How to wash jeans in a washing machine: washing mode and special funds

How to wash jeans in a washing machine: washing mode and special funds

Even a strong and simple clothes, like jeans need proper care, as if not washed or cleaned denim may lose its attractive appearance. It may fade, shed and sit down, and sometimes burst. That is why it is important to wash jeans in a washing machine. To do this, you need to know a few simple secr...

How to straighten feathers in down jacket after washing: especially drying and recovery, useful tips

How to straighten feathers in down jacket after washing: especially drying and recovery, useful tips

To date, a down jacket - is the most popular and practical outerwear. But in the process of socks he is spoiled and loses its appeal, it means it is time to clean or wash. If you dare wash down jacket in the washing machine, you must know all the nuances of the laundry and that he was not left i...

How to wash a winter jacket from syntepon: washing rules

How to wash a winter jacket from syntepon: washing rules

It may seem that outerwear, worn in the colder seasons, is not the easiest subject for cleaning. But it is only at first glance, besides washing machine greatly facilitates this process. In fact, nothing complicated task to wash the jacket is not enough to know some of the nuances, to protect ga...

How to clean suede jacket at home

How to clean suede jacket at home

Despite some difficulties in the care of suede, pretty easy to clean suede jacket at home. Do not feel obligated to the dry cleaners, all the necessary procedures can be performed at home. Such a problem often arises before owners of trendy things and come to resolve it with the mind follows. De...

How to clean ink stains from jeans at home

How to clean ink stains from jeans at home

Paint jeans, as well as for any other article of clothing, it is a very troublesome problem. Feature of denim is that it is deeply absorbing colorant, so even fresh clean spot is not so simple. It is not always assist chemicals. If you are unable to give jeans a professional dry cleaner, you sho...

What can wash out Zelenka with clothes: use of chemicals and improvised

What can wash out Zelenka with clothes: use of chemicals and improvised

For the disinfection of wounds and abrasions indispensable tool is brilliant green. It is able to protect open wounds from infections and bacteria to protect against complications. The appearance of the wound or abrasion can be predicted, sometimes open bottle this wonder drug has to hurry. As a...

Methods and means for otstiryvaniya ink stains from clothes

Methods and means for otstiryvaniya ink stains from clothes

Ink stains are familiar to all housewives, especially when children begin school. But not only the students manage to leave stains on the clothes from the handle. This problem can occur both at home and in the office. Wash off ink stains a white shirt, and on any other clothes - it is a problem....

Paint clothes and textiles in the home: the dyeing process

Paint clothes and textiles in the home: the dyeing process

Dyeing of fabrics and garments in the home is not a new idea. If you have at home a little bit yellowed tissue, which lost to aesthetics, in such cases, the staining is his special justification - to update the color table cloths, curtains and pillow cases, giving them a trendy color and save th...

How to remove chewing gum from clothing: hot and cold method, the use of solvents

How to remove chewing gum from clothing: hot and cold method, the use of solvents

Unpleasant encounter such a problem, as the gum sticking to clothing. You might accidentally sit on it in a public place or stepping on the sidewalk. Attempts to unstick gum hands fails. What to do and how to clean clothes from the gum? Reply to this question is quite simple, if you read this ar...

Removing stains from clothing with oil from the engine, butter, vegetable

Removing stains from clothing with oil from the engine, butter, vegetable

Almost every woman faces the problem of oil stains on clothing. In the kitchen, without this product can not do the slightest hit it on the cloth greasy trail that eventually only increase. The men who repair cars with his own hands, risking the same plant oil slick. Withdraw such contamination ...