How do I wash my wedding dress at home?

How do I wash my wedding dress at home?

Contents: What spots can appear on the wedding dress? How do I clean my wedding dress at home? Is it possible to wash a wedding dress in a washing machine? Recommendations for drying and ironing the wedding dress The most memorable and pleasant event for all the ...

How to erase black things?

How to erase black things?

Contents: Rules for washing black clothes How to restore black clothes? Black things are very convenient, practical, and also allow you to emphasize or visually adjust the figure. But that their service life was long, the shade remained the same saturated, it is neces...

How to compact things in a suitcase?

How to compact things in a suitcase?

Contents: Requirements for a suitcase How to pack a suitcase? How to properly assemble a suitcase? How to compact things in a suitcase? A few tips on how to properly pack a suitcase How to fold a suit( jacket) into a suitcase so that it does not wrinkle? ...

How to whiten jeans at home?

How to whiten jeans at home?

Contents: How to bleach jeans? How to whiten jeans with whiteness? How to bleach jeans with soda? Transformation of things with hydrogen peroxide Creating beautiful jeans with your own hands Using lemon juice for whitening Tips and Tricks: The most in...

How to clean the jacket of paint?

How to clean the jacket of paint?

Contents: How to remove paint from the surface of the jacket? How to remove paint from a leather jacket? How to clean the jacket of paint? No one is immune from the unpleasant moments associated with the contamination of outer clothing. How to clean the jacket of the...

How to quickly dry the jeans after washing: the methods and tips

How to quickly dry the jeans after washing: the methods and tips

Sometimes it happens that before leaving the house remains a matter of minutes, and your favorite jeans are wet through. The situation seems desperate, but in reality it is not so. There are several emergency methods that will help to quickly dry the jeans. Sometimes the situation is so that bef...

Removal of foam from the hair and clothes: Special solvents, handy tools

Removal of foam from the hair and clothes: Special solvents, handy tools

People who had to deal with repair work, surely has repeatedly used the mounting foam. It is often indispensable in the repair and has excellent adhesion to materials. But it is the dignity of construction foam instantly turns to her disadvantage, if the tool is inadvertently on the clothes or h...

How to wash a winter park in the washing machine: recommendations, advice

How to wash a winter park in the washing machine: recommendations, advice

Park - many favorite winter clothes. Things, made of polyester, are very popular. This synthetic material has significant advantages: wear-resistant, low-cost, practical, easy to clean, washed easily, dries quickly, almost no creases. The park polyester comfortable in any weather: rain, wind, sn...

How to clean the coat of down: ways to remove soiled, wash at home tips

How to clean the coat of down: ways to remove soiled, wash at home tips

Cleaning down jacket - not an easy task. Usually such garments is recommended to hand over to the dry cleaners, but it can be expensive enough, and guarantees accurate handling nobody will give your things. Well even if the jacket of dark color and is made of non-staining material - on products ...

How to wash a down jacket at home: the rules and methods of washing, especially sushi products

How to wash a down jacket at home: the rules and methods of washing, especially sushi products

With the onset of cold weather, many taken out of their cabinets jackets. This cozy outerwear perfectly retains heat, able to hide figure flaws and is relatively inexpensive. Even the most careful owner forced down jacket at least once per season to wash their thing. And when there is a question...