elastic band attached vdet pin and through the open portion in the elastic band kuliske waist. Next, it is gathered to the right waist circumference. Unnecessary part cut, the ends tied in a knot, and the open area to stitch.
- Mark the sleeves. At the very armhole each sleeve need to mark a straight line trimming, extending diagonally. Make it easy with the help of the polygon.
- Cut off the sleeves of the markers lines, neaten the edges.
- Pin sleeves on the side seams (seams to cut) on the decorative pins. In the absence of the latter can be simply stitched sleeves.
- Finish the job. If desired, the sleeve stitch and engage both the front and rear (kuliske above or below the waist).
It gives a very elegant and unique skirt that keeps style shirt. Now the thing will again be able to please his owner every day.
Advanced option
If the home was found at least three old shirts, the new skirt will be even more unique. To create unusual patterns have to try.
To begin with cutting the bottom of the first shirt. Then rip the left seam. The result is a half of the front portion of the skirt. To do with the second jacket is the same, only this time to strut right seam. Connect via fasteners two halves of the front of the skirt. If the buttons of different shirts do not fit, you can alter the buttons the first shirt in a place where the second loop. Two halves stitched together by the clasp downwards. The front of the skirt is ready.

It's time to cut by a third the length of the skirt shirts available. Now, from her need to leave Only the back of the. To do this, gently rip the side seams. Then you have stitched the back of the skirt to the front on the inside. This is followed by action on the familiar algorithm.
For best results, the shirt should be roughly the same size. If they are different, you need to fit them into the same size.

There is an opportunity to experiment with different sleeves. You can even just pin them to the decorative pins and changing every day.
If you have only two shirts, the front part of the best to do one, and back - of a second. And you can give a second shirt Only half of the front part.
Skirt of old shirts - this is a very unusual piece of clothing that allows you to not only give full play to their imagination, but also stand out in the crowd dressed as standard.