Dirty clothes - it's pretty urgent problem always. Socks - it has long been a familiar item of clothing, and their pollution is a very common occurrence. People regularly wearing them certainly know what problems you might encounter, especially if white linen.
Holders of white socks falls especially hard, and they have every possible way to get out, to regularly acquire underwear to replace dirty. damaged materialAfter improper washing or wearing long socks lose their former whiteness, and all of this is revealed in the case of ignorance of the rules of laundry care. Wash out white socks, that they have acquired the former snow-white appearance, pleasing to the eye, it is possible, knowing some tricks on the laundry care.
Wash socks in the washing machine, you can, but you can manually. The main thing here - to get the socks in the same neat, that they had before they become dirty. Here are some tipsIn which the laundry becomes less difficult:
- should not wear white socks for more than one day, otherwise it will become harder to wash off contamination;
- white socks do not wear black shoes, insoles that can be shed and stain underwear;
- should be washed separately from colored or dark clothes;
- dirty linen should be washed immediately, because to deal with fresh mud is much easier;
- before washing socks should rub soap or soak, turn the socks inside out.
- wash by hand
- Methods soaking
- Use of washing machine
- How to return the former white
wash by hand

Digestion - this is an old but very effective method. It is necessary to fill the pot with cold water, add the juice squeezed from a quarter of a lemon, throw chips of soap. In the same pan put the laundry, and then put it on the fire. Once the water boils, white socks should be boiled for about 20 minutes. Wash them will be easier if you soak in advance.
Can help the following composition: take whitening washing powder and dishwashing detergent, mix them in a ratio of 1: 1, diluted with water, and the mixture was applied to the dirty areas. This is effective for cotton and synthetics. You should be careful, as the chemicals can corrode the fabric, causing holes can be formed.
To wash off the white socks at home, you can use specialized tools: Vanish, white. But you should pay attention to the instructions strictly comply with them in order to avoid unpleasant incidents.
Methods soaking
Soak immediately prior to bleaching is a very effective measure. It It softens and dissolves the dirt stains.
- Soak in a solution of baking soda is great help before washing;
- You can use soap; wetting and soaped socks, we must leave them at night;
- You can also be added by soaking boric or citric acid;
- Turpentine - a very effective tool that will help even whiten gray 'color to things.
Use of washing machine
Washing machine make life easier if manual whitening at home did not bring the proper result. Before white socks go in the washing machine, they need to be soaked. This Mozhga help soda, boric acid, vinegar and lemon juice. Wash them should be separate from the black and colored laundry.
How to return the former white
If the laundry after washing still has a grayish color, and it is unclear how to whiten your socks, do not despair. Whitening soap can restore white socks.
One can prepare his own bleach: in a ratio of 1: 2: 10 solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in water.
After washing or bleaching is not necessary to hang socks on the balcony: may appear divorces yellowish color. Best drying option - to leave them after washing in a dark, cool place.