- What is the danger of bedbugs?
- Composition and properties of the remedy for bugs Raptor
- How the
- works How to use Raptor aerosol?
- Security measures:
Adherence to hygiene and the use of various cleaning and cleaning products can not save a modern person from the appearance of bedbugs. They come unexpectedly and negatively to our home from "neighbors", get into apartments from trains, hotels, hotels, appear along with books, furniture, etc. To destroy parasites in the house, many people recommend using Raptor from bedbugs.
to the contents ↑What is the danger of bedbugs?
The appearance of bed parasites - ticks and bedbugs, always causes concern to all tenants at home. These insects cause a lot of harm, starting with a bite and slight skin irritation and ending with allergic reactions, dangerous diseases such as tuberculosis, ulceration, leprosy and other body injuries by harmful bacteria.
The bites of bloodsuckers not only prevent a person from quietly sleeping and resting, but also do not allow to undress on the beaches and in the pools. Although the destruction of parasites is not easy, but quite feasible. The main thing is to use a proven insecticide against the bugs Raptor, the reviews about which are very positive.
Composition and properties of the remedy for bugs Raptor
Raptor is now widely heard, as it is one of the pioneers in the production of crawling and flying insect remedies. For many consumers, the company's products are familiar from mosquito preparations and cockroaches. All means show a good result and enjoy excellent fame. A convenient aerosol release allows the preparation to be used without special preparation, and to begin destroying the parasites immediately after the purchase of the product.
There is no specialized means of "Raptor" from bugs. The company produces only a spray, the action of which is directed against all creeping insects.
The composition of the aerosol "Raptor" includes 3 main active substances. This is:
- Cypermethrin is 0.2%.This component affects the nervous system of insects and their larvae, having a paralyzing effect. The most active effect of insecticide is on the first day of use, but retains its properties for up to 20 days. This duration is guaranteed provided that it is not washed off the treated surface. The component is fairly resistant to sunlight.
- Tetrametrine - 0.2%.The component is a nerve-paralyzing poison for all creeping insects, has a low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and humans.
- Piperonyl butoxide 0.5%.The role of this insecticide is the addition and strengthening of the effect of the previous components. Piperonyl butoxide is slightly toxic, but is quite effective in combination with other constituents.
Important! In addition to the 3 main active ingredients, the composition of the product includes a flavor and an organic solvent.
to the contents ↑The principle of action of the
"Raptor" works on creeping insects in the following way: when the insects cross the treated surface, the poison remains on their paws. By spreading the poisonous substance throughout the colony, parasites perish themselves and exterminate the entire population. Usually, a bed bug dies within a day of contact with the poison.
Spray aerosol poison acts for about 20 days, but every day its effectiveness is reduced.
An insecticide is produced in the form of a 350 ml bottle equipped with a convenient sprayer. The cap is removed easily, which allows, along with the original spraying method, to use other additional attachments. For example, extensions for high-quality spraying of hard-to-reach places, as well as various flat inserts for processing mechanisms and connecting parts of a bed, a sofa and other furniture.
Raptor from bugs has significant advantages over other popular drugs. In particular:
- Aerosol does not leave marks on surfaces. Getting on fabric or smooth objects, the sprayed drug is quickly absorbed. Due to its non-sticky structure, it does not leave greasy stains and stains.
- Acts instantly, preventing insects from adapting. Bedbugs die 10-15 minutes after treatment with the drug. In 1-2 days the colony of bloodsuckers will be completely destroyed.
- No specific odor. The drug has a faint scent of jasmine or mint. Treatment of the room means does not cause unpleasant sensations.
- Exposure duration. The drug "Raptor from bedbugs" not only destroys the existing insects, but also creates an insurmountable barrier for subsequent colonies of parasites.
- Convenient form of release.
- Affordable cost with maximum efficiency. One aerosol can is sufficient for processing 60 m2.
How to use Raptor aerosol?
Unlike a powder or a liquid suspension, the "Raptor" aerosol is immediately ready for use.
Before starting the disinsection of the premises, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures. In particular:
- Remove all unnecessary household items.
- Personal things and hygiene products cover with polyethylene.
- Foods are hermetically packed.
- From the room take out all living plants.
- Soft furniture and beds, including cushions and a variety of rollers, carefully beat and vacuum.
- Remove from the premises pets, children and households that may be prone to allergies.
- Close the aquarium.
Important! Before using the insecticide, read the instructions for use and protect yourself with protective equipment( medical mask or industrial respirator, gloves).
Instructions for use:
- Before use, spray the aerosol - this is necessary to ensure that all components that make up the product mix and the liquid becomes homogeneous.
- Carry out treatment with open windows, windows.
- Spray the poison from a distance of 15-20 centimeters to the surface to be treated.
Important! Hold the can in the vertical position, directing the sprayed "Raptor" from the bedbugs to the places of their accumulation. Spray the surface so that a straight, continuous line is obtained, in which case the insects can not avoid crossing it.
- Treat the preparation, in the first place, the places of the greatest concentration of insects: the frame of the bed and sofa, secluded places behind the skirting boards, walls of wardrobes, sills, thresholds, secluded places behind heat radiators, the underside of the carpet.
Important! One bottle of the drug is enough for high-quality processing of 50-70 m2 of premises( the area of a two-room apartment).In advanced cases, increase the dose of the drug 2 times.
- After treatment, leave the sprayed preparation for 10-15 minutes.
- After the procedure, ventilate the room, leaving the windows open for at least 30 minutes to allow the airborne microparticles of the agent to evaporate. At this time, leave the room yourself.
Important! After an hour and a half after treatment in the room can be without harm to health. The smell will not remain, and the fight against bugs will continue.
- After 1-2 days after the treatment, perform a general cleaning: vacuum and wipe all the treated areas to remove the dead bugs and remove the remnants of the drug on the walls of the furniture.
Important! As a preventive measure after the general cleaning of the premises, repeat the spraying to ensure the final death of not only the remaining insects, but also the larvae, as well as egg layings.
to the contents ↑Security measures:
- Aerosol can not be used near electrical appliances and gas stove.
- The container can not be stored directly in direct sunlight, or near sources of fire, as it is under pressure.
- If the treatment is in the kitchen, then all food products must be closed.
- During the use of the drug, take care not to inhale the contents of the aerosol.
- Use the medication correctly to relieve yourself of side effects.
- To avoid contact with the eyes, open areas of the skin and mouth, use protective equipment.
Important! According to consumers, the remedy for bugs "Raptor" is quite effective against creeping insects. However, the best results are shown when fighting ants and cockroaches, and not against bedbugs, as bloodsuckers are quite tenacious insects, and they are not so easy to exterminate.
In addition, the concentration of the active ingredient in the spray is much lower than in the insecticides of the liquid form. The finely dispersed agent is worse fixed on the surface, and therefore has a weaker effect. When sprayed, the poison enters the air, which means it can easily penetrate the person's airways.
We recommend the use of a spray in the complex fight against bugs, since the drug is effective only if it hits the insects or their nests directly. Use "Raptor" if parasites are small or their location is known. In case of more serious infection of the room, use stronger means for disinsection.