Every person at least once in a lifetime in the sauna or steam room. The feeling of being in a hot bathhouse is impossible to forget. Steam treatments help to rejuvenate and healthier body. Many owners of their own land is not averse to build a special room equipped for warm wash. The easiest way to order a finished project for the professionals, but you can try to build a sauna with your own hands. This will significantly save the family budget, gain invaluable experience.
- Advantages and disadvantages of self-built
Features design and layout
- optimal area
- zoning space
- External extension - terraces, verandas, gazebos and barbecue
- Internal additional rooms
- communication engineering
Which bath to build - types of steam rooms
- Russian
- Finnish
- Chinese
- hammam
How to choose a place to build
- In home
- Extension to the house
- freestanding
What material is better to build
- Of timber
- of bricks
- from foam blocks
- Fundam for bath
- The sink - oven selection
Step by step instructions of building a free-standing bath
- Site preparation for construction
- Pouring the foundation
- Walling and construction of the roof
- Heat and steam,
- Interior finishing work - what materials are best to use
- Installation furnace and shelves
Design and decoration of the bath
- What to choose furniture for the bath
- conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages of self-built
The construction of the bath with his hands in the garden - a difficult but creative and constructive process. Self-construction enjoys quite popular. Among the main advantages of work on its own can be identified:
- the use of a project developed in accordance with individual needs, taking into account the preferences of all family members;
- savings, the owner himself manages the allocated budget, and does not pay the sum, voiced by the contractor;
- it is possible to build in phases, by investing a small amount;
- confidence in the quality of purchased materials;
- acquisition and accumulation of experience, it is useful in the construction of other buildings;
- pride in personally built structures, which can show off to friends or family.

The disadvantages of self-construction of baths include:
- the need to explore existing projects, drawing up its own scheme;
- purchase, transportation of construction materials and equipment, the purchase cost of the tools required for the job;
- low speed of erection of structures, experienced builders build steam much faster;
- full responsibility for all stages of work, from the flooded basement to the construction of walls and roofs, installation of windows and doors;
- complexity in the arrangement of the heating equipment, wiring engineering services;
- should be fully confident in their abilities, if you do not have the time, patience, money is a result of an unfinished object may appear on the plot.

Features design and layout
With the construction of baths initially need to decide on a location. It can be equipped in the house to attach to it, or to make a free-standing structure. But practice shows that many developers who have chosen combined with the basic structure of the option regret it. Another important aspect - orientation to the cardinal. For example, for practical reasons, the window is better to have a south or west. It is also worth to comply with the standards of the distances between buildings, to take into account the distance of the structure from the border area, a private house, distance to the pond.
Construction of saunas, as well as any other structure begins with the drafting. When its design takes into account the estimated number of family members who are at the same time her visit, site layout, isolated area, amount of cash. The circuit may include a plurality of rooms, which may include a steam room, washing, dressing room, swimming pool, billiards room, the other rooms. In drawing up the drawing should be warned beforehand about all the important points include the everything you need, which will continue to manage without additional extensions, redevelopment building.
Under current law, for the construction of a bath on your own site is not required to obtain any permits, as it is a subsidiary entity. But in the preparation of steam project should pay special attention to the architecture and fire safety, it is recommended to consider the following regulations: SNIP 21-01-97 * "Fire safety of buildings and structures", SNIP 3.04.01-87 "Insulation and finishes", SP 1.13130.2009 "Fire Systems protection. Emergency routes and exits, "SNIP II-L.13-62" Bani. design standards. "

optimal area
The basic premise, without which it is impossible to imagine a bath, a steam bath. Here are located the shelf, set the oven. There is also a main room include washing or shower, dressing room, which also acts as a place to relax, walk-in closet. If the construction is planned to be used all year round, its complement vestibule, which helps to keep warm. In the design of the bath, determining its size is taken into account a number of important points:
- its location on site, whether it is a free-standing structure or acts as an extension to a house;
- power level of the heater;
- the number of visitors;
- plot size, free space on it;
- wall thickness, the presence of insulation used finish.
The following are the recommendations of experts, allowing to calculate the optimal size:
- Ceiling height "Russian" or "Finnish" bath should be more than 2.1 m;
- minimum size of steam per one visitor should be at least 850 x 1150 mm, or 0.98 sq. m;
- anteroom - 1000 x 2150 mm or 2.15 sq. m;
- Washing - 1150 x 1300 mm or 1.49 sq. m.
These values are provisional. They are calculated based on the average growth of man. When planning the parameters of all family members should be considered. For a free-standing construction ratio of steam, washing, changing room recommended amount of 1: 1.5: 2 parts respectively. In reality, it all depends on the wishes of the owner.

zoning space
For large-area structures perform zoning is not necessary. Here you can freely provide a separate room for the steam room and washing, pool and billiard room, dining room and dressing room, bathroom and post combustion. However, sometimes in front of the owners bath there is a need for its proper arrangement, the separation of facilities for recreation on useful functional areas.
If properly approach the issue, even a single room for relaxation can be multifunctional. Where you can eat, arrange a tea party, relax on the couch, looking through your favorite TV shows, play billiards, comfortable to spend time with friends, discussing the latest news. Also in the lounge possible to provide changing rooms, organize storage space for bath accessories.
Zoning can use different methods. Select the functional areas help partitions, windows and artificial lighting, existing pieces of furniture, you can also use different finishing materials. When planning experts recommend to divide the dining area from the living room, for example, placing the pool table between them. Create extra comfort will placed in one corner of the fireplace, complete with a pair of armchairs.

External extension - terraces, verandas, gazebos and barbecue
External extension to the bath can be provided at the stage of its design, or to expand the existing structure if necessary. It often happens that the first constructed building, and then, due to various circumstances, there is a need to increase it. Extension can have a different purpose, and it kind of depends on the available space.
When extending the bath or the inclusion of a more functional areas are often added to the project vestibule, veranda, terrace, balcony, gazebo, summer kitchen, barbecue area. The simplest extension - vestibule, canopy or porch. Also does not cause any difficulties the terrace structure, more time-consuming to build an open or glazed porch, and in the construction of two-storey buildings often provide for a balcony.

If resources permit, then one of the best solutions is to build an arbor or summer kitchen with a stove or barbecue. The furnace allows to improve the general form of a bath, aromatic enjoy delicious meal, maintain comfortable air temperature. However, it should be remembered that the stove is heavy, so when its construction should pay special attention to the construction of reinforced foundation.
See also:Fitted inside the bath

Internal additional rooms
Undoubtedly, the central location is any steam bath. In fact, this is not the only room that plays an important role. The building can provide a lot of other useful facilities that allow you to make it very comfortable and cozy. One is the recreation room, where you can arrange a variety of home furnishings. The main equipment at this square - the choice of high-quality furniture and finishing materials that can last for a long time in high humidity conditions.
In large possible to provide a separate area of the building by the pool. Many like after going to the steam room does not pour out buckets, taking a summer shower, and all at once to dive into the cool water. However, the construction of the swimming pool requires utilities. For its filling will require large amounts of water, so there will not do a simple sink, need a good drainage system. An alternative to full pool can serve as a small font, having the form of a small wooden barrels or large trough that can accommodate several people at once.

Considering the finished projects, you can find a bath with a pool hall, bathroom, kitchen. We should also mention buildings, which include a living room. They can be called high-grade houses, which are in demand in the country. Similar projects have their fans and opponents. By choosing such a structure, you must first think about the humidity in the house, pay attention to fire safety, such as using gas and electric ovens.

communication engineering
OK to use the bath or sauna, characterized by high humidity and temperature, it is impossible without a properly designed and built communications. Here to utilities increased requirements related to safe operation. Special attention should be paid to the water supply, sanitation, electricity and ventilation.
At the design stage is necessary to calculate the volume of water consumption, the amount of water intake points. Also required to decide beforehand to operating conditions (season, year-round). If the building is not heated, it should be possible to drain the water from the entire system, so that at low temperatures it does not freeze in winter.
Construction of ventilation it is possible to perform with his own hands. Suffice it in the bath to install two windows. One of them will provide the inflow of cold air, the other - to serve for the exit of heated and Waterlogging of oxygen. There is a natural and mechanical ventilation. In the second case, either use expensive automated systems that support a predetermined temperature and humidity in the room or budget option, which implies the presence of the fan located on the ventilation windows.
When the electricity company in the bath should adhere to existing norms and standards, for example, to comply with GOST R 50571.12-96. When choosing a cable it is recommended to pay attention, to withstand temperatures up to 180 degrees. Among the heat-resistant products can be identified RKGM, PVKV, PRKS, PMTK others. Sockets should be heat resistant, waterproof, have a hidden installation. The degree of security fittings must meet IP-44 / IP-65 standards. It is worth remembering and about protective equipment (RCD), which must necessarily be included in the wiring connecting the project.

Which bath to build - types of steam rooms
Many peoples of the world in the course of their development having its own unique traditions in the arrangement and use of baths. Among the most common types can be distinguished Russian, Finnish, Roman, Turkish, Irish, Japanese, Chinese bath complexes. Each of these is characterized by its size, shape, design, air temperature, its humidity. Let us dwell on the most popular in the world of these types of structures.

The main feature of the Russian bath is to the body steams warm air saturated with water vapor. Its temperature is 50-70 degrees and humidity 40-65%. Traditionally, classical building consists of a waiting room, the washing compartment, a pair of the room. Steam room - the main place in the building. The main attribute - the oven. For its furnace exclusively used firewood.

To maintain the temperature of the burning furnace watered and infusions of medicinal herbs, thus forming an "easy steam", then it becomes easier to breathe in a humidified environment. For the walls and shelves used larch planks. Shelves themselves are in the form of steps, are arranged near the oven. The temperature at the lower levels is 50 degrees, while in the uppermost can reach 100 degrees and above.
The washing is usually a bucket of water, showers, if space allows, equip font and even constructing swimming pools. Previously, a waiting room is used as a dressing room. Now it is equipped recreation room, divide it into different functional areas, used as a location for a comfortable and cozy hanging out with family or friends.

The main feature of the Finnish bath may be mentioned that it is warmed with dry steam. This type of sauna is the hottest. The steam room air temperature reaches 70-100 degrees, while its moisture seldom exceeds 8-20%. That low humidity allows a person to withstand high temperatures, and its increase by 5-10% can cause burns of the skin, in the worst case death.

Another feature is the sauna stove. Now there are rarely set ordinary woodburning stoves, instead it uses a compact electric stove, stainless steel and zinc alloys. Unlike Russian bath, stones are not stacked inside the furnace, and on its surface. Such an arrangement provides more rapid heating and cooling, respectively is much faster.
The duration of the first entry into the steam room should not exceed 3-5 minutes to avoid overheating. After we recommended to take a shower, a dip in the pool and relax in the lounge. Starting with the next calls, their duration can be gradually increased, but the maximum amount of time should not exceed 15 minutes, even for experienced people, and their total number of 3-6 times.

In China, there is a whole culture of bathing. The main component of the baths are wooden sandals and massage in combination with manual therapy. Bath begins with bathroom, in which several Jacuzzi are located. In each individual has a different water bath temperature: cold, warm and hot. The water was added carefully and fragrant oil pitch.
In the same room is located and a special twin cabins. In contrast to the Russian steam vapor is generated by special steam generators, which are not able to give out hot heat from traditional heaters. Some baths projects include special snow rooms where the temperature is kept at minus 10 degrees, produced by artificial snow.
After a visit to the steam room a person should proceed to massage. The procedure begins with pouring warm water, after which the attendant with a towel or sponge wound on his hand starts to rub the whole body. This treatment lasts for at least half an hour. After the body is covered with a cool towel and starts back massage. Upon completion of the procedures can be sent back to the steam room, pre oblivshis milk with honey.

The main feature of the Turkish bath is the high humidity in the steam, it reaches 100% at relatively low temperatures of 45-50 degrees. As a result, a person is fully immersed in pairs, it relaxes the muscles, normalizes blood circulation. Apart from the traditional body warm up, visit the hammam includes a number of additional treatments: exfoliation, body wrap and massage.
See also:Sauna with a gazebo and a barbecue under one roof: the ideas and projects
Wood in the construction of the steam room is not in use. To furnish steam room used ceramic tile, the more expensive versions - natural marble. On heated marble is very comfortable to lie. Heating bath can be accomplished in two ways, with an aqueous or electric heating. The first embodiment is most advantageous, heating of all surfaces is performed by means of pipes laid under the lining.

Required for a steam generator steam bath, providing high humidity. The device is equipped with a special sensor, it automatically turns off the system, if the room temperature exceeds 55 degrees. Thanks to this arrangement, steam your hair and skin moisturized, existing tan is not washed away from the body, but rather is attached to it.

How to choose a place to build
The construction of the bath is customary to begin with the selection of the most suitable location and preparation of the construction plan. In the preparation of calculations it is important to respect the rules that govern the conditions of the steam room located in the residential sector. Specific structure should be at least 1 meter section adjacent to the boundaries. If the neighbor's yard there are wooden buildings, from them to the bath should be more than 15 meters.
Freestanding bath or executed as an extension to the house can be erected only on the basis of the rules, regulations on natural, plant, protected areas. Distances to the reservoir - 5 meters, artificial well with drinking water - 12 meters tall trees - 4 meters, forest - 15 meters.

In home
Planning the construction of the steam room in the house should be at a stage of building design. For baths require a special waterproofing, finishing, materials processing. More likely to make a mini-room, but spacious enough for a comfortable stay. The advantages of planning a residential house with a sauna by the following factors may include:
- Save space on the territory of a garden plot;
- Free to move from room to room without having to go out;
- Simplified firebox. All necessary materials are located in a residential area;
- The proximity to the bathroom.
By cons organization baths in the house include high fire hazard. Even qualitative and systematic treatment room retardants gives 100% protection against fire and smoke. Also need additional vapor barrier. Due to the high humidity makes it difficult to have ventilation. Provide good ventilation, you can use the installation of costly internal equipment.

Extension to the house
Attach bath to the residential structure is possible only if the house is made of brick, concrete blocks. In other cases, too close location may be unsafe. Tap can be a ready-made terrace or pour the foundation for saunas separate area. Before laying the floor covering, consider the good protection from moisture, high-quality sewer drain.
Bannuyu make annexe can be after 2-year and after shrinkage of the main residential building. The room can be easily connected communication and make it heated. Among the shortcomings can be noted a high risk of fire due to an open flame. The danger increases if the skeleton of the villa is made of an extension of the budget bar, badly-treated wood materials. Dirt and debris from the furnace is easy to get into the house, and humidity destroys the wall covering, leading to the inevitable frequent repairs.

Best Mode bath erection on site. The easiest way to do it from the framework. It requires light foundation beams for manufacturing the truss, the main material for the walls. Construction will take a minimum of time. You can easily implement the design you like and heating equipment with any characteristics.
From the noted disadvantages can be activation of imposing land area for construction, and a large number of materials, improvised. Due to the remoteness of the residential buildings heating costs will increase, and attempts to save will result in poor settings.

What material is better to build
On its own bath dream of many owners of suburban areas. But to build it according to the rules is not easy. Due to the presence of such a furnace buildings imposes very strict requirements. When selecting the base material must be based not only on price and ease of construction of the home sauna, but also take into account compliance with the conditions in the steam room.
Baths building often made of wood or brick. It is these materials are able to provide high levels of thermal insulation. They do not emit toxic compounds upon heating, have a high resistance to a humid environment. Each species has its own characteristics and is used for the construction of the steam room because of its size, number of floors, climate indicators.

Of timber
The structure of wood retains heat very well, quickly removes toxins and gases. Small bath weight allows the gates without extra reinforcement foundation. Special characteristics attached to the structure of breed type. can be distinguished among the popular varieties of the following:
- Pine. Budget material has an attractive appearance, light shade and sufficient moisture resistance. By releasing the resin when heated slows mold. Not recommended for finish steam pine because when heating thick juice is released, which can easily burn the skin.
- Linden. Because of the low moisture resistance for the manufacture of baths are suitable only received special grade processing. Material with excellent heat resistance in a couple of years begins to darken.
- Aspen. golden rock density is increasing with time, making it difficult to process and repairs. Waterproof material perfectly preserves the heat, but do not fall into the category of budget rocks.
- Alder. Boards with a beautiful reddish tint practically do not shrink, but quickly darken when exposed to moisture.

of bricks
The main advantage is the durability of the brickwork. Bath from a material easily serve up to 20 years. No need for an additional lining, because the brick itself is attractive. Also indisputable advantage in favor of this type of bath is its flammability, lack of mold and mildew on the walls.
Considerable weight bricks involves the installation of a steam belt base. This increases the period of construction work. First you have to pour a concrete foundation, wait for it to complete solidification, and install stages brick walls and a roof.
You can build a bath of red brick or gas-silicate. For any of the types required at least 1 hour to warm up. the structure will also be necessary to insulate the inside. For displaying focus and other places that come into contact with open flames, fireclay bricks used.
Brick is not breathable, so the construction of a bath it is necessary to take care of good ventilation.

from foam blocks
Affordable stuff will quickly build a strong building. Honeycomb blocks rectangular shape are treated in an autoclave, which gives them all the necessary features. Low weight bannuyu elements allows building structure without any additional strengthening of foundations. The blocks are cut into pieces a simple hacksaw. Installation occurs by means of a special cement glue.
Disadvantages include hygroscopic material. But special treatment to reduce the output of the heat outside. For the construction of a bath suit penobloki lower density and thermal conductivity.

Fundam for bath
The basis for the bath to be selected to the construction, since to change it after the pouring of concrete will be impossible. The main objective of the foundation - an even distribution of the load on the ground. The type of construction will depend on the duration of the entire construction services. There are several variants of concrete pouring, different installation method. During the construction of steam rooms following options are used most often:
- Pile. Used on soils, poorly saturated with moisture. By the principle of the installation is divided into a screw-pile, pile-Drop, columnar. Selection of a suitable installation of the technology depends on the degree and direction of movement of the earth.
- Belt. Along the perimeter of the entire construction set wide concrete strip. This approach simplifies the erection of walls bath additionally reinforcing structure is not necessary. You can make a blank tape or block basis.
- Monolithic. The cement slurry is poured around the perimeter of the future building. The thickness of the solid plate should be at least 30 cm.
See also:Bath Terrace: project options

The sink - oven selection
When choosing a furnace for a bath in the first place should pay attention to power. This figure should correspond to the volume of the steam room. Also taken into account the presence of nezaizolirovannyh areas, door manufacturing material. By oven type of fuel for the bath are as follows:
- Wood burning. Classical variant furnace to create a special atmosphere. It does not require additional wiring for communication ubiquitous tree. You can choose to harvest all kinds of varieties to create different effects.
- Gas. Units impressive sizes may be connected only by a qualified gasman. In such furnaces there is no need to constantly monitor and pop cleaved flame. Firebox and ash they do not. Gas furnace considerably enhance the flammability of the assembly.
- Electric. Miniature devices evenly and quickly heat the room. Installations are completely safe, with great functionality. Due to the large electricity consumption of operating costs will be high.

Step by step instructions of building a free-standing bath
Deciding to make a comfortable bath at their summer cottage, not necessarily seek the help of professionals. Even with little experience in the construction of such building can be arranged independently. First part of the project and selected materials. At this stage it is important to take into account the geographical position of the building and its conditions of use. The following procedures were performed on the construction step by step.

Site preparation for construction
When a suitable location is selected and imported material, you can proceed to preparation for construction site. Depending on the specifics of the soil determine the type of foundation. The construction site must be flat with a slight slope for drainage.
First, draw a path the future of the foundation and remove all vegetation from the soil. Then pierce pegs on the perimeter, based on the construction area. From bars with nailed boards do rags and cause the axial dimensions of the foundation contour.
In the next stage begin to dig the pit, the pits for poles or trenches. When the desired depth is reached, install special shields that prevent soil shattering. At the end of excavation, they are extracted.

Pouring the foundation
For a free-standing bath from a bar suitable pier foundation. Budget base safely withstand relatively light wooden structure. Then dig out the required number of wells with a certain step. Necessarily the presence of pillars in the corners at the intersection of walls.
At the bottom of the pit poured gravel and sand. Asbestos cement pipe is then positioned vertically and fixed. Inside the valve is placed and the concrete mortar is poured. After a few days, waiting for complete solidification, between the pipes around the perimeter of a small spread in a half-brick wall.

Walling and construction of the roof
Often to build a free-standing bath used beams of 15 x 15 cm. Proceed to install the first after laying the waterproofing ring and careful handling of materials in contact with the base. Docked bars in several ways: for dowels rectangular in native spike, the method of "dovetail". When you dial a connection wall rims occurs by means of special wooden, metal pins - pegs.
The next step performed roofing. First, choosing suitable form roof rafters mounted on plan. Then erect bearing and securely fastened. These puts lathing boards, covered with waterproofing material, insulation, roof mounted selected material.

Heat and steam,
Regardless of the type of furnace, any steam room will always high temperature and humidity. Long helps retain heat insulating layer. For use in the construction of the bath can use the following types of materials:
- Film. The dense fabric can be smooth, rough with reinforcement. This option would cost warming cheap.
- Membrane. The nonwoven fabric is laid on top of insulation. It perfectly protects against condensation and moisture.
- Foil sheets. Special coating of foil, metal Dacron effectively retains heat in the steam room of any size.

Interior finishing work - what materials are best to use
Interior finishing work should start with the communications device. sewage point aisle seat water pipes, electricity must be included at the design stage.
After the installation work on the construction of communications move to the manufacture of the finished floor. It may be concrete or wood. Cement filling is durable after hardening it further veneer tiles. Wood flooring makes flowing between the joists and floor boards leaving a small gap.
After be installed windows and doorway can proceed to the interior wall finishing bath. The use of synthetic materials is possible, since when heated they emit harmful substances. The best type of finish - a natural tree. It can be sanded Edged board, blockhouse, linings. When choosing a suitable option it is necessary to take into account the particular characteristics of each breed and varieties.

Installation furnace and shelves
Shelves for relaxing in the sauna should fit the dimensions of the room and be made of wood-based materials. First make a stable frame of the timber, and then secured thereto sanded boards.
Oven every owner chooses, depending on personal preference. If this unit is heavy, it is mounted on a special foundation. The installation is carried out on all the fire safety requirements. All wooden structures near an open flame source must be well insulated.

Design and decoration of the bath
Huge selection of finishing materials to create a stylish interior indoors, realizing the boldest idea. When choosing the right style can not forget about functionality and convenience. Excessive piling up of unnecessary items will create a feeling of heaviness and isolation.
To finish in the Russian style suit wooden objects. On stands and shelves in the steam room can accommodate buckets, wooden dipper. Decor floor in the lounge will serve as braided rugs in the washing is to be wooden lattice. The walls decorate the oak brooms and hats for the pair with funny inscriptions.

Style chalet assumes the presence of only female or male subjects. This tea can be devices, bunches of fragrant herbs, beautiful tablecloths or hunter accessories. The modern style is not without elements of luxury. Ceiling in the steam room and relaxation room make high, stacked. Successful accents creates lighting.

What to choose furniture for the bath
The amount of furniture in the bath depends on its size. For the organization of the locker room enough to install a wooden hanger. The number of hooks can be calculated from the total number of visitors, 3-4 pieces per person. For storing towels, detergent, sheets can be provided a small wall cabinet. Under Hanger it is desirable to establish a bench, which will serve as a place to fold clothes while dressing.

In the rest room in the dining area must be present wooden table surrounded by chairs or benches. When organizing destinations can provide a sofa, armchairs. The walls should be placed shelves for storing utensils and bath accessories, the bulky closed cabinet should be avoided.

For most people, sauna causes only positive emotions, so the owners of their own semi-urban and suburban areas are often erected similar structures. Some include a steam room in the design of the house, while others prefer to build a free-standing structure. many are thinking to save money on how to build a building with his own hands. This is a fairly time-consuming process that requires a lot of time, but the result is worth it.