Very often, in everyday life there are situations when on clothing under certain circumstances there are blood stains. The situation may be quite different: cutting meat, wound care for a sick or a bad shave.
Naturally, the question arises whether it is possible to wash the blood from his clothes or simply throw away your favorite thing. If you do not take care of the timely removal of stains, or do so incorrectly, with a favorite thing, it will likely have to just give up. Therefore, every self-respecting hostess should definitely time to wash the blood from his clothes.
- Why it is difficult to wash out the blood stain
- Advice from experienced housewives
- How to remove the recent contamination
- Remove old spots
- Washing white things
- Properties cleaning jeans
- How to get rid of blood stains on the furniture
Why it is difficult to wash out the blood stain
Blood - is a type of connective tissue in the human body. In its structure, the blood - the plasma is in a liquid state, which in large quantities contain blood cells.
The red color is due to the presence in the composition of the hemoglobin of red blood cellsWhich, in turn, contains a lot of iron. It is because of the latter and appear difficult stains rusty tinge, which is especially noticeable on white clothes.
Another component is a plasma protein that has the property of roll at elevated temperatures. That is why when placing items with blood stains in warm or hot water comes fastening it to the fabric, since during coagulation protein strongly eats into the fiber.
In air, coagulation (clotting) occurs approximately protein in 10 minutes. That is why it is important to immediately withdraw from the stain of blood, as in some time to do this would be quite difficult.
Advice from experienced housewives
First of all everyone should remember that wash the thing in which there is a spot of blood, should be exclusively in cold water to prevent protein folding. Bring it need to try as soon as possible.
If you do this right, then the risk that the traces will remain, will be flattened to almost zero. holding the thing running water a few minutes, you can get rid of these traces completely.
If traces still visible, you can use laundry soap or used to wash dishes, to help cope with the pollution. But to wash the dried blood from his clothes a lot harder.
How to remove the recent contamination
There are several proven ways to wash the blood from his clothes. Every woman can choose her a more acceptable and interesting option.
Washing powder and soap. This variant of the blood stain removal is considered to be the most effective and versatile clothes of white and colored fabrics. Initially, a portion to be faded stain brown soap, and then conduct a conventional laundry using detergent at a temperature of not more than 30 degrees.
- Hydrogen peroxide. This is the most affordable and easy to implement way to wash off the blood with white linen. Peroxide distributed to remaining after soaking spot, then removed with a cotton pad means is cleared and in cold water. A solution can also be applied on the spot appeared only accurate movements.
- To prevent the spread of contamination, should first isolate this part of napkins. Treatment with peroxide is performed until the solution until foaming stops.
- Starch. Such means should be used if required removing stains from delicate fabrics such as silk, satin, wool. The substance diluted in water to form a thick slurry and then spread evenly over the surface contamination. Thing to leave until the paste dries. Thereafter, the resulting crust is removed.
- Glycerol. It can be used to hold soft tissue cleansing of any structure. Heated glycerol placed on the cotton pad, and the processing is carried out from two sides of contamination. Then, carefully rinse agent, and washing the product in cold water.
Remove old spots
Sometimes it is necessary to wash the dried blood. After all, it is not always possible to control the occurrence of such contamination, especially on things other family members.
But do not despair, there are several ways by which you can wash off the blood stains ingrained.
- Remove the blood stain with dark things, especially if it is already a well dried up, much easier than with light. To do this, soak the product in cold water, and then thoroughly brush handle surface for contamination of clothing.
- Lighter fabric must be soaked in a weak salt solution. It is worth noting that such a substance capable of dealing with blood impurities by soaking for 12 hours. If, however, on the surface of the stain remains, you can use the optional soap.
- Effectively wash out the old blood stains help hydrogen peroxide, which is spread over the dirt surface and leave for a few minutes. But it is worth remembering that such an option is effective only for white things.
- If there was a stain on a white or light-colored clothing, you can use a simple baking soda. Its bleaching properties known from ancient times. For this purpose, 10 gram of material was dissolved in one liter of water and the solution was placed in a thing. Soaking is carried out for 10 hours.
- The most difficult to wash things made of silk, and even more difficult to bring such a product dried in stains. Here, every wrong move can ruin the thing, so you should show extreme care. With respect to such articles is best applied a paste of starch. Experiment with other drugs is not worth it.
Washing white things
Many at the sight of the appearance of blood stains on the white things tend to just throw them, not even hoping to cope with the pollution. Do not do it, despite the difficulty of removing stains from the blood.
First of all try to remove blood stains from white fabrics can be using chemical stain removers, which are implemented in a large range of household chemicals of any department shop.
- Soaking is carried out in accordance with the instruction. It is important to choose the right tool, it needs to be, especially for white fabrics. If at first the stain is completely gone, the procedure can be repeated.
- When you see a white or light-colored blouse blood spots as possible as quickly as possible should soak the product in cold water. It does not dry up and will not be distributed. The water added to the thing few drops of ammonia, then washed and familiar way.
As practice shows, not everyone, even the most high-quality stain remover, able to cope with dried blood stains on the white stuff. Experienced mistress over the years have learned to prepare themselves such funds at home.
Each hostess their recipe, but shows the greatest efficiency the use of sodium carbonate. For this material is mixed with a small amount of ammonia. The resulting solution was diluted 1:20 in water and soaked item pollution in the solution for 3-5 hours.
Properties cleaning jeans
Often blood spots appear on the jeans and trousers made of denim. To wash out blood from jeans, all of the above rules apply, the main of which is the maximum possible speed, and washing with cold water.
Due to the nature of tissue structure during the wash such products need to apply more power and carefully rub than of silk or wool items.
But in the breeding of blood is important, not the mechanical strength, execution order certain actions. It depends on the nature of the contamination: inveterate or fresh. To display the blood stain with jeans, you should use one of the methods above removal of similar contamination from other materials.
Print the blood stain with white jeans would be much easier if you soak them in a solution of baking soda. Per liter of water should take 50 grams of material.
How to get rid of blood stains on the furniture
Often blood spots appear on the things that are not easy to soak or wash in the machine, for example, on the upholstery of the car seat, chair or sofa.
To wash out the blood on such products as efficiently as possible, it is important to start the removal of stains as soon as possible.
In such cases, suitable any cleanerWhich can be bought in the department of household chemicals. However, there is a small trick. Before applying means thick for contamination, should be pre-positioned at the treatment site piece of ice or wet it thoroughly with cold water.
Also read the instructions on the packaging of the drug to effectively wash out the blood stains and other marks exactly this means. The drug is removed from the surface using upholstery brush or rough sponge. If the first attempt to cope with the pollution did not happen, should repeat the procedure several times.
To wash out the old blood or fresh stains using any of these options, it is worth remembering that they do not guarantee a perfect result. There is always a chance that will trace of contamination.
Even the most expensive cleaning products, which are widely advertised, are not always able to fully cope with the pollution. But do not despair, if separate action did not help, then help is always you can turn to the professionals and give favorite item to the dry cleaners. They will be able to accurately wash off the dried blood with your favorite clothes.