- Why do I need a brush?
- What are brushes?
- Kinds of brushes for the purpose
- Kinds of brushes for functionality
- We choose brushes for floor and carpets
The dust control in any house occurs constantly, only like did a wet cleaning, as already it appears again. But also it will not stop in this process, after all the dust provokes the majority of diseases and creates not so comfortable conditions for residing. Therefore, whatever one may say, a dust brush is still needed, because with its help it is much faster and longer to cope with the problem. Why and how, and also what brushes there are for dusting, you will learn from this article.
to the contents ↑Why do I need a brush?
Dust can be removed by various devices - both special and improvised. The simplest option is to brush it off, but in that case it will not retire, but simply settles on other surfaces in your house.
Not the best way will be wiping with a damp rag, as though it will be possible to remove most of the plaque on furniture, floors, but often after such cleaning there are far from aesthetic white divorces.
Using special brushes for dust removal, there is a chance to remove the entire plaque, and quickly and easily, and prevent its rapid appearance again.
to the contents ↑What are the brushes?
The assortment of such tools for cleaning up to date can amaze the imagination of even the most advanced hostess. Tool manufacturers offer different models that differ by several features:
- designation;
- functionality.
Important! Of course, an important factor will be the price of the brush for dust, but more often it is fully justified by the effectiveness of the tool.
to the contents ↑Types of brushes for the purpose of
For many, the dust brush is associated only with the device that we often see in movies - such a colorful furry stick. By the way, if you are puzzled by the name of the brush for dust cleaning, you know, it has the name "Pipidastra".Of course, you can arm yourself with this tool, but if misused, it will not be of use to him.
Important! Pipidastra looks like a multicolored fleecy mass on a stick. This tool is designed to whisper dust. But before doing this, in order to avoid the soaring dust in the air, it should be slightly electrified. This is the easiest way, if you put it in a plastic bag for a few seconds, rub it lightly. As soon as villi become a "rack", they will attract small particles of debris to themselves. That is, the brush is ready for use. Next - the business of technology, just spend it on different surfaces in your home.
The best solution is to buy a few brushes, each of which you will apply in a particular case. Now let's see what a dust brush can be.
This type of cleaning tool is a fleecy brush, which must necessarily be endowed with electrostatic properties. Due to such features, it can easily remove plaque from smooth surfaces, as well as from polished furniture. When used, dust is simply attracted to the nap.
This device is useful for you if you have your own library or at least several bookshelves have books or at least 1 cabinet is allocated for them.
Produce such a tool from pig bristle and goat hair. Due to this, the plaque is removed after one movement only.
Almost everyone in the house today has blinds, they have been "in the trend" for several years already. As on plastic, and on metal lamellas, a layer of dust is often collected, and it is not very convenient to remove and wash every week the whole structure.
If you are puzzled by this topic, you will definitely need a dust brush in the form of forceps. With its help, you literally in 5 minutes will put in order your protective blinds blinds.
Important! Such tools are as easy to use in caring for curtains.
Sickle brush for dust cleaning is designed to make it easier for you to remove plaque of dirt in narrow apertures between furniture, in slots, near home appliances and other items located in niches and dressing rooms.
Without this tool you will not be able to do without, if you are the guardian of the ideal cleanliness in the house. This dust brush on the long handle, made of horsehair, is designed for quick and easy cleaning of settling mud particles on ceilings, chandeliers and walls.
Important! Separately note that there are brushes for carpets and floors. About how to choose them better, we'll explain below.
to the contents ↑Types of brushes for functionality
All of the above types of harvesting equipment - not all of the tools available in the market today. Each manufacturer seeks to make their products more convenient and effective, so relatively recently there were 2 noteworthy varieties.
Antistatic dust brush
Antistatic dust brush is a very convenient option. Due to the special pile made of synthetic fibers, dust and small debris instantly attracts and does not fall, does not scatter throughout the room.
In addition to this factor, pluses can be noted:
- ease of handling;
- durability;
- neatness of cleaning without damage to furniture materials.
Important! To clean such a brush, it is enough to rinse it under the water.
Electric brush
If you decide to buy an electric brush, you will hardly have to regret your choice. From now on, cleaning will be for you not a compulsory service, but an easy and pleasant pastime.
The principle of operation of such inventory is similar to the previous version. But greater efficiency is achieved by having an integrated motor that runs on batteries. This ensures rapid rotation of the pile and accelerates the assembly of small debris many times.
The structure device is usually designed in such a way that the dust brush can quickly cope with even the most secluded and inconvenient corners, slots. Including such a tool perfectly cleans the keyboard of a laptop or desktop PC.
Other advantages:
- no need to use household chemicals, which is very important for people with allergies;
- easy cleaning of even the most fragile items - due to the ease of nap;
- multifunction - different models have a specific set of attachments( short, long, flat, round).
Important! All these advantages are due to the fact that an electric dust brush is quite expensive. But it's worth it.
to content ↑We choose floor and carpet brushes
Dust brushes can be used not only for cleaning furniture and other interior items. They are also used for cleaning floors and cleaning carpets. In order not to damage the decorative trim or pile of the floor covering, consider these recommendations when choosing the appropriate device:
- for sweeping the floor in living rooms, buy a tool with a short and soft bristles;
- for cleaning the ancillary rooms or the local area - with a long and stiff;
- for carpets with low pile, carpeting perfectly suited brush for dust in the form of a hard roller.
Important! Carpets with long nap brushes should not be cleaned.
Now you have full information about why you need a dust brush and what it can be. We hope that you have succeeded in buying a convenient tool and now you are only happy to clean the house.