Ammonia from the cockroaches in the apartment: the recipes of folk remedies for pest control, reviews ammonia

People's ways of getting rid of cockroachesProbably everyone thinks cockroaches most unpleasant parasites that can appear in the home. Running on all surfaces, they carry on their legs and antennae dirt and many serious diseases, which include dysentery, worm infestations, hepatitis and others. There are many folk remedies to control cockroaches, which performance do not differ from chemicals. At the same time, traditional recipes are safe for humans and pets.


  1. Measures and means to combat cockroaches
  2. Ammonia
  3. Structure and Composition
  4. Mode of application
  5. Precautionary measures 
  6. Super-efficient means to smell
  7. Boric acid
  8. The use of pyrethrum
  9. folk traps
  10. poisonous drill
  11. Reviews trialled

Measures and means to combat cockroaches

Pest control should be started with the general cleaning and minor repairs of rooms:

  1. Pack and remove all of the products in the cupboards and refrigerator.
  2. Rinse all surfaces in the kitchen, removing crumbs from the corners of the food.
  3. Wash off around the kitchen stove greasy film.
  4. At night, dry wipe around the sink and there water stains.
  5. Get rid of the cracks, glue come off wallpaper.

If insects will not have access to food and water, after a while they will be much less. And the recipes of folk remedies can help is guaranteed to get rid of cockroaches. The most effective and time-tested are:

  • What are the means to combat cockroaches in an apartmentturpentine and kerosene:
  • bait and traps;
  • pyrethrum;
  • freezing rooms;
  • ammonia;
  • essential oils;
  • vinegar;
  • borax;
  • boric acid.


When searching for food pests are smelling. Their whiskers act like an antenna and detects the slightest smell. Ammonia has an odor, which interrupts and other smells irritate the respiratory tract. As a result, the insects leave the room.

Structure and Composition

Clear liquid with a pungent odor is sold in pharmacies. packaged 10% aqueous ammonia solution in vials of 10 ml. The hardware stores to buy ammonia in large bottles of 500 ml.

The farm ammonia is used in the following cases:

  • for repelling cockroaches;
  • to remove from clothing and furniture stains;
  • cleaning of sanitary equipment;
  • to remove dark stains and plaque with silver and gold.

Mode of application

Dilute ammonia solution should be such that it does not harm living in the apartment people. cockroaches feel even a faint smell.

You need to kill insects in a liter of water at room temperature to dissolve a teaspoon of national funds. The resulting composition is processed flooring, baseboards, sinks, furniture from the wrong side, the area next to the trash can near the front door and a bathroom.

The solution evaporates quickly, so the processing facilities will need to make at least three times. That pests have not been able to drink water, a ready means of ammonia is poured into the toilet, tub and sink. The sharp smell of their scare. It is best to carry out surface treatment in the evening, as the hunt cockroaches crawl out at night.

A pair of liquid ammonia quickly evaporate, so to get rid of cockroaches, use of ammonia will have more than one day. However, there are more effective recipes:

  1. How to destroy the cockroaches in the houseInsects are not transferred pungent odor of acetic acid. And if it is diluted with ammonia, the "flavor" will be even more unpleasant. The treatment is carried out with a solution of one liter of water to which is added 200 ml of vinegar and alcohol. During the procedure, you must use a respirator.
  2. Solution of ammonia in a high concentration or pure substance can be filled syringe or enema and pour it into the slot and under the plinth.
  3. Extend the pungent odor of ammonia can moistened cloth therein and putting them into cockroach habitats.

Precautionary measures 

ammonia solution It has a sharp odorSo when processing in the apartment must not be human beings and animals. Do not use the solution without fresh air. At the time of the procedure should be open vents or windows. Otherwise quickly evaporating means can lead to problems with breathing, nausea, dizziness, increased blood pressure.

The person who will handle the room should wear rubber gloves, a dust mask and long-sleeved clothing.

In carrying out the procedures necessary to ensure that the ammonium hydroxide solution was not hit in the oral cavity, skin, eyes. Otherwise, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed with water, and the eyes and the hands washed with soap and water. If it becomes difficult to breathe, will be headache and nausea, you should go out into the fresh air and call an ambulance.

After processing, you get out of the apartment, well wash with soap and rinse your mouth. Go back to the room it will be possible after the surface has dried. The smell should erode.

Ammonia acts as a deterrent, so badly infected cockroaches apartment of his action is not very effective. But if the insects come to you from the neighbors, after treatment rooms ammonia way into your home, they will be forgotten.

Super-efficient means to smell

In addition to ammonia, cockroaches can not stand odor kerosene, denatured alcohol, turpentine. In the fight with cockroaches any of these substances will need to treat the plinth, corners of furniture, linoleum edge, under the sink. Introduced in the room the smell will have to be patient a few days. Insects leave the apartment shortly.

In the list of substances from which the smell of pests disappear exactly, are:

  1. Traditional manufacturing methods of trapping cockroachesPaints, varnishes, solvent, naphthalene.
  2. Peel of oranges, mandarins, lemons, you can not throw in the trash, and put next to him. Citrus scent repels cockroaches.
  3. I do not like insects and spices. Solution of tobacco, dry mustard, red pepper bitter or processed surface of the furniture and floor.
  4. Scents of some herbs can scare off many pests and parasites. Suffice it to spread in the corners of rooms, in the closets, the attic dry or fresh leaves of melissa, peppermint, laurel, lavender, sage, tansy. From them you can prepare infusions and wipe the floor in the apartment.
  5. Deter insects smell of geraniums. This indoor plant is suitable for the prevention of contamination of premises cockroaches.

Boric acid

Even in small doses, this agent causes intoxication pests. Large dose of boric acid will cause cockroach paralysis and death. But for this insect must eat the stuff. Therefore, out of it preparing different bait:

  1. The small beads are prepared using 30 grams of acid and a hard-boiled egg yolk. Dough is divided into balls and unfolds around the bins, on kitchen corners and in other habitats cockroaches.
  2. You can prepare the bait of boric acid, flour, sugar and water. The dough should have so that from it could roll up the balls and arrange them around the apartment.

Baits should be allocated so that those who live in the house of children and animals could not reach them.

The People's recipe also includes boric acid, simply diluted with water. Because pests at night visit the sink and drinking from them, a plate of such a solution can be put in the sink.

The use of pyrethrum

Insecticidal natural powder is pulverized camomile inflorescence. It is safe for humans and effective against cockroaches. Its scatter in areas where insects live, or poison baits are prepared according to the same recipe as boric acid.

folk traps

Today on sale there are Chinese-trapped houses. But instead of them can be make traps of cockroaches with their hands:

  1. The most effective means of cockroachesStick adhesive tape sticky side up and a drop in the middle of a strip of honey. Sensing the smell of food on the way to it will stick insects, and they can be destroyed along with the trap.
  2. At the bottom half-liter cans beer is poured or dripped honey, and the inner wall are smeared with oil. Tanks are placed in habitats cockroaches. Smelling the bait, they get to the bank and can not get out of it.

But such methods of struggle is not for the squeamish. Traps along with live pests have to be disposed, and thus take up.

poisonous drill

Relatively harmless to people and animals boric acid sodium salt It has long been used for the manufacture of baits. Recipes from the Boers in their composition different from the lures of boric acid. For their preparation is necessary:

  1. Mix the puree of one egg, a medium-sized potato and a tablespoon of borax.
  2. Mix 60 grams of starch and powdered sugar, you need to add 200 grams of borax, and for flavor - 30 g of vanilla sugar. Should get a paste, so the mixture is added to water.

Mixture expanded in the places most frequented by cockroaches.

Of course, the effectiveness of traditional remedies inferior chemicals. But persistence and clever use of popular recipes from the main body to get rid of pests will help.

Reviews trialled

In the control of cockroaches, I always It helps ammonia. But it should be used immediately, at the first detection of insects. At the hardware store buying agent bottle and pour it all you can. Particularly carefully processed food. After that cockroaches in my apartment did not appear long.

Tamara, Russia

Seeing us in the house of cockroaches, familiar advised to try ammonia. Preparation of the solution, I washed the sills, chairs, table skirting. Ammonia neat poured in the sink and the bathroom. As a result of living in our apartment cockroaches disappeared. Only occasionally some individuals run up from the neighbors. But I regularly My floor solution of alcoholSo they do not stay long.

Daria, Russia

I do not know why suffer and inhale the vapors of ammonia, if it is still in the control of cockroaches is useless. Now in stores you can buy a more effective and virtually harmless to humans insect repellent. I use a special gel without any smell, which simply spread and pests disappear after some time.

Pavel, Russian