How do I update my leather jacket at home?

  • How do I update my leather jacket?
  • How do I clean the lining of a leather jacket?
  • How to restore the color of leather products
  • Professional care for a leather jacket
  • Tips for the care of leather things

In the process of wearing leather clothes can lose its pristine appearance: cracks appear in places of bends, rubbed, dulls color, gloss disappears. In addition to the specially designed means, you can restore the old look with improvised means. How do I update my leather jacket at home?- You will learn about this in our article. We offer the most effective and simple ways.

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How to update a leather jacket?

Beautiful and stylish things are made of leather that not only benefit from protection from rain, wind, cold, but require careful and delicate care. Return the gloss, remove the abrasion, restore the saturated color can be, using simple methods. At home, it will take a minimum of time and financial costs.

Shine recovery

The skin loses its original shine from exposure to sunlight and rain. To update a leather jacket at home and restore its shine it is possible with the help of the following substances.

Soap + ammonia:

  1. Dilute soap with water and add a small amount of ammonia.
  2. Apply the resulting solution to the product with a sponge and remove impurities.

Important! The product should not be strongly damped, as water can spoil the jacket.

  1. Clean, well wrung out sponge, wipe the skin.
  2. Dry with a soft cloth and dry it and hang it on the hanger.

Important! Contact with soap solution on the inside of the skin can lead to deformation of the product.

Lemon juice + alcohol

Such substances are excellent in recovering shine on dark things, if you apply them as follows:

  1. In 1 liter of water, add lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of alcohol.
  2. Soak the foam sponge in the resulting liquid and treat the dirt.
  3. Dry with a dry cloth and wipe the product dry.
  4. Apply glycerin to the jacket - it will give the skin the gloss.
  5. Hang the product on its hangers and allow it to dry completely.

Important! Dry the jacket at room temperature. Keep out of direct sunlight.

Coffee grounds:

  1. In a soft flannel or woolen cloth, put a couple of spoons of a damp coffee grounds.
  2. Thoroughly rub the product with this bag.

Removing scuffs

From frequent use on leather things may appear scuffed, which significantly spoils the appearance of clothing. Do not go to extremes and do not rush to send it to the garbage can. Similar changes can also be removed if you know how to update your leather jacket at home. We offer such methods and means.

Orange peel

Thanks to its special composition, the orange peel can return your leather stuff to its former beautiful appearance. To do this, you hit them with problem areas. Cork hide the frayed areas and in addition give shine to the dim areas.

Important! In a set with citruses you can use a colorless cream.

Removing stains from the skin

If you do not take into account the wear and tear on the jacket, in the process of wearing it, you can stain the product and put stubborn stains on it. To remove various contaminants, one should resort to the following proven methods.


Dust and dried dirt is removed with a damp cloth or a special brush for cleaning the skin.

Greasy spots

It will be problematic to remove such contamination at home. You can help yourself to the task and use dry cleaning. For those who are not looking for easy ways and are keen to update their leather jacket at home, we suggest the following option:

  1. Take petrol or acetone.
  2. Wet the napkin one of the selected means.
  3. Thoroughly clean the stain.
  4. After treatment, always place a place with a colorless cream or glycerin.

Important! Before use, try the product on a barely visible area of ​​the leather product.

Saltwater divorce

Subsequently, precipitation in rainy or snowy weather, on things from the skin salt can show through. You can use the following methods to clear the jacket from them.

Method number 1

Apply a small amount of vinegar to a cotton cloth and treat the areas with salt secretions.

Method No. 2

Persistent stains are removed with ammonia, formalin and soap powder:

  1. In a small container, mix 20 ml of ammonia, 100 ml of formalin and 25 g of detergent or soap.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the surface and with gentle movements rub the remedy from the edge to the center of the stain.

Method No. 3:

  1. Add ammonia and ethyl chloride to the soap solution, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous solution is obtained.
  2. Add 2 parts of glycerol to the resulting liquid.
  3. Dampen with a cotton swab and wipe the stain.

Important! All methods, which include chemical elements( alcohol, ethyl chloride, ammonia), must be checked before use on a barely visible area of ​​the product. With such substances it is necessary to work only in gloves.

Eliminating Scratches

If your outerwear is badly scratched, you need to know how to update your skin at home to avoid the unexpected spending on buying a new product. Such methods will help you in this.


Over time, cracks or scratches may appear in places of bends when exposed to cold temperatures on a leather jacket. In this case, you need to know how to update your leather jacket at home with glycerin. This is done as follows:

  1. Mix water with glycerin in equal proportions
  2. Gently rub glycerin into damaged areas with a soft cloth.

Liquid skin:

  1. Cut the sticking pieces of skin with small scissors.
  2. Polish the damage site with polishing for nails or fine-grained sandpaper.

Important! Tear follows, not making special efforts, so as not to increase the damage.

  1. Polished skin should be degreased. To do this, wipe the cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the scratch.
  2. Apply liquid to scratches and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Polish the treated skin again.

Important! Deep scratches cover at least 2 layers.

Masking of skin tears

To restore integrity, superglue or colorless nail polish is required:

  1. Apply one of the selected products with a toothpick or a sharp match.
  2. Process both sides of the problem area. Press your finger for 2-3 minutes.

Restoring the elasticity of

To avoid the appearance of cracks and drying out of leather products, special treatment with means with a fat base will be required.

Castor Oil:

  1. Mix 50 ml of castor oil and egg white until smooth.
  2. Treat stuff stuff.

Household soap:

  1. In 1 liter of hot water, dissolve half a piece of laundry soap.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of fish oil and 1.5 tablespoon of ammonia to the soap solution.
  3. Process the jacket.


  1. Put warm butter in 3 liters of water with 3 parts of oil in warm water.
  2. Add ammonia in a 3: 1 ratio to the mixture obtained.

Acetone and ammonia:

  1. Treat surface with acetone or ammonia.
  2. After treatment, apply glycerin evenly.

Important! Products made from nubuck, suede, varnished leather are not recommended to be treated with fat-containing products.

Removing unpleasant odor

With the help of orange, grapefruit crusts, you can easily remove the unpleasant odor from cigarettes, food or other substances. To do this, rub the skin with a skin.

Important! Orange and grapefruit peel suitable for cleaning the skin only in dark color.

How do I update my skin in white?

As you know, white things require more delicate care, because all their shortcomings are immediately noticeable and not all methods of removing contaminants are suitable for white things. Caring for white leather products is a bit different from how to clean things from dark skin. To clean the white skin, you can use a soapy solution that removes unstable contaminants. One of the following ways will also come to the rescue.


Milk can remove stale dirt and soften the skin, and thus - update the leather jacket:

  1. Warm up the milk, soak a clean cloth and wipe the places that need cleaning.
  2. For best results, add turpentine.
  3. After the procedure, treat the surface of the skin with a colorless cream.
  4. Dry thoroughly.


  1. Dissolve one aspirin tablet in water.
  2. Wipe solution with problem areas.

Hydrogen Peroxide:

  1. Apply a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the cotton pad.
  2. Treat the soiled area.

Cosmetic milk:

  1. Apply a small amount to the cotton swab.
  2. Wipe the product.
  3. Wash off with a damp cloth dampened in clean water.

Chalk or starch

These substances are suitable for cleaning thin soft skin:

  1. In a small amount of water add chalk or starch to get a gruel.
  2. Apply the mixture to the soiling and leave it for a few hours.
  3. Gently wash off residues with a damp soft cloth.

Important! Traces of the ballpoint pen are removed with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol.

Salinity Removal

Individual areas of the jacket where it comes into contact with the body( collars, cuffs on sleeves) are greased with time. To get rid of similar defects it is possible as follows:

  1. Moisten a cotton swab into alcohol and grate the greasy places.
  2. Treat with lemon juice.
  3. Finally, treat with glycerin.

Important! To prevent greaseiness, wear neck scarves and things with long sleeves.

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How to clean the lining of the leather jacket?

Like the outside of the jacket, the lining needs to be washed periodically, because in the process of wearing it, it is also less prone to dirt. How to wash the lining, if leather things do not have to be badly moistened? Adhere to several rules and you can easily upgrade your leather jacket at home:

  1. To begin with, turn the product inside out and separate the lining from the product.
  2. Carefully to avoid wetting the skin, dip the lining into the pelvis with water and detergent or soap.
  3. Carry out normal hand washing and rinse the rest of the soap solution in clean water.
  4. Soap quickly washed, add a little vinegar to the water.
  5. Wet sponge and wipe the lining
  6. Dry the hanging on the hangers. Dry only at room temperature.

How to repair a jacket after washing?

Leather things are not recommended to be washed, afterwards such care skin becomes rough, cracks appear. If you decide to erase, remember a few important points:

  • Wash the jacket in the washing machine only in delicate washing mode without spinning.
  • The water temperature should be no higher than 30-40 degrees.
  • Persistent dirt is pre-treated with pre-wash.
  • To restore elasticity, add non-fatty cream to the water.
  • Dry in a horizontal position, away from batteries and heat generators.
  • Do not press the leather jacket. To remove moisture, place the cloth inside the jacket.
  • As soon as the water stops dripping and moisture absorbs, you can hang the product on soft shoulders.
  • Align folds and wrinkles with steam or a warm iron.

Important! You can iron the skin only on the wrong side.

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How to restore the color of leather products

If in general your outer clothing is still strong, but the color has changed somewhat - some of the material has burnt out, wipes have formed, you can update the leather jacket at home by the following means.

Spray paint

Depending on the size of the jacket, you will need a different amount of paint. Before buying, read the instructions for use, determine for which area of ​​staining the balloon is calculated.

Important! On average, a small size jacket will need 2 cans of paint.

How to use:

  1. Apply the paint better in fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.
  2. To protect the ingress of paint into the respiratory tract, use a respirator, apply coloring in overalls.
  3. Furniture cover with newspapers or oilcloth.
  4. To carry out painting it is necessary in vertical position - for this purpose hang a jacket on hangers.
  5. Spray the paint 20 cm from the product, first degreasing the surface of the product.
  6. Paint from the paint is removed using a sponge.
  7. After staining leave the jacket to dry for about 1 to 1.5 hours.

Powder dye

Powder paints also give a good result, if you use them as follows:

  1. In warm water, dilute the powder and mix thoroughly. The solution should not have lumps, since they can form spots.
  2. The resulting paint should be boiled by adding 2 liters of water.
  3. Leave to cool down to 45 degrees.

Important! Staining at high temperature leads to loss of elasticity and strength of the product.

  1. Place the jacket in the solution and leave for 2-3 hours, so that the skin is well impregnated with the paint.
  2. Rinse the product in clean water until the water becomes clear.
  3. Secure the result of staining. To do this, add 1 cup of water to 1 cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of salt.
  4. Rinse the jacket well and hang it on your coat hangers at room temperature.
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Professional care for a leather jacket

Methods for cleaning the skin at home are practical and not expensive, but still, the means, intended directly for delicate skin care, have a greater popularity and long-term effect. In addition to cleaning properties, all these devices also cope with the following tasks:

  • restores skin structure;
  • is disinfected;
  • gives shine.

Professional tools for the renewal of leather things:

  • Water repellent spray. Has a protective properties of moisture, retains the original appearance of the skin.
  • Wax for leather goods. Softens the skin, prevents the appearance of cracks, hides the scuffs and cracks that have already appeared on the clothes
  • Sponge for the skin. Special sponges prevent the wear of the material, thanks to special ingredients in the composition, which provide delicate skin care.
  • Foam cleaner. A great tool for removing dirt and dust from the skin. In addition to this, it restores shine to leather things. All these properties allow you to quickly and easily upgrade your leather jacket at home.
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Tips for the care of leather things

  • Hang your leather jacket on your hangers - this will protect you from the appearance of wrinkles, cracks, stretching the skin in the place where the eyelet is sewn.
  • The rumpled jacket can be ironed only through thick paper.
  • Do not wash leather things in the washing machine - from such actions the skin will become rough, cracks will appear, the paint peels off.
  • Wet or wet ware dry at room temperature, do not hang on batteries or heat generators - this will spoil the appearance of clothing.
  • Buy a case from cotton fabric for storing clothes and store the jacket in it.
  • Leather things should not be cleaned too often, it is enough to clean twice a year.

Timely care of your favorite leather jacket will prolong its stylish and neat appearance, because to prevent the appearance of cracks and wear marks is much easier than to mask the defects that have appeared.