It would seem that in the era of electricity and technology, the problem of removing stains from the wax of clothing is not relevant. Firstly, the demand for candles is not too large, and secondly, in our time there are dry cleaning, which can easily give a thing and pick it clean without much hassle. In addition, if the dry cleaners thing gets messed up, you simply return its value.
- How to remove wax from clothing?
- How to remove wax from the same jacket or pants?
- natural fabrics
- Synthetic fabrics and jeans
- Fur
- Suede
- Fabrics with fugitive dye
- Suede shoes
- Floor
How to remove wax from clothing?
But not everyone can afford to include the item to the dry cleaners, and besides, the longer the wax on your clothing, the more difficult to deduce stains on it. A paraffin in our life occurs quite often. Dinner by candlelight celebration such as a birthday or New Year, waxing - all this is often lurking in our lives. The whole problem is only in the fact that according to the law of meanness, will not do without on your clothes is not dripped at least a small droplet, which is enough to sense that suit spoiled.
Therefore it is necessary to know how to remove wax from clothing without damaging thing. Many housewives think that this procedure is virtually impossible. But things are not so disastrous. Wax and paraffin can be removed from clothing mainly by the same high or low temperatures.
How to remove wax from the same jacket or pants?
Fresh stains on fabric unpretentious easy as possible to remove everything. You just need to wet the stain with a dry cloth, without crushing it much clothing, and wait until the wax or paraffin, completely dry. After that, the drop can be carefully removed with a nail file or a sharp knife same.
Grease stains on the clothes after the wax is easy to wash, you need only add a few drops of dishwashing liquid.
If a drop of wax on notice when it is already frozen, so the wax can be removed by cooling. If you can put the item in the freezer, it is necessary to send there for thirty minutes. If a thing is big and will not fit in the freezer, you can dry the spot with ice. After the wax hardens completely, repeat the steps described above.
natural fabrics
Remove stains from the wax with natural fabrics, too, it is not difficult. All you need to do:
- iron;
- dry wipes;
- cotton fabric.
Under the place where the fabric is stain, go to dry wipes, and on top of cotton cloth. This whole "sandwich" carefully ironed well-heated iron. It may be necessary to change the cloth and napkins. Grease stains from the wax perfectly satisfied with this content with the help of powder and dishwashing detergent.
It is also possible to deduce from the spot of wax or wax with hot water. In this case, the fabric is immersed in hot water and after the water float on the surface of fatty stains, carefully inspected. If the stain is not completely brought, should repeat the procedure with clean water. After a wash cloth with powder and detergent.
Important! All these procedures are absolutely contraindicated in case if the fabric was colored wax. Dyes from the wax can easily spoil the fabric, because it is well absorbed by friction and high temperatures.
Fabric, stained colored wax can wash off, freeze only if the stain, gently scrape off all the wax or the wax and item wash in warm water using a stain remover.
Synthetic fabrics and jeans
From denim fabric stains are removed in the same way as a natural. Just before her iron to iron, you need to put the jeans in the freezer for half an hour to stain has dried well. But before you throw in the wash cloth, blot with a sharp knife must be removed very carefully or else nail files. Before that, the fabric also it is desirable to freeze.
With synthetic fabrics, things are more complicated. They can not aim the high temperatures. In general, before attempting to start the output spot, you need to make sure not to damage if the hot wax or paraffin tissue. Perhaps it is no sense to revive.
But if the fabric is intact, you can try its warm iron, Comparing with the temperature of the iron to said position of the temperature on the tag.
Or, soak the cloth in hot water, and then scrub the stain dry wipes.

If that does not help, you can try to bring the stain with an organic solvent. To do this, apply the solvent to the disc, and treat them to the place of pollution, then rinse well with warm soapy thing in the water.
Attention! The organic solvent may damage tissue structure or color! Therefore, before you apply it on the stain, check the response of the tissue in some inconspicuous place. If the solvent spoil the fabric, this option is not for you.
It is also an effective way of removing, will Apply detergent dish on the spot on the cloth, and let it soak for five to six hours. After carefully prostirnut thing.
The only way to remove the stain from the wax with fur - for half an hour to put the thing in the freezer and scrape off the wax. Residues can be removed with the fingers of the villi in the direction from the bottom up.
To remove a stain with a suede or you can cover it with a cloth and a couple of seconds leaning against the ironThat the procedure itself is fairly risky or else to withdraw the spot with the help of these solutions:
- Thirty-five milliliters of liquid ammonia;
- Ten milliliters of ethyl alcohol;
- Fifty milliliters of gasoline.
Or a little easier part - half a teaspoon of ammonia per liter of water. Moistened cotton pad solution and treat spot. Status suede easy return to the previous formBy holding it over a little steam.
Fabrics with fugitive dye
Here the situation is exactly the same as with colored wax. The fabric should be frozen, and then rub the spot of hands. Then you need to sprinkle absorbents spot (for example, talc or chalk) cover with a dry cloth and put under something heavy for an hour or two. After this procedure, brush to sweep away the remnants of absorbent and wash the item in soapy water.
Suede shoes
Suede shoes can be cleaned from the stains with steam. To do this, hold the shoes over the steam and allow the wax to harden, and then clean the stain using a hard brush. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
If does not help, you can clear the spot with the help of ammonia, gasoline or by using mixtures of the above.
To remove stains from the floor, on which there is no carpet, only ice and a teaspoon. Ice need dry spot, then scrape it with a spoon. If you need to remove the stain from the carpet, you first need to wait until the wax is completely dry, and then remove it with a lint like a fur.
Grease stain after wax can be removed with a dishwashing detergent.
So, paraffin wax and not the most terrible enemies. And seeing spot, do not worry. Romantic evenings and you smooth legs!