Bedbugs - blood-sucking parasitesThat can live in almost any home. Some people believe that these parasites settle exclusively in untidy houses with old furniture, but it is not so.
Bugs that live next door to the man, popularly called diva, Scientists call them bedding. Infection apartment sofa bed bugs can be totally random, for example, you can buy new furniture, which will already be infected with maggots.
Caught in the bug apartment immediately begins to develop the territory and to be active. Since these organisms have high blood sucking Opportunistic characteristics, their extremely difficult to bring.
Why bug settles into the couch - everything is simple: he settles territory, located in the immediate vicinity of the power source - human. Sofas, and especially the old - a favorite place of residence for the blood-sucking parasites, and a sufficient amount of furniture joints make their lives not only comfortable, but also safe.
these insects can prevent a person to live in peaceSo if they were found in an apartment, you should immediately begin to destroy these blood-sucking parasites.
- Insect infestation furniture
- Symptoms of bedbugs
- Cleaning disinsection
- The choice of means
- Self removal of parasites
Insect infestation furniture
The biggest mistake a lot of people who happened to be adjacent to these insects, is the view that by treating the beds, they will get rid of bed bugs once and for all.
Unfortunately, these "nomadic" insects can be localized in any hard, dark places where it is constantly maintained at room temperature.
Allocate the following primary sources of occurrence of bugs in the house:
Infection occurs by entering the house of personal belongings, which contain larvae or adult insects trapped there during a stay in a room inhabited by bugs.
- Acquisition / used furniture increases the risk of bed bugs in the home. But sometimes it happens that the insect infestation apartment occurs because of new furniture. In this case, you can be sure that the sofa has been used by someone, because bugs feed only on human blood and human attracts them secret, secreted by the sebaceous glands.
- Fighting bugs in the hallway can cause insect shelter from chemicals of any apartment where the processing is carried out.
- Infection bed pet with access to the exit to the street, which can bring the larvae or adult insects in their hair.
Knowledge of the basic causes of bugs in the couch or any other sleeping place will help to develop a set of preventive measures and bring them once and for all.
Symptoms of bedbugs
Discover animals in their couch preferably before it starts to lead active life and begin to bite households, but it is not always possible.
If the body were severely itchy bites, like mosquito, but their number is constantly increasing, after a night's sleep - so, in the couch bred bugs. Moreover, a bug bite to humans is fraught with the development of an allergic reaction.
The process is accompanied by the supply of bug introduction into the body of the victim special substance, due to which decreases blood viscosity, and after insect filled, a small amount of blood may leak from the wound more, which certainly gets to bed clothes. Minor bruising on the sheet should be the impetus for activities to etched intruders from the couch.
It is also clear that in the couch live bugs army can on a light gray homes - this insect larvae. If the sofa is equipped with drawers for storing clothes, you need to get out of them all the contents and move to the bathroom.
In order not to spread the eggs and adults throughout the apartment, it is desirable to remove things in plastic bags and take to the bathroom. Then process them by means of bugs and clean. Those are the things to be washed, can be washed in water at 60˚. High temperatures are harmful to these insects and their larvae.
A colony of bugs in the couch can not be confused with anything else. You need to check those parts of the sofa, where there are various upholstery fabric or folds. Unscrewing it so hard to reach places, you can find clusters of insects of different sizes.
Discover the "headquarters" will help chitin scales that shed bedbugs in my life and, of course, excrement. Vital functions of these insects is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, which is felt when entering the room from the outside.
Cleaning disinsection
Found himself in the house of bedbugs, you must immediately destroy them. Despite the complexity of the process, when done correctly, all the recommendations, you can manually bring these parasites from your couch, so they will not appear again.
Recommendations how to get rid of bed bugs in the couch:
- The first step is to disassemble the sofa to the elements (if possible): remove cover and armrests, remove the cushions and drawers. All these components must also undergo any chemical treatment, or the temperature.
- Treatment should begin with the surfaces that come into contact with the sofa: the floor and walls. This is necessary in order to prevent re-infection of the sofa, because bedbugs can lay their larvae in the floor cracks, and the joints between the wall-paper.
- Make room, where there was a sofa. If you plan to put it to another place, it means that the processing will be subject to, and it is.
Add to warm water laundry soap or an ordinary washing powder. If neither one nor the other was not at hand, you can use shampoo. To a solution of soap is necessary to add a disinfectant containing chlorine. The resulting liquid must be treated floor, where there will be a sofa. Before you begin to harvest, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves to chlorine is not damaged skin.
- Unfortunately, if in place of contact with the sofa wallpaper has departed the edge, they will have to tear off and stick on new pieces. If the animals started to run, it must be immediately vacuumed when peeling upholstery pieces.
- Water remaining after harvest, carefully pour into a bowl. Clean water and a new cloth to walk again on the treated area and also pour.
- Rags, which were used during the harvest, it is better to put in a plastic bag, seal it tied, and throw in the trash.
- After drying the floor to take the vacuum cleaner should be, set it to full capacity. Remove the vacuum hose nozzle and each centimeter, focusing on all kinds of cracks and crevices in floors. Dust bag will have to burn, so it is best to use disposable.
The choice of means
There are 2 ways of further surface treatment: Steam and chemical insecticides. Treatment with steam and high temperature - a very effective method, but it can damage some surfaces, so you should resort to insecticides.
Choosing himsredstvo, better to give preference to those who have in their composition permethrin. This substance is of plant origin, so it is safe for humans and pets.
chemical treatment should be carried out strictly according to the instructions that accompany the drug. The smallest of the discharge of these recommendations can not give 100% results in the removal of bugs, as well as have an adverse effect on the human body. Depending on the product may need to re-processing and wet cleaning, which must be done efficiently and quickly.
After carrying out the above manipulation will treat all cracks special powder - diatomaceous earth, contributing to the destruction of the insect's body.
Self removal of parasites
When the apartment is ready, the means for controlling is selected, you can proceed to the main action. disinfestation sofa algorithm consists of the following steps:
- Turn on the vacuum cleaner at full power and clean every centimeter and every crease. For these purposes it is better to use a special attachment with a brush.
- The sleeping area is best to treat with steam, so as not to harm the human body insecticides.
- Repeatedly carefully vacuum the sofa.
It is important to remember to treat every seam and every crease. Bedbugs are secretive way of life, and if you do not get the parasites in their secret shelters, no insecticides, and other means will not help.