Unpleasant encounter such a problem, as the gum sticking to clothing. You might accidentally sit on it in a public place or stepping on the sidewalk. Attempts to unstick gum hands fails. What to do and how to clean clothes from the gum? Reply to this question is quite simple, if you read this article and learn how to unstick gum from clothing.
- hot method
- cold method
- The use of solvents
- Other effective ways
hot method
Such methods are not suited to all types of tissue. Methods of boiling water should be used only for cotton, denim and other fabric, resistant to high temperatures.
- Remove chewing gum from clothing, you can use the iron. Put on the processed place paper, cardboard or gauze, iron the iron. The temperature should exhibit minimal. Under the influence of heat, the chewing gum should soften and easy to move. Remains clean with a dull knife.
- Dip the affected clothes in boiling water and leave for a while. When the water has cooled, remove the items and remove the gum with a knife.
- If you do not have time or simply do not want to wait, try this method. Hot water jet separate the gum from clothes toothpick.
- It helps soften the gum hair dryer. It is necessary to hold the thing under a stream of hot air, and then attach it to the cardboard, gum will stick to it. Remove residual alcohol.
All of these methods are suitable to bring chewing gum with jeans. This article of clothing is quite widespread, used by many on a daily basis, so there is great risk to sit on the gum in jeans. Fortunately, the denim material well relates to hot water and is not damaged when using the above methods.
cold method
Cold methods consist in gum freeze, causing it to harden and easy to depart from the tissue. For this purpose, ice, cold water, cooling sprays or other means. Methods of freezing can be safely applied for any kind of fabricIt will not hurt her.
- Affect the chewing gum can be locally ice. To do this, take a small rugged package, fill it with ice and salt and apply to the processing site for about 5 minutes. The salt will lead to melting of ice, because of which the cold surface will adhere to the chewing gum.
- Place the victim thing under a stream of icy water, hold it a few minutes. Gum hardens and is easily separated with tweezers or a knife.
Apply the spray with a cooling effect on the gum, clean clothes in five minutes. The advantage of this method is that since we can derive not only the chewing gum, but stain after it.
- The simplest thing you can do - put the victim thing in the freezer, wrapped it in a package. Gum hardens and easily separated. It is important to ensure that the gum is stuck to the package. In this case, it will be harder to unstick. Carry out the procedure should be quick to gum did not have time to thaw.
The use of solvents
If you do not want to expose their thing thermal treatment, try to bring chewing gum solvent.
- Gasoline, kerosene or means for refilling lighters you need to drop gum and wait time. Petroleum infiltrate gum, and it is easy to depart. To get rid of the odor, wash the item in the washing machine with fragrant conditioner.
- Dampen a toothbrush in vinegar (Need a small amount), rub her chewing gum. If this does not work, soak the item in a liter of water with a spoon of vinegar.
- Wet acetone a cotton pad and wipe them sticky spot. It is important that the thing has not been painted or shed during the procedure.
Other effective ways
You need to choose the method that fits exactly to your clothes. Traditional methods of removing gum from clothes:
- If the gum has already vestsya into the fabric, you need to soak it in warm water with detergent. After two hours, remove the gum with a knife.
- Strange and unusual method - the use of other gum. Chew gum, it should be very soft and warm and stick to hands. Attach one to the other gum so that they stick together, and remove.
- method peanut butter. It is not advisable to resort to the help of the oil, as it can not only clean the surface, but also to leave behind the stain. However, this method takes place. So, apply peanut butter directly to the gum. Wait 5-10 minutes to clean it. Then thoroughly wash and rinse the product.
- If none of the methods did not work, take the thing in dry cleaner. Let it not come cheap, but the experts deal with the problem, and the clothes are guaranteed not to be damaged.
Adhesive tape or adhesive tape. Glue a small piece of adhesive tape to the elastic band so that the fabric was not wounded. Peel off the tape. If the problem persists, repeat the procedure for the complete separation of residues from the garments.
- To pull out the gum from clothing, you can buy a special agent in the store. Tools such as MEGAM C, Premiere Chewing Gum Remover, Premiere Break Up cope not only with any sticky contamination, but with spots of any kind. However, these tools are quite expensive.