Wallpaper design for the hall

Wallpaper design for the hall

Equipping the house, everyone dreams of a home filled with cosiness and comfort. Somebody trusts recommendations hired a designer who prefers to follow the trends of fashion trends decoration, but many people have a solution to this issue at the mercy of his own conception of the cozy interior. ...

Decorative wall decoration 75 kinds of photos lining

Decorative wall decoration 75 kinds of photos lining

Decorative wall finish - a creative process in all respects. Depending on the type of fabric and technique you need the skills of the artist, designer, painter and builder. Of course, you can hire someone to develop a unique project and to realize it, but much more fun to be a creator. Let us ex...

Gray wallpapers in the interior of 70 photos in the living room, kitchen, bedroom

Gray wallpapers in the interior of 70 photos in the living room, kitchen, bedroom

Gray - the result of a combination of two contrasts: black and white. Everyone knows the stable expression "gray overcoat", "melancholy gray", "drab". On the level of reflexes gray is associated with something grim and joyless. In fact, like any other color, it has its own nuances and half-tones...

Combining wallpaper: 30 variants of combinations of 75 photos in the interior

Combining wallpaper: 30 variants of combinations of 75 photos in the interior

To create a custom interior and zoning premises there are many ways. Combining wallpaper - one of them, the least expensive of resources and time. This technique is used by those who wish to save money, to neutralize the existing layout drawbacks: non-winning ridges or niche too low ceilings, na...

Bas-relief in the interior decor of examples 75 photos

Bas-relief in the interior decor of examples 75 photos

Relief - special sculptural reception when the composition is created only partially in the form of three-dimensional image on a plane. It is considered a separate subspecies of art. About where the relief was first used, data is not saved. He is unevenly developed in ancient Greece, India, Anci...

Decorative plaster in the interior

Decorative plaster in the interior

Room decorating plaster - interior decoration trend of the last decades. From the material to adjust the walls (start preparation for painting / glueing), this method of decorating turned into final finishing option. Decorative plaster in the interior - the universal form of self decoration. Add...

Wallpapers for a small room: how to visually enlarge (75 photos)

Wallpapers for a small room: how to visually enlarge (75 photos)

Small rooms are more common in the "Khrushchev," but even modern apartments "sin" rooms with a small quadrature. They can be made visually more due to proper clearance. A whole range of techniques using color, light and furniture placement can help to turn a close small room, in which the "stuff...

Mural with roses in the interior 30 photo examples of wall decor

Mural with roses in the interior 30 photo examples of wall decor

Which only epithets did not award this exceptional charm of the flower, "Beauty", "queen of the garden", "queen of flowers". Beauty, variety of shades, amazing aroma rose made this a favorite among the many flowers. If you want to create a charming romantic design with roses wallpapers in the in...

The design of the walls in the apartment of 50 ideas to design photo

The design of the walls in the apartment of 50 ideas to design photo

The initial stage of any repairs includes finishing "box" room: the walls, ceiling and floor. Only after these works in the room can be arranged the furniture and decor. The design of the walls in the apartment is presented with numerous options: from the usual painting and finishing up the orig...

Wall panels in the interior design ideas 75 photos application

Wall panels in the interior design ideas 75 photos application

The ideal option to create a unique interior in the home or workplace, without capital investment finance and labor, will furnish the room with wall panels. Such a decision can be seen almost everywhere: in shops, cafes and restaurants, offices, public buildings, railway stations, airports, resi...