Park - many favorite winter clothes. Things, made of polyester, are very popular. This synthetic material has significant advantages: wear-resistant, low-cost, practical, easy to clean, washed easily, dries quickly, almost no creases.
The park polyester comfortable in any weather: rain, wind, snow or frost does not matter much for the quality down jacket on someone. Any thing, even the most practical, in the process of dirty socks. Inevitably raises the question of the wash.
Quite often, the hostess are wondering how to erase the park and whether you can wash it in the washing machine. at wash winter jacket we must comply with certain conditions, in order not to spoil the thing in the process.
laundry parks
Advance preparation down jacket in polyester washable:
- To start necessary to examine the information on the label jacket and make sure that the manufacturer of this product allows the laundry in the washing machine.
- Next you need to remove from the pockets of foreign things, unfasten fur, leather, metal accessories. Fasten all the buckles and turn the jacket inside out.
- It is also useful to know, From which the filler consists down jacket. If this padding polyester or down, it is best to use liquid detergent (gel) as rinse it much easier than the usual powder, and it does not leave stains.
- The selected detergent should match the color of the product (for either light or for color).
It should be rememberedThat polyester - a synthetic, so he strongly electrified. Will properly use the air conditioner during the rinse, the measure will eliminate the generation of static electricity in the process of socks.
- If the fabric has a stain, you must remove them before washing, using special stain remover for synthetic fabrics.
- In no case can not be used bleach, even for the jacket of light fabric. Polyester is easily destroyed under the influence of aggressive chemicals. Also, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the selected detergent did not contain a bleaching agent (you should carefully read the information on the composition).
- The optimum water temperature washing polyester jacket 30-40 degrees. At higher temperatures, and especially under reflux the product is irreversibly ruined.
Dry jackets, down jackets or other things Polyester is good in a ventilated area, away from heaters or direct sunlight.
Step-by-step instruction
Properly laid down jacket in the washing machine to the same thing with the useful will throw a few tennis balls in the amount of 4 - 6 pieces, or objects which can be their replaced. It is necessary to fill down jacket is not lost in clumps.
- Pour the detergent and softener in appropriate compartments of the washing machine. Select the wash mode. This may be: synthetic, delicate, hand (should check with the information on the label). Align the recommended temperature and number of revolutions during the spin cycle - 600 would be sufficient. Run the program.
At the end of the wash cycle jacket immediately removed from the machine. To straighten the creases and evenly distribute the filler under the lining, shake the washed product.
- It is necessary to carefully examine the item, if the result is not satisfactory, you can wash the jacket in the car again.
Wash finished, but that's not all. Dry the product, too, need to correct. If insulation jacket - the down or pen, the best thing to dry, expanding to a horizontal surface (this may be desk, floor, in an extreme case it is possible to use the ironing board). It is necessary to lay on the prepared surface of a sheet or blanket and polhode top coat. Evenly distributed throughout the filler product under the lining, spread all folds. From time to time you need to shake the jacket to fluff as it dries not form lumps.
If the insulation jacket in the other, then the product can be dried by hanging on the "shoulders". Polyester comes into disrepair from high temperatures, therefore, a place for drying must choose away from heaters. You also need to make sure that a thing is not exposed to direct sunlight. It is important to not dry up thing, since tissue from drying loses its elasticity.
Polyester - creasing fabric, but if after washing, still there is need for ironing, you can iron the thing through a damp gauze, the temperature of the iron to put a little below average.
This is all necessary information on how to wash the jacket in the machine and how to wash polyester in the washing machine. By following these simple rules, you can save quite a long time favorite of a decent view of things.