How to choose a home smokehouse for hot and cold smoked

To prepare the delicious smoked smokehouse need. Most store products of the type used liquid smoke. This chemical, which can not fully reproduce the full flavor, but most importantly - it is harmful. Therefore, one can be sure only as a self-cooked delicacies.

There are two main ways this preparation which differ temperature regimes.

With this technology, the product being prepared at high temperature of from 40 to 150 ° C. Its advantage in speed - Cook the meat for a few hours. Because dehydration does not occur, the product turns bold and delicate taste. But the long storage without adequate cooling for it is contraindicated. For such a method is applied smokehouse smoked.


An alternative method, which uses low temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. The process may take up to three days. Due to such dehydration products adapted for long term storage. Meat rough, but retains the full-bodied taste. Here smokehouse Smoked used respectively.

Types smokehouses Housing

For smoking conditions in a house or apartment manufacturers produce compact plants using heating by electricity or gas.


electric smokehouse

Household elektrokoptilnya one of the most popular options. The heat source are disposed inside the heating spirals.

Due to design it:

  • It does not require an open flame;
  • It does not require constant monitoring of the process;
  • It allows you to adjust the temperature regime;
  • can complete the process within 30-40 minutes.

Such devices can be open or closed heating spirals. The latter are more efficient. Some models can be powered by a car battery.


gas smokehouse

This embodiment is provided with a special stand with gas burners. To work need a propane tank, to which are connected the burner. As the main container bottom heating begins smoldering loaded into the chips and the cooking process is started.

Features of this version:

  • the relative simplicity of design;
  • Stainless steel casing thickness at least 2 mm;
  • efficiency in the work due to the low cost of gas;
  • the need for closer monitoring of the work.

Unlike elektrokoptilni this unit is cheaper. But there is a more expensive model with hydraulic lock.

Mini smokehouse

mini smokehouse

These compact devices. They can be used for preparing one or two servings of smoked. The rest of the design with a mini size is different from the above.

This can be a model or an electric machine that uses heat from external sources. Due to their size they are comfortable in a small city apartment, it can be easily transported to the country or origin.

Principle of operation

Regardless of the technical parameters, All devices have a common purpose of such a principle. In a closed metal container you want to load wood chips or sawdust, and the product is hung or put on the grill. As a result of heating, the fuel starts to smolder, enveloping fish, meat or vegetables. Different methods have some differences related to the technology of preparation.

hot smoking

This kind of apparatus operates as a conventional stove. The combustion chamber is located immediately below the product. The vapor rises where suspended future smoked, and then outputted through the tube.

cold smoking

This method operates on a similar pattern, but at lower temperatures. Smoke from a smoke generator passes through the outer pipe where cools. Then it goes into the chamber, and wherein the cooking process takes place.

water seal

The design of this piece of home devices It serves as an additional insulator, preventing the exit of smoke from the reservoir into the room. Externally, the water seal is a cap chute at the perimeter. After loading the chute smokehouse poured water, which thus makes an airtight container and insulates it from the external environment. To release excess smoke fitting connecting hose and take him to the kitchen hood or window.

Due to water seal the entire structure is simplified because it is not necessary to use special heat-resistant gaskets and clamps.


The apparatus of any smokehouse regardless of its type includes such basic elements:

  1. Stainless steel housing.
  2. Lattice, which are laid out products.
  3. Tray for dripping grease.
  4. Cap.
  5. A thermometer for temperature control.

In addition to these, elektrokoptilni and their gas counterparts are equipped with the stand. Included are also other components may be provided.

How to use

Before proceeding to the preparation of meat or fish should be prepared. In some cases, it can take up to six months.

For smoked meat need to marinate:

  • large pieces cut into small pieces;
  • rubbing them with salt and spices;
  • wrapped in gauze or parchment;
  • placed in a vessel and under a load placed in the refrigerator for a week.

Exposure in the marinade can be completed when the product became solid. Then, it is soaked, vyalyat under the sun and in the shade. A sign of maturation material - the appearance of mold.

Cold technology also requires soaking in brine or marinade.

Preparation takes place in three stages:

  • from 1 to 7 days marinated product;
  • then soaked for 24 hours;
  • then dried for several days.

Full training cycle will fully prokoptit meat, provide the necessary taste and increase shelf life.

Need to use the device with the following rules:

  1. Clear device and soot of burnt fat.
  2. Prepare an adequate supply of sawdust from fruit or hardwood.
  3. First reheat smokehouse to 200 ° C, and then cool to 100 ° C.
  4. Download the products inside.
  5. Put fuel in the smoke generator.
  6. Close the lid.
  7. Pour into water trap water.
  8. During cooking, you need to control the temperature.
  9. Meat requires great heat, and the fish is cooked at a lower temperature.
  10. Pieces should be regularly turn every 3 hours and lubricate the marinade.

During operation, the capacity is better not to open. An hour before the end of the procedure, you must check the contents of readiness.


With an abundance of proposals is difficult to understand which model would be best. These difficulties can be avoided by taking into account some of the recommendations - the internal volume should provide sufficient space to accommodate the chips and products. Be sure to design ventilation must be provided. For small devices pan must be mounted.

In addition, the thermostat and the function Auto Cleanup will simplify the use of smokehouse. You also need to consider the frequency of use and the preparation of the volume.

Review of the best models

The market offers homemade smokehouse from domestic and foreign manufacturers. In terms of price and quality, you can select multiple brands competing for the best.

For smoked

Leaders of sales in this species in 2019 are the devices by brand, Bravo, Hanhi and Muurikka.



Household universal smoker of this brand are sold in several dimensional versions. They are designed for 10, 20 and 30 liters. They can be used both at home and on the road. Miniature versions can easily fit into the usual tourist backpack.


  • extended completion, which, apart from the necessary structural elements include supply of fuel, foil, the book with recipes;
  • Robust food stainless steel, used for the manufacture of all components;
  • from any possibility of heating plates including induction;
  • hydraulic lock, which does not allow the smoke;
  • bimetallic thermometer which provides precise temperature control.

The customer reviews limitations It is not marked. Models by Bravo are inexpensive, which increases their attractiveness.



Smokehouse from this manufacturer produce similar devices with similar characteristics. Depending on the volume among these models also have large, medium and small, easy selection of the desired spaciousness.


  • Cover with a convenient volume knob, which is not heated;
  • extended completion in promotional periods;
  • a wide range of accessories.

As shortage should consider the absence of a spherical cap, in which the condensate flows directly into the water seal.

1100 W Muurikka

1100 W Muurikka

One of the best power options. In this model, the horizontal arrangement of the cylindrical tank. Inside there is a bunk lattice and heating spirals under them, over which stand for the chips. Performance of kilograms of products in 40 minutes of work.


  • loading job to two kilogram;
  • handle on the body allows you to move the device even during operation;
  • comfortable dimensional characteristics;
  • high power for fast cooking;
  • complete with black carrying case provided.

Of the minuses are marked:

  • high price;
  • easily soiled case, which are clearly visible fat stains;
  • the presence of the cutout for tena reduces the tightness of the housing;
  • lack of overlap on the legs, which reduces stability, especially on slippery surfaces.

For cold smoking

Among the instruments in this category are allocated smokehouse brand DymDymych and Bestpohod. They are inexpensive and at the same time functional.

Smoke Uzbi Dymych 01 M

Smoke Uzbi Dymych 01 M

The model has an impressive internal volume. A pair of removable gratings is placed on four guide that allows them to adjust. Driving assembly intuitive. an adjustable oscillator to adjust the operation parameters.

Smokehouse is perfect for apartments small area, thanks to its small size and collapsible design.


  • versatility;
  • Powder coating is resistant to soiling and scratches;
  • efficient cooling system;
  • spiral heater, uniformly distributes the smoke inside;
  • lightweight smoke generator;
  • 32 liters capacity with small dimensions;
  • long hose smoke;
  • full set.

The cons:

  • lack of supports;
  • Insufficient thickness of the metal;
  • smoke generator body is made of plastic;
  • inner walls corrode in violation coating;
  • no handle on the lid.

Despite the drawbacks, the machine copes well with its tasks.

Uzbi Smoke Dymych 02b

Uzbi Smoke Dymych 02b

Pyatidesyatilitrovy unit, designed for a large family. Alloy steel has high corrosion resistance. Adds durability smoke generator housing of stainless steel. Content placed in two ways: on the grill or in a suspended position.


  • ease of assembly;
  • large capacity;
  • undemanding care and maintenance;
  • presence of handles on the cover;
  • eco-friendly materials;
  • affordable price;
  • good performance of the compressor;
  • efficiency;
  • sufficient pressure to continuously Incoming smoke inside.


  • small wall thickness, which increases the risk of deformation under strong heating;
  • not very convenient cover;
  • flimsy plastic knob;
  • the distance between the upper grid and the lid is too small;
  • no support under the body.



Simple and outwardly unassuming device with high quality. Made of stainless steel, which is easy to clean and does not corrode. The useful volume of 30 liters is sufficient for cooking for a big company. The number of servings in a single load is enough for 6 people.

For other advantages include:

  • ease of assembly;
  • capacity;
  • low price;
  • Included is a supply of fuel.

Of cons there is a lack of the pallet in the base, so it will have to buy separately.

Among these samples, you can stop the choice on some of the models. Knowledge of technical specifications will spend the money correctly, buying at the same time reliable smokehouse, which will last more than one year.