Bath on wheels (60 photos): Portable and mobile saunas

Bath on wheels (60 photos): Portable and mobile saunas

Bath - a special structure where washed and steamed, improve their health and relieve fatigue. In Russian villages it is often the only "pomyvochnaya" place. Usually it is a fixed building made of wood, brick, which is located near the reservoir, but in modern times Many organize an exit bath on...

Projects baths with gazebos and barbecue under one roof 75 photos

Projects baths with gazebos and barbecue under one roof 75 photos

Summer and winter holidays in the country, not least associated with bath rest. In Russia and many countries of the world such variant hanging like a long time, so even in small towns there is at least a dozen bathing complexes. In some regions of the world tend to prefer a bath with moist air, ...

Baths ready projects 75 photo examples and diagrams

Baths ready projects 75 photo examples and diagrams

From ancient times, Russian bath surrounded mystique. Here, we not only washed, but also speculated on holidays. We had a private bath "variety" brownie - swab. Although in this place and the people were cleared of mud, it was considered bad, even things here trying not to bring into the house. ...

Bath projects with terrace 75 photo layouts and placement of terraces

Bath projects with terrace 75 photo layouts and placement of terraces

Bath was the primary "pomyvochnaya" place in many countries, ranging from the Middle Ages until the centralized water supply. In today's time, such a structure is intended primarily for recreation in the company of family and friends. But if in a small bathhouse will only warm up, the vast room ...

Construction of bath in their own hands: a waiting room, steam room 100 photo

Construction of bath in their own hands: a waiting room, steam room 100 photo

Construction of baths - the final stage of its construction. He meant by a interior furnishing. Most often, this is done using a wooden battens or boards from different wood species. Before proceeding to the finish is necessary to determine the material to evaluate its positive characteristics, ...

Bath with his hands: step by step instructions, projects 70 photos

Bath with his hands: step by step instructions, projects 70 photos

Every person at least once in a lifetime in the sauna or steam room. The feeling of being in a hot bathhouse is impossible to forget. Steam treatments help to rejuvenate and healthier body. Many owners of their own land is not averse to build a special room equipped for warm wash. The easiest wa...