- Is it possible to poison lice with Dichlorvos?
- Species of Dichlorvos
- How to poison lice with dichlorvos?
- How to get rid of lice with dichlorvos?
- Alternative drugs
Medicine has successfully learned to fight with various diseases and problems of the human body. In any pharmacy, the pharmacist will advise you on the most appropriate remedy( spray, shampoo, lotion, cream) to get rid of a rather unpleasant disease - pediculosis. And whether it is possible to poison lice with dichlorvos - many become infected, because it is time-tested, the most versatile tool for the destruction of bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects.
to the contents ↑Is it possible to poison lice with Dichlorvos?
About the use of dichlorvos for lice and nits, infected people think in the following cases:
- When a person does not suspect that the product can be dangerous when applied directly to the skin and hair. It should be noted that the composition of the aerosol contains toxic substances, harmful not only to lice, but also to the person himself. Spray the product on any part of the body is strongly discouraged, because when exposed to mucous membranes or skin, a chemical can cause severe irritation, as well as an allergic reaction.
Important! Quite often, after a bite of parasites, small wounds and pustules remain on the scalp. Therefore, if you are going to poison lice with Dichlorvos, the consequences can only worsen.
- When a person does not trust means with more modern names and actions or was disappointed with the result of the effects of drugs on parasites when they are used.
- When the word "Dichlorvos" refers to any means of insects in the form of an aerosol, including pediculose special sprays.
Important! Use dichlorvos from lice is a big mistake. Although this drug has no pronounced toxic properties for humans, but if it gets on the skin or inside the body( respiratory tract), it can cause severe side effects. Even treatment with dichlorvos is carried out in a special suit( rubber gloves and respirator).
to the contents ↑Dichlorvos
Species Today, Dichlorvos "Khrushchev's thaw", which was poisoned by cockroaches and bedbugs, is not on sale. Named for the organophosphorus substance, this drug was in fact less effective and more toxic than pyrethroids, which were later launched into production.
Therefore, true dichlorvos is not produced for a long time, and modern preparations having the same name contain other insecticides in their composition.
Modern preparations have practically no odor, and today there are 3 main types of aerosol:
- Classic Dichlorvos. The preparation contained, as an active insecticide, an organophosphorus compound that is capable of penetrating the insect's chitinous cover and damaging its nervous system. This drug could cause allergies, as well as serious poisoning and upset in people who have exceeded the dosage of the drug.
- Dichlorvos "Eco".The drug contains in its composition cypermethrin, as well as natural pyrethrins( substances extracted from flowers of Dalmatian chamomile).The composition of the drug also includes a lavender flavor, which provides a pleasant smell.
- Dichlorvos "Neo".The modern drug has kept from its predecessor only the name, which does not require advertising. In its composition, the agent contains 3 effective insecticides: permethrin, piperonyl butoxide, cypermethrin, which affect the nervous system of the insect. The agent is relatively safe for humans, and does not have a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, when choosing such a tool, it is quite appropriate to pick lice with Dichlorvos.
Important! Even the most modern and updated dichlophos preparations require great care in handling. If they are used indoors, then it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. If the product gets on the body - it must be rinsed thoroughly, and if necessary, even consult a doctor.
to the contents ↑How to poison lice with dichlorvos?
Indeed, commercially available dichlophos from lice are very effective, because all modern versions of the drug contain in their composition those or other active substances. They lightly affect the nervous system of insects, causing complete paralysis of the parasite. All this happens in front of you in a matter of minutes. However, any preparation is produced, first of all, as a means for treating premises, which means that the concentration of chemical components( insecticides) in it is much higher than in pediculose sprays and shampoos.
You can use dichlorvos:
- For the destruction of clothing lice.
- Treatment of clothing.
- For room treatment.
Important! Handle things in rubber gloves and a respirator so that the product does not get on the skin. Aerosol treatment should be carried out only in cases where the possibility of washing things at high temperatures is excluded. Heat treatment does not require any contact with chemicals and is no less effective.
You can get rid of dichlorvos from lice, but this remedy will not save you from nits. Even the most modern versions of the drug do not have an effect on the protective coating of nits. The drug works only on adult insects, as well as on their larvae.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of lice with dichlorvos?
The composition of the aerosol contains strong enough insecticides, which allow you to get rid of lice Dichlorvos. Destroy almost all parasites possible for one spray. The main barrier to the use of the drug in pediculosis is, again, the chemical composition, which is not designed for close contact with the human skin.
If there is no other alternative, and you decided to poison the lice with Dichlorvos, then proceed as follows:
- Prepare a plastic bag( without holes).
- Put a can of dichlorvos into the bag.
- Inject a little gas into the package.
- Put the treated package on the hair of the infected.
- Wrap your head with a towel or a tissue.
- Remove the dressing after 30-60 minutes, depending on the degree of infection.
Alternative drugs
The main advantage of dichlorvos is its low price and effectiveness. One cylinder, if desired, you can handle the whole family. However, as an alternative, practically for the same money, safer, but no less effective means are offered for sale.
Aerosol "Para-Plus"
The spray from lice and nits, according to consumers, is recognized as one of the most effective in the fight against pediculosis. Aerosol "Para-Plus" is practically non-toxic, however it is contraindicated for patients with bronchial asthma, allergies, and also children under 3 years old.
Use the drug quite simply:
- Briefly press the sprayer, treat the scalp and the scalp with a medicine.
Important! Cover the head with a packet or a towel when processing is not necessary.
- After 10 minutes after the treatment, rinse the head with an ordinary shampoo.
- Kill the lice and nits combed with a comb.
- In order to prevent a recurrence of the disease, treat the aerosol with textile products that were touched by the patient and all his hygiene items.
- Repeat the treatment in a week.
"Nyuda" spray
The modern tool is designed for the destruction of lice in both adults and children. The drug is available in the form of a spray. On sale the spray is offered complete with a scallop for combing lice and nits.
Important! The active substance contained in the formulation - dimethicone, allows you to kill not only adults, but also nits for 1-2 sessions. You can use the drug to treat people of different ages. The restriction is children under 3 years old, and it is not recommended to use the drug for women during pregnancy and lactation.
Instruction for use:
- Wash your hair with shampoo.
- Dry hair naturally without using a towel.
- On dry hair, apply a spray, distributing it over the entire surface of the hair.
- Carefully rub the medicine into the roots.
- After 45 minutes, comb the treated hair with the comb that comes with the kit.
- Wash your head with a normal shampoo under running water.
Important! With a large number of parasites, repeat the procedure after 10-14 days. During this time, larvae hatched from the nits and destroyed by the active drug.
The only drawback of the tool is the high price for the set.
Spray "Paranit"
The widely known pediculitis drug "Paranit" is used for the destruction of adult individuals of lice, as well as nits. The preparation is produced in the form of a spray, intended for spraying on the hair, as well as affected areas of the scalp.
Important! Active active ingredient is dimethicone( 4%).The remaining 96% is made up of mineral oils. Since there are no insecticides in the formulation, it can be used to treat both adults and children.
Sold product in a plastic bottle of 100 ml. The set also includes a scallop for combing dead lice and nits.
Depending on the number of parasites, the tool allows them to be destroyed in several procedures. If after the first application to destroy all lice and nits failed, then repeat the procedure for treatment after 7-10 days.
Important! In addition to the sprays, the company produces specialized lotions and shampoos, which are also effective in the treatment of pediculosis.
How to use a drug that is an excellent alternative to a more toxic dichlorophos from lice - observe the following instructions:
- Spray spray on dry and clean hair( at a distance of 10-15 cm).
Important! Spray the drug until the hair is completely moistened without missing any patches, evenly spreading the product over the entire surface of the head. If the hair is too thick, treat them with small strands.
- After treatment, leave your head alone for 15 minutes.
- Wash your hair with shampoo and warm water.
- Using a special comb( included in the kit), scrub the dead nits and lice.
There are a lot of methods and means of fighting parasites, including folk. For example, dust or tar soap, decoction of wormwood, 5% solution of benzyl alcohol, cranberry juice and even hair coloring with hydrogen peroxide. All means are effective and effective in their own way, so choose for yourself the most optimal and harmless. However, remember that 100% of the results will not be given to you by any medicine without daily combing your head with a frequent comb, and also without observing personal hygiene rules that will save you a lot of problems in the future.