Plaster large surface manually for a short time is difficult. In such a situation demand mechanized plaster walls. The technology has pros and cons that should be taken into consideration. We offer to meet the technological features of the process, and device types of equipment used. This will allow you, if necessary, to make a choice in favor of a mechanized method handmade wall decoration.
For the walls need a little time
Read article
1 What is a mechanized plaster walls: the essence of the method
2 Design and function of various types of devices
2.1 Manual mini-machinery
2.2 Professional
2.3 plaster robot
2.4 trowel
3 Mechanized plastering technology wall
3.1 Mixtures and solutions
3.2 The order of the work, depending on the equipment used
3.2.1 professional Products
3.2.2 Small appliances
3.3 accident prevention
4 Mechanized plastering of the walls: the pros and cons, noteworthy
5 Leading OEMs
6 Popular models
7 Which is better: manual or mechanized plaster walls
What is a mechanized plaster walls: the essence of the method
Mechanized plaster attributed to innovative ways of wall decoration. For applying the solution using special equipment, will automate the process. At sufficiently high initial cost way to high demand in the construction the area, as it allows to speed up the process, improve the quality of finishing, reduce the cost of execution works. By means of the application used for the composition of the equipment resorting if necessary to prepare concrete base, or pour a small foundation.
Process plastering mechanized
Design and function of various types of devices
For applying the solution mechanized manner and subsequent processing of the formed coating can used a variety of equipment, which affects the process productivity and quality. We offer to meet with the main species.
special equipment is required for the mechanized application of the solution
Manual mini-machinery
For manual application using a special machine, which is a container for the solution. In its lower part there are special holes for mechanical feed plaster the wall under the action of compressed air.
The most widely-hoppers pnevmolopaty representing inverted pyramid volume of 5 liters. Regulating the supply of compressed air through a hose by using a special lever.
It requires the compressor to work hopera
Some models are equipped with a screw feeder solution. This eliminates the need for compressor equipment. However, installation of the motor and the screw increases the weight of the device, and plaster fed under less pressure.
Such equipment is more sophisticated design concept. They are used for mixing, supplying and applying the mixture on the treated substrate. The apparatus includes special hopper used for mixing. Plaster desired consistency of the hose is fed into the dispenser, and then on a wall.
The dry mixture is mixed with water directly into the hopper
The proposed station manufacturers have different performance, range feed, the maximum pressure. Professional models have a minimum flow rate of the mixture. To ensure continuity of service stations usually takes 1-3 people:
first control equipment performance and composition of the plaster falls asleep;
causes the second solution;
third smoothes plaster.
The division of labor contributes to the productivity of the process
plaster robot
Such installations are independently applied plaster to the wall, forming an even layer. To this end, it is set along the base and locks into place. It is filled with the solution. The prepared mixture on the belt rises and, with the help of a huge metal spatula, fixed on the front of the device, is distributed evenly over the surface.
At key stages of mechanized plaster walls help people do not need
As soon as the spatula will near the ceiling, triggered, limit switches, and it changes its direction of motion. After that, the plaster robot is displaced along the wall and the process repeats. When using it, you can choose not to install beacons. Apparatus independently forms a layer of desired thickness with a smooth surface.
Attention! Use of a plaster for facade work robot is difficult because of the need for limit switches and by fixing the guide stops at the ceiling.
How does such a robotic equipment can be seen in the following video:
At the last stage of repair is usually wetted surface and rub clean spongy trowel to remove any irregularities. Speed up the process and help to improve the quality of work trowels. They can be used for finishing a coating of plaster, cement and combination mixture. Their constituent flat circle, performing rotational movements, removes the existing irregularities. Polished surface is obtained perfectly smooth.
Deleted even small protrusions
Some models to improve the productivity of the process are completed 2 rounds arranged in one plane. Thanks to their rotation in different directions, it becomes possible to accelerate the process 3 times per day after processing a large area.
Mechanized plastering technology wall
To form a coating has turned out perfectly flat, not enough just to use special equipment. Requires careful observance of technology requirements, including the preparation of the base, its alignment, padding and grout. Most of the procedures are performed manually. Attention also deserve the formulations used, they meet the technological requirements.
Technological requirements must be met
Mixtures and solutions
Formulation type, used for mechanical plastering depends on the performance of the jobsite. Used a mixture based on cement and plaster. The first type is used for decoration of premises. Plaster has good vapor permeability and does not adversely affect human health.
Review of KNAUF MP-75 gypsum plaster:
More on Otzovik:
If the room rate humidity exceeds 70%, a choice is made in favor of the cement mixture. With it, you also trim the walls in industrial, non-residential premises, basements. Used for facades. In this case, also demanded special formulations specifically designed for facade work.
Possible to use the universal plaster
The order of the work, depending on the equipment used
Used for mechanized application of different equipment solution. This affects the performance of works and their execution order. In both cases, the wall must be prepared for plastering. We offer to meet with the algorithm of actions when using professional stations and mini-machinery.
Preparing a base install beacons
professional Products
When using a plastering machine, algorithm of actions includes the following steps:
prepared and moistened foundation. First wall purified by special metal brushes, is then applied primer or ordinary water;
prepared equipment. Dry plaster is poured into the special compartment. Connect the hose from the water;
solution was applied to the wall. This is done in a downward direction to each subsequent row of the previous half covered;
Floor construction formed smooth mesh grater after curing solution. Subsequent finishing is performed after complete solidification of the mixture.
The solution was applied downward
Details of the process can be seen in the following video:
Small appliances
When using a mini-art solution is prepared in a separate container. The components are mixed in the ratio recommended by the manufacturer. The prepared solution was drawn bucket. Plasterer, directing the nozzle on the wall, push the lever. Using compressed air plaster applied to the substrate, forming a uniform strip.
Hopper allows to apply any solutions
We offer watch the following video to better understand the intricacies of the process:
accident prevention
When mechanized plaster walls should be:
to work in overalls, glasses and gloves;
check the tightness of the system before starting work;
test equipment idling;
always be behind the hose;
positioning the gun at a distance of 25 cm from the bottom, to avoid splashing of the solution;
eliminate hose kinks while working to avoid it breaking.
Between the wall and the nozzle must be sufficient distance
Mechanized plastering of the walls: the pros and cons, noteworthy
The method has undeniable advantages and disadvantages, determining its possible field of application. The first group should include:
performance. In low-power stations, the minimum capacity of 1.2 m³ / h. One shift team method 20-40 m² plastered walls. This is at least 4 times faster than manual application of the solution;
environmental safety solutions used. The method may be used for finishing walls in institutions;
high quality. Manages to form a layer of uniform thickness on a sufficiently large surface. The constant stirring of the solution during the deposition process prevents its shrinkage. The mixture supplied to the wall is of uniform consistency;
economy. Saturation caused by air laying solution provides uniformity. Manages to avoid overspending of the material and optimize the cost of its purchase. The coating is obtained even. Layer putties applied once, reducing the total cost of the finish;
reducing the number of workers. With the average volume of finishing handle two people;
good adhesion to the unfinished ground. The particular application technique facilitates rapid adhesion of plaster to the base mixture. Also the special modifiers solution introduced to prevent sticking to the system components which improve adhesion and to prevent cracking of the formed layer.
Formed quality continuous coating
Among the shortcomings of artificial plaster walls should be noted:
the high cost of equipment. Average payback installation occurs after plastering over 900 m² base;
the need to connect to the system water and outlet;
characteristic noise during application of solution emitted by the engine unit;
high demands on the maintenance station. The prepared solution should be applied immediately onto the wall. After 15 minutes, it hardens. After the end of the work, all items of equipment should be thoroughly flushed;
prolonged drying the formed layer. It takes about a month.
The equipment is not cheap
Leading OEMs
Quality equipment produced:
Putzmeister. The German company offers plastering machines and small size station;
M-Tec. The German manufacturer offers a fairly functional devices;
Bottlenose Dolphin. The Russian company produces versatile models for plastering walls.
Popular models
If you choose the appropriate option, it is advisable to pay attention to the following devices:
model name
Value as at April 2019, rub.
Zitrek FS-01 - plastering mini-station
Power 1.8 kW;
productivity 19.2 m³ / h;
weight 36 kg
professional mini-station
Power 1.5 kW;
flow rate 75-750 l / h;
weight 120 kg
Caleta 5 VLG
professional mini-station
1.1 kW engine;
mass of 220 kg;
delivery head of 30 m
M-TEC M280
professional mini-station
Feeding height 20 m;
performance 22-50 l / min
Which is better: manual or mechanized plaster walls
If you have not decided what to give preference to the method, we compared the main indicators. Perhaps this helps to make the right choice:
The parameter values
manual mode
mechanized process
The cost of the final mixture
Expensive, with independent preparation of the solution costs are reduced
At 4 and more times lower
Drying plaster
A few days
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