Paint clothes and textiles in the home: the dyeing process

Updating a wardrobe using paintDyeing of fabrics and garments in the home is not a new idea. If you have at home a little bit yellowed tissue, which lost to aesthetics, in such cases, the staining is his special justification - to update the color table cloths, curtains and pillow cases, giving them a trendy color and save them from oblivion in the depths cabinets.


  1. home coloring principles
  2. Preparation of necessary materials
  3. Step by step instructions on fabric painting
  4. Self coloring outerwear

home coloring principles

A few forgotten in the years of machinery dyeing of clothes at home is gradually beginning to recover, and the reasons for this are many. We dream of fashionable seasonal updates, but buy them quite expensive, and it hits the budget. However, with colored materials in the home, you can easily refresh your wardrobe or get a brand new color, for home textiles:

  • tablecloths;
  • curtains;
  • pillowcases;
  • garments, such as jackets, coats, jackets.

Fabrics for dyeing They are:

  • Paints for fabriclinen;
  • cotton;
  • silk;
  • viscose;
  • mixed fabrics (t. e. synthetics 50%).

The more filler materials in the tissue, the greater the chance of a failed painting. Fortunately, in the spirit of ekostilya, the most fashionable interior textiles are made of natural materials.

  • For wool, silk and nylon used solid dye.
  • For cotton, linen or rayon is used liquid dye.
  • For thin fabrics such as voile and muslin, better to choose means for cold dyeing.
  • The polyester and acrylic can not be painted.

Tablecloths, curtains, cushion covers, silk or cotton T-shirts are the most grateful objects for painting at home. But any material absorbs ink differently, and therefore requires a different approach. The best thing to do preliminary test.

The rule states that yellowed or discolored matter after painting always becomes darker than the original. It is important that the fabric for dyeing was spotless. Otherwise there is a chance to get a uniform color. Therefore, must be carefully pre-washed and, if possible, remove all defects, for example, by using stain remover.

Preparation of necessary materials

For dyeing at home, you will need:

  • dyeinglarge enameled container;
  • bowl;
  • a metal spoon for stirring;
  • salt;
  • powder dye for a particular tissue;
  • hot water;
  • latex gloves.

Typically, one packet is sufficient for coloring paints 0.5 kg of material. However, to get a deep and rich color, it's worth taking a bag, even a small piece of cloth. Furthermore, in the case where a fabric comprises synthetic materials impurities, increase the dye concentration.

container size should be chosen by the volume of the object to be painted or fabric - it is important that the cloth was completely immersed in the solution, it will give the opportunity to freely mix the material during the application.

If these conditions are not complied with, the material may be uneven colors.

Step by step instructions on fabric painting

Designed for dyeing fabric must be soaked in warm water for approximately 15-20 minutes. At the same time it is necessary to boil a liter of water in an enamel pot. Fall asleep to the contents of the bag with a dye for fabrics and intensively mixed. The dye is dissolved in a pot 1.5 liter add more hot water, and after stirring to immerse it in the tissue intended for coloring. Then place the pan on the gas and simmer about 30 minutes, a metal spoon stirring every few minutes. All this time, the material must be completely immersed in dye.

After 30 minutes, add one tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Salt plays a role here dye fixative. Pour salt directly in water, and not to the fabric. Stir vigorously. After adding salt, you will see that the water becomes more transparent - salt allows the pigment ink to penetrate deeper into the fabric. If you do not notice this effect, increase the dose of salt. After that cook more tissue for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

After 30 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and wait until it cools down. Then in rubber gloves take out the fabric and wash it in a bath of cold water 3-4 times to complete washing excess dye. After this, hang the cloth to dry, but not in the sun.

Self coloring outerwear

Paint almost all the clothes you can in the same way, but in terms of outerwear - here it's different. Paint coat, jacket or down jacket by boiling, for example, in black color, it is impossible, because you can damage these things once and for all. Coat, jacket and the jacket lining are made of different materials: fur, padding polyester, etc., which do not withstand high temperatures... Therefore, here it is necessary to apply the following method is quite time consuming.

For a start look at what material is made of these things, and the suitability of this material for painting. As a rule, the coat is made of suitable material, but with regard to coats and jackets, here it is necessary to pay special attention to, and if there is synthetic, is to abandon the idea.

Coloring with natural dyesThe next step is to wash these garments. Not waiting for them to dry, hung them on hangers in the bathroom so as to have access to them from all sides.

Then make a highly concentrated dye solution and boiling salt water. It should be noted that the color in this manner are most suitable dark color shades, and most preferably black.

Take a soft brush for clothes, dipped in the solution and start wiping it painted coats from top to bottom. Once we dipped - once held by his clothes. We operate under the scheme until all the clothes will not be painted. Then the heated solution, and start anew. So three times. Then we give clothes stand for about an hour and washed in cold water. After washing, hang to dry. If after drying it becomes apparent that the paint fell unevenly, it is possible to repeat the procedure.