- What is needed for cleaning?
- The main types of cleaning
- Useful tips
The life of almost every person is filled with a lot of events, as well as important cases, so there is practically no time to keep the house clean. In this article we will tell you how quickly to do cleaning in an apartment without unnecessary nerves and costs, because you can make this routine a quick and effective ritual for the improvement of your home.
to the contents ↑What is needed for cleaning?
Before quickly cleaning the house, make sure that you have a stock of necessary household chemicals. Each household should have the following types of detergent:
- A cleaner for a washbasin or cooker that can be in powder or gel form. The most popular are the means from the trade marks "Gala", "Cif", "Test".
- Means for cleaning glass and mirrors - "Mr. Muscle", "Clin."
- Household chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting sanitary ware - "Domestos", "Bref", "Dressing Duck".
- Furniture polish - the most popular is the product from the brand "Pronto".
- Air freshener - any of your choice.
- Means for cleaning limescale - you can also use "Domestos" or "Cif".
You will also need a special cleaning tool:
- broom;
- scoop;
- rags;
- sponges;
- vacuum cleaner with various nozzles;
- bucket;
- mop;
- cleaning wipes;
- bowl or basin.
The main types of cleaning
So that you do not have to live in mud and dust, you should regularly clean the house, which can be of four main types:
- daily;
- weekly;
- seasonal;
- general.
To understand what is included in each type of work, and also to understand how to make house cleaning as quick and easy as possible, we will consider in more detail each of the ways of caring for your housing.
Daily cleaning
Carry out daily procedures for maintaining order in the apartment - the best solution for housewives. Regularly performing the necessary work will help maintain comfort and comfort in the house without much effort and labor costs. For daily cleaning do the following:
- Fill the bed.
- Wash the dishes.
- Wipe the kitchen surfaces and the dining table.
- Pour house plants, as well as wet cloth, wipe their leaves.
- Walk around the room, returning all items and things to their places.
- Take out the trash can.
- Dirty things put in a washing machine.
Weekly cleaning of
This way to maintain cleanliness in housing is necessary to take itself into service for everyone and it is therefore very important to organize the process correctly in order to quickly clean the apartment. For its implementation, it is best to choose a certain day of the week, for example, a day off. In the process of weekly cleaning it is necessary to do everything the same as every day, but add the following procedures:
- Change bed linen.
- Wash and iron things that have accumulated over the week.
- Wipe interior furniture items from dust.
- Vacuum or wash the floors.
- Wipe the inside surfaces of household appliances - microwave oven, toaster, etc.
- With wet wipes, clean the glass surfaces in the house - windows, mirrors, computer monitor, TV screen.
- Clean the plumbing - a bath, sinks and a toilet.
Important! Choose for yourself a more convenient sequence of such actions and then this process will not cause you a persistent dislike. Even better is to combine processes, for example:
- while the underwear is washed, you wipe the dust;
- while the means for cleaning the plumbing - sweep or vacuum.
With this approach, you will be able to quickly clean up the house.
General cleaning
Once a month, each landlady wonders how quickly to make a spring cleaning in the apartment. This type of cleaning consists of those works that are included in the weekly routine with additional fulfillment of the following tasks:
- Thoroughly wash the refrigerator and free it from missing or out of date products.
- Clean the boxes and shelves.
Important! Do not forget to remove unnecessary items when cleaning the shelves, but leave only the most necessary items.
- Remove stains from furniture and carpet using stain remover.
- Wipe dust from all hard-to-reach and usually neglected places in the house - cornices, sockets, switches, top of cabinets, etc.
Important! Do house cleaning at regular intervals, it is best to choose a certain day. For example, you can perform this task on the first or last Sunday of the month.
Seasonal cleaning of
This type of cleaning is carried out at least twice a year and includes the following additions to the general cleaning:
- Wash window sills, windows and frames.
- Wash the curtains, curtains and bedspreads.
- Make the cleaning of the cabinet, for which you need to divide the clothes into one that you will still wear and one that is no longer useful.
- Arrange the order among the documents and various entries that need to be sorted and placed in separate files.
- Check the first aid kit, there should not be any medicines that have expired, and all drugs necessary for first aid should be present.
Important! If small children live in your home, you should also pay attention to bringing order among toys, as well as washing and drying plush items.
to the contents ↑Useful tips for
There are several general rules for how to do spring cleaning without much moral and physical costs. In order for this process to bring you pleasure and consistently good result, adhere to the following recommendations:
- Before starting any work, try to open the apartment windows for airing.
- Regular cleaning will significantly increase the level of cleanliness in the house, so try to at least 5-10 minutes every day to give this lesson.
- Disassemble things, try not to leave any unnecessary objects in the house, so as not to litter your housing and not turn it into a warehouse.
- Go through the clothes in the closet, and also arrange it on the shelves or hang on the shoulders.
- Clean all surfaces from dust accumulation.
- Remove dust from upholstered furniture, carpets and floors using a vacuum cleaner.
- Perform a wet cleaning of the room.
Important! It is quick enough to make cleaning in the apartment possible, while doing work in all rooms. Wipe dust and wash the floors is recommended in all rooms of the apartment in turn.
In this article, we shared with you the most practical ways of cleaning the living quarters, as well as important secrets for doing such work. We hope, now you will not have problems with the organization of the process of maintaining cleanliness in the house and you will perform this work with pleasure!