How to clean the coat of down: ways to remove soiled, wash at home tips

Methods and means for cleaning down jacket at homeCleaning down jacket - not an easy task. Usually such garments is recommended to hand over to the dry cleaners, but it can be expensive enough, and guarantees accurate handling nobody will give your things. Well even if the jacket of dark color and is made of non-staining material - on products such spots are not so noticeable, and the problem of cleaning down jacket will not wake up so often.

But the owners of light, especially white down jackets will not be easy: a dirty, greasy jacket looks untidy, special cleaning is expensive, and erase scary - can ruin a feather filler. Is there a way out of this predicament?


  1. Self cleaning down jacket at home
  2. Wash machine
  3. Removing greasy stains 

Self cleaning down jacket at home

Especially cleaning down jacket at homeTo clean the jacket at home, of course, you can search and find a lot of advice on the Internet, but almost everywhere will see warnings from the laundry.

Some people believe that washable jacket on the feathers can not be, because this is very sensitive to filler wetting, and it is better to be alone faded spots on the down jacket and soiled edges of the sleeves and pockets than plunge it into the washing machine entirely.

In fact, the so-called "dry" cleaning down jacket at home pretty useless. In partial processing of stains and traces of fat without washing on the fabric jacket is likely remain stains and smudges of detergent or water that look untidy same as dirt.

As a result, I spent a lot of time messing with outerwear, and the desired result will not be. It is therefore recommended dirty down jacket at home still wash.

Wash machine

There are several ways how wash down jacket in the washing machine. Quite possible to make the process safe for the fabric and filling:

  1. washing rules feather in the washing machineFirstly, you need to use special means to wash down. It can be purchased in the shop of sportswear, the store household chemicals, or simply in a large supermarket. Such means quite delicately affect the filling without damaging the fine downy fibers, and general well-washes pollution.
  2. Secondly, it is necessary to wash the jacket on the fluff in the washing machine with partial load mode and a water temperature of not more than 30 degrees. Jacket should be thoroughly rinsed. By standard washing program needs to add at least 2-3 extra rinses to wash away traces of detergent. It is not necessary to add an air conditioner or softener dryer - these tools can really hurt fluff.
  3. In the third, down jacket should be carefully overcome. They say that the jacket on the feathers can not be pressing, but this is not true. If the jacket is not pressing in the car, it will dry very slowly, and as a result will remain on the fabric stains. In addition, under the weight of the water all the fluff go astray in the bottom of the unit and it will be difficult to return to it original appearance. never overcome the thing just as effectively as it does the machine, you just need to use gentle spin without the aid of a washing machine. It will be enough of 600-800 rpm.
  4. Fourthly, it is important to dry the product correctly. Often advised to dry down jacket on a hanger in a vertical position, but it is also wrong. If the jacket or coat hung over the top of, the residual moisture after washing and spinning down the drain, floor and cuffs dry slower, and they again may be left bruises. It is best to spread out the jacket on the floor dryer - so it will be dry and the bottom and top.

After drying, the wayward fuzz can again be put in order, if a good knock on the jacketFor example, carpet beater or similar object - say, a coat hanger. To do this, expand the item on the couch, and a minute or two to beat her, as if it were a carpet. Pooh again become fluffy and evenly distributed throughout the lining.

Sometimes advised to put in the washing machine drum a few plastic ballsThat break down fiber crumpled and not allow them to get off again. You can try this method. Balls for washing you can buy in a children's or sporting goods stores.

Removing greasy stains 

Effective means and methods for cleaning of greasy down jackets before washingGreasy from constant contact with the skin is clearly visible even in the dark down jacket, and the stain can spoil the appearance of even the most lowly of the product.

It so happens that one washing is not enough to get rid of spots and greasy on the collar, cuffs and pockets. In this case, faded these places before placing the product in the washing machine:

  • The easiest way - to pre-treat contaminated places in the same tool that is used for the main wash. They need a good lather stains and traces of fat, you can even rub them with a brush. Leave on for an hour or two, and then wash the jacket completely.
  • If this does not help, you can grab a bottle from the kitchen dishwashing detergent and put it on the traces of contamination. This method allows you to clean the greasy edge products more quickly and efficiently. Dishwashing detergent is also capable to remove most of the other spots, including machine oil, sauce, cream, ice cream and anything that contains fat. But you can not overdo it: rinse the fabric after washing dishes by means of a hard time.
  • An alternative means for washing dishes can be a solution of vinegar (a tablespoon per cup of water). It needs to be applied to the surface of the fabric for a few minutes and then rinse with water - you can not leave for a few hours. ammonia sometimes take instead of vinegar (but rarely with whom he is now eating at home).
  • You can try to prepare a saturated solution of common salt in a mixture of soda and also treat them soiled place. By the way, a small grease stain can simply thickly sprinkle with salt and leave for a few hours - it will disappear, and there will be no divorce.

If the down jacket dirty with paint or other chemical composition, the conventional washing and simple can not do. There will have to experiment more active substancesThat clean the fabric of the stubborn dirt.

But we must be careful to use of "heavy artillery" as gasoline, hydrogen peroxide or solvent. They can damage the paint and filler. If nothing else helps, and there is a willingness to take risks, to remove the hateful spot, you can first try to process these compositions a small piece of tissue lining, and assess the potential Effect.

If the remaining shred that was attached to the new jacket in the store, it's best to try to be on it. No need to throw away the pieces after purchase - they can be very useful when washing.