The ideal option to create a unique interior in the home or workplace, without capital investment finance and labor, will furnish the room with wall panels. Such a decision can be seen almost everywhere: in shops, cafes and restaurants, offices, public buildings, railway stations, airports, residential buildings. The wide field allows for the design format of output. They can be the rack, and large-format tile (leaf). The successful combination of elements in the same series, but with different colors, creating unique solutions. The choice of material for the most part be due to the appointment of the room. For example, for offices well suited products from chipboard or MDF. A stone and glass are appropriate for areas with high humidity or in the external facade of the public or residential buildings. Wood harmoniously fit into any interior style, restriction to certain species will only wet areas.
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Pinion
- tile
- sheet
- Gipsovinilovye
- Fibreboard
- Particleboard
- wood
- Embossed 3D panel
- soft panel
- Where used in the decoration
Advantages and disadvantages
The main advantage of the wall panels before other finishing options is the ease of installation. With them, the interior space will acquire a different appearance, moreover achieve this will without a large-scale renovation. In addition, they possess a number of advantages as follows:
- Sound and heat insulation. Feature mounting with the guide, allows to stack into the space between the plates and the wall insulation or soundproofing material;
- A large number of color options and designs. In the market you can buy products of different colors, shapes (raised), types of coverage (veneer, paint, spraying plastic, foils), and also semi-finished products for subsequent painting or application of another cover;
- Low cost, comparable with the price of wallpaper, with long service life;
- Aesthetically attractive appearance;
- Strength, resistance to withdrawal of funds. They can be washed using household chemicals, without fear to damage the decorative cover.

Like any other human creation, the wall panels have drawbacks:
Fragility (only plastic products). | They can wrinkle or crack from minor mechanical effects. |
Fire hazard. | The materials of manufacture of wall coverings, combustible and can be ignited by heat or flame. |
Toxicity. | When the ignition material plates emit harmful substances toxic organism. At careful operation, compliance with fire safety measures, you can avoid the above situations. |

The range presented in DIY stores, is limited to three main types: full rack, inlaid tile, sheet.

Long (240-370 cm) and narrow (12,5-30 cm) elements, a thickness of 8 to 12 mm, vaguely resemble slats, from which got its name. Their dimensions are perfect for covering small-sized rooms with a variety of angles. Installation involves a preliminary creation metal or wooden lath. The panels are interconnected by the "tongue and groove" or via tabs if the elements have only grooves. Fixed design with special brackets which are inserted into the crate. Or screws, screw-in groove. Made of MDF, particle board, MDF, PVC. There are additional accessories (plugs, skirting boards, corners, etc.).

Issued in the form of a square with sides of 30-98 cm. Joined together on a "groove insert and groove." For fixing to the wall using glue or clamps. The main difference is the ability to join their different facets, creating a unique individual patterns on the wall.
See also:Mural in the interior - 50 examples

Of the three types have the largest size, is 1.22 m in width, 2.44 m in length and 6 mm thickness. The front surface of ennobled multilayer structure with the application pattern or texture with the imitation of natural elements. Installation is carried out on a special adhesive. Joints hide moldings, included in the package. These panels can cover large areas in a short time. The materials used in the production - PVC or resin-impregnated fiberboard.

For production are used as organic natural or manufactured on the basis of natural components of materials and chemical products. The former include: solid wood, MDF, particleboard, MDF, plasterboard, gipsovinil glass. For the production of the second PVC use. Often, manufacturers use just two or three kinds of materials, combining organic chemistry with artificial substances.

Panels of this material make up a large part of being sold in the market. Available in all three types of execution. Rating of material due to the versatility, i.e. possibility of application in different rooms and all climates. PVC is easily processed, taking any shape, right at him can be applied to a variety of designs, patterns, photo. You can easily play the imitation of bricks, tiles, boards, stone or marble slab. The main shortcomings of PVC panels are considered fragility, flammability, toxicity with strong heating.

In terms of composition similar to fiberboard, but have a lower density. For this reason MDF is sometimes called a "soft" fiberboard. But at the expense of such "soft" plates have higher thermal and sound insulation properties. During the production process they give, and other properties. For example, using a PVC lining, you can achieve a good moisture resistance plates. Special compositions, which often permeates panel manufacturer, make them fireproof. Such technological maneuvers can not affect the increase in cost, but it is quite justified tendency.

They may be called modernization drywall. The front layer of cardboard was replaced here the vinyl layer. Of such material can be done walls, partitions, ceilings. Plasterboard gipsovinilu markedly inferior in strength, durability, product form. The latter does not require painting, as has already finished drawing or other coloring. Initially, this product was designed for public buildings with a large flow of people, but eventually began to be used for private housing.

A common material in the manufacturing industry of wall panels. When making use of wood fibers that are interconnected by hot pressing. The advantage of such plates are the low cost, environmental friendliness, the possibility laminating veneer, plastic. Sometimes you can find fiberboard, covered with slats of wood. Produce all three types of execution. Plates are mounted directly on the wall or on a pre-assembled crate. Between them is connected with a locking means or method of "tongue and groove".
It is not recommended to trim plates MDF room with high humidity as dampness they strongly deformed and away from walls.

Produced from wood wastes. Therefore, they are in many ways inferior to natural solid wood. But all the shortcomings are more than covered by the low price. To make particleboard sheets presentable, they are covered with plastic. The color scheme of the plastic coating can be very diverse. In the process of manufacturing wood chips mixed with the adhesive composition and pressed. As used glue toxic and harmful to human. But the presence of plastic coating neutralises this factor. As fiberboard, chip boards of not withstand high humidity, strongly swelled. A large proportion (higher than the common wood), imposes limitations on the form CPD release. They only produce sheets.
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The rooms, decorated with natural wood creates a feeling of warmth and coziness. And these feelings come from you on purpose. People have long been known insulating properties of wood. A essential oils contained in the fibers, a beneficial effect on the lungs, having a calming effect. How expensive is an array, the more pronounced the above properties. The most popular raw material for the production of wall panels are made of wood, such breed, such as oak, alder, walnut, maple, linden, cedar, bamboo. Fans of the classic Western style very like panels, decorated with natural veneer. And for lovers of oriental music in the interior of their homes, more suitable bar-mat made of bamboo. They weave by hand from bamboo strips impregnated with a special adhesive agent for giving the presentation and extending the service life.

For those who have decided to decorate the wood-paneled bathroom or sauna, commercially available products covered special water-repellent lacquer or wax, which when heated does not emit harmful to human substances.

Embossed 3D panel
The advent of technology 3D panels can be regarded as a shock therapy for the modern interior design. Forging composition of such elements, can completely change the visual perception of reality Improvement internal space. As a result of numerous designers, a large number of spectacular interiors for private residences and public spaces. The principal differences between such elements of decor from their two-dimensional counterparts can be characterized by the following points:
- A correctly selected composition is capable of creating the effect of reality of transformation by reducing or enlarging the size of the walls, their geometry, zoned placement without using bulky partitions;
- It became possible to create relief and texture, not peculiar to the processed material;
- Intelligently used lighting creates in the room, decorated with relief panels, a special mood, a sense of surreal situation.

Now you can use the third dimension to create patterns on the surface, gave a powerful impetus to the creation of an infinite number of textures that fill up assortment of building annually directory. There invoices already suffered a decorative coating, and have application requiring top coat (enamel, veneers, foils, decorative plaster) after mounting on the wall. This gives even more room for creativity.

The new design not only find expanded the boundaries of space, but also the range of materials, are the most popular:
- Polymer composites;
- Leather or its imitation PVC film on the basis of MDF;
- Fake diamond;
- Glass;
- Natural wood, mainly bamboo;
- Dekoakril - glass substitute;
- Gypsum;
- Metals, mostly colored (copper, bronze, brass), aluminum, stainless steel;
- Felt or felt. Such panels have excellent sound insulation;
- Begassa reed (squeezed green mass).

From the list, you can see that the main raw materials for production - ecological natural materials.
Raised panel mounted on a metal profile, wherein between the wall and the back side gap remains, which can be used for the field wiring, stacking the insulating material. The main drawback of such elements, as well as the advantage is their relief surface, which although looks spectacular, but always collects the dust, requiring frequent wet cleaning.
See also:Decorative stickers wallpaper

soft panel
The current fashion trend is now surround decor popularity added soft wall panels. In addition to the aesthetic component, this species finishes have a number of other advantages:
- Easy installation;
- Excellent sound insulation;
- It can be mounted on uneven walls. After installing such panels unevenness smoothed their texture;
- Ability to use different colors.

Because of the design features, materials list to the front of the panel is limited to three positions:
- Genuine Leather. Expensive and stylish stuff. This padding will be appropriate in official places: conference rooms, restaurants for business meetings, his office;
- Artificial leather;
- Textile. While this is the budget option, but at the same time providing a wide choice of colors. Well it fits into the interior of the bedroom.

Used for filling foam and padding polyester. The first allows you to create lush and soft structure and a second lighter and slozhivaetsya over time. The base may serve as a sheet of fiberboard or chipboard.
To secure such a coating on the wall, use a sealant for massive decor items. It is the most popular method of installation. The second way - mount panels on crate with screws or nails. After the installation is completed you must close their hats caps.

The main difficulty that will be faced after the installation - this is a wall-mounted additional objects of the interior: paintings, hangers, wall sockets. With more small elements can be sorted out by attaching them to the soft ground, but hang heavy shelf or bracket for TV easy to fail. Therefore it is necessary to prepare for such challenges, by making adjustments to the plan for the upholstery.

Where used in the decoration
Wall panels in the interior can perform a variety of tasks, from decorative function, to conceal wiring, various defects of the walls, insulation, sound insulation of the room. If the practical side of things, everything is simple, from the decor, everything is much more complicated. There are several methods of distribution panels on the plane walls, which will help to achieve maximum aesthetic effect:
- Only part of the wall. The traditional technique, when the panels are fixed to the bottom of the wall. In this case, try to observe the proportion of 1: 3, ie, they must be placed no higher than the lower third of the wall. This will create the effect of the high ceilings. Well suited for the living room, corridor, entrance hall, nursery, kitchen, bathroom;
- On the wall. Such an option is a classic, emphasizes the status of the room. It is better to abandon its application for very small rooms with low ceilings, as the design will burden the atmosphere of the room. It is not necessary to resort to such a reception in the rooms where you spend most of the time. Here wood panels will be most appropriate. Suitable for library, billiard room.
- Emphasis on the decor. Under this option, you select a specific section of the wall or more slots to process panels. In this case, you do not need to bind the height of the furniture and decor to a certain value, both in the first reception. Here you will not weigh down the space, if correctly place all the interior. It will look good in the bedroom, living room, hallway.
And do not forget - the final choice is always yours!