Basket in the interior: wicker, open, closed 50 photos

Basket in the interior: wicker, open, closed 50 photos

Steel baskets manufactured in ancient times, when the first weaving technique from scrap materials (primarily vines). Their complementary straps or special handles for carrying on the back. Initially, the container was replaced by modern packages and bags, which are usually stacked in foods or s...

The elements and items of interior decor 50 photo examples

The elements and items of interior decor 50 photo examples

In ancient times, architecture began with the construction of dwellings, and then people began to erect monuments and emblematic buildings in honor of rulers and deities, which believed. Naturally, these monumental structures decorated possible. To learn how to create more elegant elements, bega...

Sculpture in the interior: contemporary design element 50 photos

Sculpture in the interior: contemporary design element 50 photos

Decoration figurines - classic method in the design of the rooms. There are no restrictions in terms of shape, material or functional purpose - it can be tabletop figurines, large monuments and figures carved in the rocks. Sculptures are not a mandatory part of the decor, but to the XIX century....

75 ideas Photo: Table setting for lunch and dinner at home and on holidays

75 ideas Photo: Table setting for lunch and dinner at home and on holidays

Behavior during the meal, table, with the right placement on it of cutlery, feasts culture developed since time immemorial. There are examples of eating different dishes and beverages during the first rulers of ancient Egypt. The ancient Greeks and later the Romans, ate at the refectory bed. At ...

The clock in the interior 75 photo examples: wall, floor

The clock in the interior 75 photo examples: wall, floor

Beautiful and stylish timepieces can be installed in any room. They make it easy to keep track of time, emphasize originality interior decoration. There are many models that differ in size, installation method. Select suitable products can be in color, ease of use. But it is also engineered, flo...

Decorative fireplace with his hands 100 photo ideas

Decorative fireplace with his hands 100 photo ideas

This fireplace can bring incredible comfort. But this home is available, not only in private homes and some town houses, but also in conventional homes. Here comes to the aid of a decorative fireplace. It can be done independently of different materials or buy in the store. To an artificial fire...

Dressing room mirror lights with their own hands how to make 75 photo

Dressing room mirror lights with their own hands how to make 75 photo

Make-up mirror with lights originally appeared in theaters, cabarets. They are used to create the makeup to actors, dancers, which is an important component of the scenic image. The role of lighting is difficult to overestimate. It helps to remove the shadow from his face, to see the tiniest ble...

Decorative letters in the interior 56 photo stylish examples

Decorative letters in the interior 56 photo stylish examples

The house is not just a human fortress where he can spend time with family, relax after a busy day. He, like clothes, able to express the inner essence of the person, by certain decorative elements, interiors and findings.A popular trend became widespread thanks to European designers, in the for...

Pictures of fabric: step by step instructions for beginners 75 photos

Pictures of fabric: step by step instructions for beginners 75 photos

Homemade items or "hand-made" - the most popular form of wall decor at all times. Such products give housing a unique, inimitable. Make textile toys, original pictures of the tissue is able to anyone who is able to keep in the hands of scissors and a needle and thread. But most importantly, that...

Wall Shelves in the interior

Wall Shelves in the interior

Shelves in the interior has always been and will be a pleasant and functional addition to the overall design of the room. Business office, school, shop, library, living apartment, private house - everywhere there are shelves. Such popularity of these furniture products uniquely influenced by the...