πŸ˜€ Mesh made of plastic waste: step-by-step instructions with a photo

πŸ˜€ Mesh made of plastic waste: step-by-step instructions with a photo

You can often hear that the basis of all modern landfills is plastic, and this is a plastic container for drinks. This is not surprising, for today such material is the cheapest and most profitable type of container for buyers and manufacturers. Each person, on average, throws away 3 plastic beve...

What Can Be Done With Tile Remnants: Simple Ideas For Applications

What Can Be Done With Tile Remnants: Simple Ideas For Applications

If you planning renovation using ceramic tiles, you probably take a small supply of material, just in case, in case the parts are damaged during installation or later the coating needs to be repaired. And this is absolutely correct, because later, after a while, even if you find the same drawing,...

πŸ•° How to make an original wall clock from fiberboard, glue and old keys

πŸ•° How to make an original wall clock from fiberboard, glue and old keys

There are wall clocks in almost every home and in every room. We are used to keeping track of the time and planning our day in accordance with the running of the hour and minute hands. The clock in the room is an integral part interior, and any owner wants them to look stylish and exclusive. Such...

πŸ’§ Simple solution to complex problems: life hacks for cleaning

πŸ’§ Simple solution to complex problems: life hacks for cleaning

It’s good to say that it’s not clean where they clean up, but where they don’t litter. Of course, if you live in splendid isolation, then in principle it is possible to maintain perfect cleanliness. But for a family, especially with children, regular cleaning is a real challenge that takes a lot ...

How to restore a worn-out desk-book: step-by-step instructions

How to restore a worn-out desk-book: step-by-step instructions

Probably, everyone in the house has some kind of object from the Soviet past - an old chair or a chest of drawers, sideboard or a kitchen stool. It is always a pity to part with such things, since most often these items are made soundly, and if it were not for the shabby appearance, they could we...

🎨 A collection of ideas for the transformation of walls: how to make the interior not boring

🎨 A collection of ideas for the transformation of walls: how to make the interior not boring

Painted walls - the simplest and most economical finishing method. The huge advantage of this design is that it is always easy to change the color or pattern to a new one: you just need to apply a coat of new paint. Well, there is only one minus of such a solution: the walls painted in the same t...

πŸ’‘ How can you use broken glass: the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a lamp

πŸ’‘ How can you use broken glass: the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bcreating a lamp

Many materials or waste of building materials can be reused. Literally everything will come in handy: board scraps, remnants of bricks and ceramic tiles. Can you use broken glass? Many will give up on this idea. Well, what happens from the shards of glass? At best, if the piece is large enough, a...

Universal bike wheel shelf

Universal bike wheel shelf

Workshop Is the place for the creative process. Clutter inspires no one, so problem correct organization of space in this place is very relevant. Everything should be in its place, even the smallest parts and fasteners. The order will help not only focus on the goal, but also significantly save t...

πŸ˜€ How to organize storage in an apartment is simple and easy

πŸ˜€ How to organize storage in an apartment is simple and easy

Order in the house - an important condition for a prosperous life. And it's not just about philosophy Feng Shui. Eastern wisdom says that disorder attracts negative energy into the house. And this applies to everything: the contents of the cabinets, the arrangement of things in the rooms and clea...

DIY bed headboard: instructions and decoration

DIY bed headboard: instructions and decoration

The headboard is not only a structural element of the bed. It is part of the interior and has a noticeable impact on the overall style of decoration. In addition to technical (strength, stiffness indicator, dimensions), aesthetic requirements are also imposed on it, as well as the degree of conve...