It is hard to imagine the apartment, which would have been nice pots with plants. But positive emotions are replaced by disappointment when you find that in their colors or earth bred gnats. These insects are not only able to spoil the appearance of plants, but also lead to their death.
- Causes of midges
- insects
- Ways to deal with lice
- Folk remedies
- chemical agents
- physical means
- preventive measures
Causes of midges
Breeding of indoor plants - not an easy task, it is necessary care, thoroughness and love of flowers. poor care them can lead to unfortunate midges. Their larvae they lay in the land of houseplants. After some time, the larvae begin to feed on the roots of flowers, causing an irreversible process of putrefaction and decay of plants.
The emergence of insects on indoor flowers does not mean that the green came another time to say goodbye. It is necessary to find out what was the reason for their occurrence. The most common cases are:
waterlogged soil - often in hot weather hostess poured flowers, believing that they do not have enough moisture. Because of this, the water begins to stagnate, and excessive soil moisture creates a favorable climate for the emergence of these pests.
- Open window - in this case, the apartment can fly mycetophilidae. If they find moist soil immediately settle in flowerpots.
- Neprodezinfitsirovanny ground - in poor-quality soil decay processes can be inconclusive. It is a great source of pests to lay their larvae.
If indoor plants were pests, they are easy to detect with the naked eye. The most common are considered white midges (nogohvostiki or porudy). They are usually found at the bottom of the pot or on the surface of the flooded soil. Such insects are very small (0.2 - 1 mm), and typically have a white or yellowish-brown color. Porudy very active and greatly harm the root system of plants. They appear usually in the winter or early spring when the moisture evaporates less quickly from the surface.
Another type of household pests - black gnats, called stsiaridami. This small insects, busily flying over the green areas. They are completely harmless to humans, but can deliver a great deal of discomfort, because flying around the room, continually falling into a cup of tea or a plate of food. But for the soil and plants, they are very dangerous. A large number of larvae can damage the root system of the flower, and they make the land an air-tight and is much denser.
If the soil appeared translucent worms are 2-5 mm in length, on the head of which there is a black dot, it stsiaridy. They often appear in colors, if they fertilize the folk remedies such as humus leaves, tea leaves and other organic matter. Pests can also enter when using soil for flowers, that is not disinfected.
Mote is not capable of attacking all kinds of houseplants. For example, porudy prefer soft leaves with flowers such as begonia, and fuchsia m. P. But stsiaridy like plants with denser leaves:
- azaleas;
- violets;
- rubber plants and others.
Ways to deal with lice
If they are in flower pots are relatively recent, it increases the chances of a quick relief from them. There are so many ways of their elimination. It may be popular, the chemical and physical methods.
Folk remedies
To destroy the lice treatment using a soap solution. Taking 50-60 grams of soap and dissolved in a glass of water. The resulting mixture should be sprayed onto the plant or wipe all parts with a cloth. This not only helps to get rid of insects, but also helps to create a protective film on the leaves, which will protect the flower structure of midges. That they completely withdraw from the flower, it is necessary to repeat this procedure 1 every 5 days until they disappear.
If the pot bred midges, then to process it should stick 4 matches in the soil and moisten it slightly. When sulfur is completely dissolved, the matches are replaced with new ones. To completely get rid of the pests is required to carry out 5-6 procedures. Thanks to this method eliminates all deferred larvae in the soil. Its main drawback - in order to achieve the result it takes a long time.
The most popular method of getting rid of gnats in pots - the use of potassium permanganate solution. Her small amount should be dissolved in a liquid that turned slightly pink. Watering houseplant it need 1-3 times within a few days.
Next folk remedy - the use of garlic. To do this, take the three heads of garlic, chop it and mix with a liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture was infused for four hours after which it is sprayed plant and watered ground. To completely get rid of the lice, carry out 2 treatments enough.
If these methods do not help people to get rid of lice in a flower pot, you can use chemicals that are sold in hardware stores. They are most effective in the fight against flies and gnats.
chemical agents
Get rid of gnats indoor plants help the chemicals designed to fight the flies and gnats. Although they are toxic, but they do an excellent job, even with a large number of insects.
Such a preparation as dichlorvos, typically used to kill insects on the soil surface and around the pots. Watering them houseplant undesirable. You can also take crayons against cockroaches and nastrogat them on the soil surface or applied their strokes on the surface of the pot.
Primer recommended to water solutions such as Malathion, Agravertin, Thunder-2 aktellik et al. This allows you to get rid of lice on houseplants. After treatment, the flowers can not be watered 2-3 days. Well it relieves insect drug Spark +. Although it is much slower, but it is very easy to use.
physical means
The essence of the natural method of combating lice is a partial or complete replacement of the soil in pots. If complete replacement of the plant substrate was carefully removed from the container, shake off from the roots and the substrate was washed with warm water. All the old soil is usually destroyed or at least throw him a solution of potassium permanganate pink and then with water.
If the insect is small, then one can get rid of them, removing the top layer of soil and replacing it with fresh, which is pre-pierced in the oven or freezer promorazhivayut.
preventive measures
To colors in the room never was got lice, you need to follow the following preventive measures:
moderate watering. It is necessary to control the frequency and amount of watering. In autumn, winter and early spring flowers should be watered less frequently than in the summer, but on hot days you should not overdo it.
- soil moisture. Before watering a flower, you need to touch the ground. If it is wet, it is worth the wait.
- good drainage. It allows the plant to properly enrich the water, without leading to the acidification of soil and rotting organic debris.
- soil loosening. Periodically loosen the soil in a flowerpot. Because of this root system is saturated with oxygen and prevents soil decay.
If you suspect that the emergence of midges can use folk remedies or go to a specialty store to purchase chemicals. Selecting means, you need to immediately process their plant.
Thus, if indoor plants bred midges, it is necessary to find the cause of their appearance. If This ground faultIt is necessary as a defeat flower to another ground or processed in various ways as soon as possible to transplant. In wet ground should postpone further watering. Treat all plants need in the room, so it is quite difficult to distinguish healthy from infected planting.