Wallpapers for walls under brick: 75 photos, design options and types of imitation

Wallpapers for walls under brick: 75 photos, design options and types of imitation

Masonry has long been used for interior decoration of houses and apartments. It is most common in the loft and eclectic styles, a perfect complement to pop art, Scandinavian, ethnic direction. The easiest way to get into such a wall of the interior - to strip the existing surface. However, not a...

Liquid wallpaper in the interior

Liquid wallpaper in the interior

Recently, the market of finishing materials offer an innovation that combines the properties of an elegant traditional customary paper wallpaper, plaster ease of use and practicality of paint coatings. All these qualities make a great choice of liquid wallpaper for the walls of the finishing coa...

Decorative brickwork: types and technology 75 photo ideas

Decorative brickwork: types and technology 75 photo ideas

High-quality decorative bricks laying in rooms and non-residential premises of the apartment or private home can complement any style of decoration. Choose to use the owners are the materials used for facade cladding and cheap wall panels, tiles. First of all, the owners recommended to determine...

How to mount PVC panels to the wall 75 photos examples

How to mount PVC panels to the wall 75 photos examples

Plastic panels - the material for quick and efficient, but at the same time, good-quality and spectacular decoration. Exceptional practicality, ease of mounting and unlimited decorative possibilities it provides the high demand and the "open access" in the most different corners of the house. C...

How to hang your TV on the wall with his hands: brackets, mounting

How to hang your TV on the wall with his hands: brackets, mounting

A little inventions devised by man, were so widespread in everyday life as a TV. This is one of the most popular items, which can be found in almost every home or apartment. The receivers of television signals around the clock transmit visual information to the sound, let happy to spend time. If...

Interior with two kinds of wallpaper +50 photo combining ideas

Interior with two kinds of wallpaper +50 photo combining ideas

Decoration and interior design houses tightly connected with the selection of the necessary materials. Every year there are new solutions, but it is better to use traditional, proven methods. Wallpaper - a simple and reliable way to trim the walls. With their help, the room is filled with warmth...

How to decorate a wall with their hands 115 photo ideas

How to decorate a wall with their hands 115 photo ideas

Construction of the house completed, renovated ended walls, and, seemingly, life has returned to its natural course, but there is a feeling of incompleteness. Rooms uncomfortable look cold, inhospitable. It lacks a certain zest in the interior. In this situation, the position saves decorating th...

Decorative panels for interior walls

Decorative panels for interior walls

Because of its superior performance, decorative panels have become extremely popular in the construction market. They allow you to dispense with the need for alignment of wall planes, the hide all the flaws and communication. May serve as the primary finish. Installing the panels is subject almo...

Mural expanding space 50 ideas

Mural expanding space 50 ideas

Few of the owners of their own homes satisfies the number of square meters in it. Most apartments are in need of improvement, which requires considerable resources and effort. Solve the problem "without noise and dust," without breaking barriers and making no extra costs for expensive designer t...

Striped wallpaper in the interior 75 photo stylish ideas

Striped wallpaper in the interior 75 photo stylish ideas

Striped pattern in the design of the walls - popular and timeless trend that allows to issue an apartment original. Striped wallpaper in the interior serve as an effective tool by which you can visually adjust the scale of floor space. Quality materials with original drawing find their place in ...