People who had to deal with repair work, surely has repeatedly used the mounting foam. It is often indispensable in the repair and has excellent adhesion to materials. But it is the dignity of construction foam instantly turns to her disadvantage, if the tool is inadvertently on the clothes or hair.
- Removal of foam from clothes
- Withdrawal of dried spots
- Prevention of pollution
Removal of foam from clothes
Working with assembly foam rarely manages to do without pollution, so the experienced builders are advised to get with it special cleaner. Buy it in any hardware store building, it is inexpensive, and a clothes cleaning copes perfectly.
It should be understood that the wash with fresh stain tissue is much easier than frozen, so as soon as the soiled clothes, you need to start cleansing:
- A spatula or a knife is necessary to remove the cap construction foam with fabric, so she did not have time to dry and absorb.
- Contaminated spot of the clothes carefully blotted with a napkin dipped in the cleaner. The faster will be carried out this procedure, the more chances to get rid of the foam without damaging the fabric.
- After that, the clothes need to be washed and thoroughly rinsed.
If a special cleaner for some reason was not on hand to get help alternative means: Purified gasoline, mineral spirits, acetone or a conventional nail polish remover. But all of these substances is a major drawback: sometimes they can dissolve not only pollution but also to paint on clothes, or even the very fabric. Therefore, before embarking on a cleansing procedure, it is worth to try a means to a small patch of tissue on the reverse side clothes - if the tissue structure and the paint does not hurt, cleaning is carried out in the same manner as in working with special cleaner.
Since all of these agents are toxic, need to work with them in a well ventilated room (even better - on the street), gloves and a respirator, not allowing contact with mucous membranes.
Withdrawal of dried spots
So, remove clothes fresh assembly foam will not be difficult, but here's what to do if the contamination could not be seen in a timely manner, and spot has had time to dry out? I do have to say goodbye to the thing? Not at all! Get rid of the traces of long-standing foam is quite real, although the process take much longer:
- Cleaning special solvent. In hardware stores sell special cleaners that perfectly cope with the most difficult spots of hardened foam. First you need to remove clothing with large chunks of the sealant with a spatula or knife, then treat stains with solvent and leave for 20 minutes. The fabric must be rinsed under running water.
- Removal of unleaded petrol and stain remover. With the clothes are removed remnants of foam, then treated with a cotton swab the stain soaked in gasoline, and left for 30 minutes. Is then applied to the contaminated portion stain remover. Treated vystiryvayut thing thoroughly and rinse. Petrol can be replaced with white spirit. This cleaning method is rather risky, because with mounting foam agent can dissolve and the ink, resulting in the tissue will be an ugly spot.
- Low temperatures. Clothes put in the package so that the spot turned outside, after which was placed in the freezer. The frozen foam is easily removed from the fabric using a knife, and the residues can be removed with solvent or nail polish remover.
- Exposure to sunlight. This method is very time-consuming and is suitable mainly for those things which are not sorry to spoil. The bottom line is that the direct effect of the sun rays destroys the structure of the sealant foam. Soiled clothes kept in the sun for several days, periodically stretching stain hands, so that it quickly moved away from the tissue.
- Purification of vegetable oil. The fabric was purified from large pieces of foam and applied to the dried small amount of preheated sunflower oil stain. Allow to stand for five minutes so that the oil is well absorbed in the tissue, and sprinkle it with detergent. The powder should be well froth, carefully rub the soiled surface and wash clothes.
Removing stains Dimexidum. This medication can be purchased at any pharmacy, and it costs quite cheaply. The main active drug substance is dimethyl sulfoxide, which is capable of dissolving even superglue. Concentrated Dimexidum can easily wash dirt from the fabric.
- Knife or spatula need to scrape the remnants of clothing construction foam, as far as possible.
- Dimexide cloth is applied to the stain and leave for 30-40 minutes.
- Dissolve the foam residues are removed and trimmed with a cloth brush.
- balances wash soap or detergent and thoroughly rinse the clothes.
How to remove the mounting foam from clothes, more or less clear, but what to do if it means Hit on the hair? Of course, use at the head of hair powder and the solvent can not, therefore, the simplest and most effective way to cut off the soiled portion. If you resort to such a drastic method of pity or sealant got on a vast plot of hair, and mowing result will baldness, you can try to treat liquid hair or nail polish remover Dimexidum. With the latter you need to be careful - he has the ability to penetrate the skin and can affect the health.
Prevention of pollution
Since the problem is always easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences of his own negligence, it is better to try to avoid contact with construction foam on your clothes and hair.
Getting Started, you must protect your head cap or handkerchief, and on top of clothes to throw a plastic raincoat. And even better to wear during the construction and repair battered old thing, which then will not throw a pity.