Wall painting in the interior: the forms and ways of decorating 75 photos

Wall painting in the interior: the forms and ways of decorating 75 photos

The first examples of murals can be called rock painting Neolithic. Even driving a primitive way of life, man has sought to capture not only what he saw around him, but to make these pictures home decoration. At the heart of each figure only four colors, pigments which can be obtained through si...

Design wallpaper 150 photo examples

Design wallpaper 150 photo examples

Select the wallpaper is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. A huge variety of often is a hindrance rather than an assistant. Theme wallpaper design no less extensive, but understand some of the nuances, choose the appropriate option would be a snap. Content Types, a brief descriptio...

PVC decorative panels for walls 75 options to apply to the photo

PVC decorative panels for walls 75 options to apply to the photo

Modern interiors of residential premises, offices, shops often make out with decorative PVC panels. The reason for the popularity of this type of decoration materials in their practicality, ease of installation, maintenance. Beautiful lining fits in any style will not be excessive load on a limi...

Graffiti in the interior 50 photo ideas

Graffiti in the interior 50 photo ideas

Words have great power. They soothe, motivate, delight and grieve. No wonder they say: "A good word as moisture in the desert, like a bad word thrown stone." Designers have long appreciated the power of this tool and use it successfully in their projects. Individual words, sayings, sayings of ph...

Decorative corners on the corners of walls: types and materials 50 photos

Decorative corners on the corners of walls: types and materials 50 photos

Angles play an important role in the interior than it might seem at first glance. Just look at their uneven or "worn" surface to once it became clear: a neat finish no one will call. Decorative corners on the corners of walls, soffits door and window openings have been used widely in the repair ...

3D wallpapers in the interior 75 photo ideas

3D wallpapers in the interior 75 photo ideas

Not so long ago there was a new word in the design: a stereoscopic image that hides behind the more famous name - 3D wallpaper. First, they were considered the exclusive element of indoor and met such coverage only in the most expensive apartments. But gradually the decoration of flats three-dim...

Imitation brick for interior finishing 75 photos false masonry

Imitation brick for interior finishing 75 photos false masonry

Brick - sturdy, durable material used advantageously for the construction of walls, interior, exterior trim. But it is not always possible to apply - voluminous, thick bricks will make a small room very cramped. Because for finishing works in residential, office buildings used high-quality imita...

Tree on a wall in the interior: decor ideas 75 photos

Tree on a wall in the interior: decor ideas 75 photos

Trees - a symbol of fertility, stability and prosperity. Not coincidentally, the word "tree" and "health" have a similar origin. Today's article - a review of the interior decoration of wood, as well as images of trees. It is possible that some kind of idea you'll be pleased, and you try to put ...

Painting wallpaper without divorce with his hands in the interior 75 photo

Painting wallpaper without divorce with his hands in the interior 75 photo

Painted walls in demand worldwide. They have long been supplanted many finishes. This is easily seen, it is enough to read the most popular magazines on interior design. However, under such an operation it requires very careful preparation of the surface, which must be perfectly smooth, otherwis...

Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment 75 photos application ideas

Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment 75 photos application ideas

Glass blocks prepared from two glass plates by pressing. For the first time there was this extraordinary material in the United States. Glass blocks 30s had little resemblance to modern, as represented by a metal skeleton, voids which are filled with glass. It had a "secret" - a sealed cavity be...