- How to remove paint from the surface of the jacket?
- How to remove paint from a leather jacket?
- How to clean the jacket of paint?
No one is immune from the unpleasant moments associated with the contamination of outer clothing. How to clean the jacket of the paint and without damaging its surface, you will learn in this article. It is not necessary to get rid of things or put a patch on the damaged area. It is important to know and take into account some features of the paint itself and its cleansing agents.
to the contents ↑How to remove paint from the surface of the jacket?
Paints are made on different bases and, depending on this, suitable cleaning methods are selected. Types of paint:
- water-based: watercolor and gouache;
- oil-based.
Water-based paint, especially if the stain is fresh, can easily be removed with plain water. To completely eliminate the divorce and neutralize the old stain, wash the affected area with laundry soap or detergent.
Much worse is the case with removing the stain from oil-based paint, especially if it is old. Here you need to thoroughly prepare, be reserved for time and patience.
Important! As for the funds needed to remove the trace, at least one of them will necessarily be in your possession. In the absence of such, simply purchase at a nearby store.
Than to clear a jacket from a paint:
- solvent: a turpentine, kerosene or a white spirit;
- petrol;
- medical alcohol;
- laundry soap;
- dishwashing detergent;
- vegetable oil;
- salt.
In addition, you will need these tools:
- cotton wool or tampons;
- clean cloth or wipes;
- knife;
- sponge.
Having prepared everything you need, get to work.
to the contents ↑How to remove paint from a leather jacket?
The material for making jackets is different. Accordingly, and the means for each are chosen their own. The only thing that unites work with any material is testing the medium on an identical piece of material. This is done to avoid spoilage of things. Now proceed with removing the stain.
To clean the jacket of paint, if it is made of leather, there are three methods of cleaning.
Method No. 1
Perfectly suitable for removing stains agent with identical base - vegetable oil. To use it there is such a step-by-step instruction:
- Take a cotton swab or a disc.
- Dampen it with any vegetable oil.
- Clean the stain until it cleans or the cotton wool gets dirty.
- Change cotton wool if necessary.
- At the end of the procedure, wipe the area to be cleaned with a skin cleanser.
Method # 2
Solvent effectively and quickly helps wipe the jacket from the paint, regardless of what it is made of. During the use of the product, follow this step-by-step instruction:
- Place a thing on a flat, flat surface.
- Place absorbent cloth on the back of the product.
- Moisten the cotton pad with the solvent that you have.
- Attach to the damaged area for several hours.
- Remove the "lotion" and wipe the cleaned area with a damp cloth.
Method number 3
The dishwashing detergent not only copes with the fat on the plates, but also helps you to wipe off the paint from the leather jacket. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Clean the dried paint surface with a knife.
- Prepare a saturated soapy solution from a dishwashing liquid and water.
- Drink it well.
- Use a sponge to remove the foam and wipe the damaged area.
- Rinse the dirty sponge with running water and repeat the procedure.
Important! When the paint is completely cleansed, dry the treated area and apply the conditioner to the skin.
Such not artful methods will help you to clear a leather jacket from a paint.
to the contents ↑How to clean the jacket of paint?
For jackets from a different material, these cleaning methods are suitable.
Method No. 1
For a material that has a synthetic base, alcohol is good. Instructions for use are:
- Dampen the tissue with alcohol.
- Wipe the soiled area with a circular motion.
- If necessary, change the napkin and do not forget to wet it with alcohol.
- Finally, clean the area with a clean damp cloth.
Method number 2
Ideal for cotton fabric laundry soap. For best results, follow these instructions:
- Pour a liter of water into the enameled pan.
- Add to it 1 tbsp.soda and half a grist of soap, grated.
- Bring to a boil.
- Dip the damaged area into the water for 10 seconds.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
- Wash the wardrobe item in the usual way.
Method number 3
Perfectly suited for cleaning the jacket of paint, refined gasoline. It does not matter which material is sewn. Act to apply this tool should be as follows:
- Soak a cotton swab in gasoline.
- Clean the contaminated area.
- Wash the thing with powder.
Important! Do not use conventional gasoline. It is quite aggressive substance and can damage the material.
Here such simple advice will help to return to your jacket the former presentable appearance. The main thing - adhere to the rules of cleaning and security measures.