How to make sour cream yogurt

The owners of such a device as yogurt often think about what else can be prepared in this device. Some housewives do not know that it can help make delicious homemade sour cream, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Many consumers attracted by the fact that these products are completely natural and have excellent taste. If you are interested in how to make sour cream for yogurt, this is a fairly simple process.

Sour cream is obtained, which were subjected to lactic acid fermentation. There are many recipes in the home to make sour cream or whole milk. For this purpose the best suited for yogurt. In this device, you can prepare the product by simply mixing the ingredients and left them inside the bowl for a few hours.

The operating principle of yogurt is that it maintains the desired temperature for a desired time. Cream, while warm, under the influence of the bacteria begin to sour and turn into cream.

The advantage of the device for the preparation of yogurt is that by varying the recipe, you can achieve the desired density of sour cream, and other manufactured products. Consistency influences on fat content of the food. The fatter to be cream, the thicker will turn sour cream.

If you have the opportunity to use natural homemade cream. Then, the final product is a thick and very tasty. Fresh crude product will need to pre-boil and then cool to about 35-40 degrees. Pasteurized cream from store to boiling do not need.
The second component is the starter. As starters for the preparation of sour cream can be used:

  • special lactic acid dry leaven
  • four percent fermented baked milk,
  • natural homemade yogurt.

If you are cooking with the use of dry yeast, it is necessary to dissolve in the cream, according to the instructions. The dry product is sold in pharmacies or dairy departments in grocery stores.

To make the cream to yogurt, you can use other dairy products. This can be fermented baked milk or bifidok. Since these products are made by fermenting milk, they contain live lactic acid bacteria.

In that case, if you make homemade yogurt, put a little bit in a separate jar and refrigerate. It can be used as a starter for the production of other fermented dairy products yogurt (curd, cheese, yogurt and m. P.). Use yogurt for the first two days after its preparation.

Before you start cooking, it is desirable to process the yogurt. Tins is sterilized in a microwave oven. If you have a large capacity, you can simply pour boiling water over it. This is done in order to disinfect the dishes from germs.

cooking recipes

To create a cream of medium thickness pick up a liter of cream 10-15%. If they are pasteurized, they should be slightly warm in a saucepan. Make sure that the liquid does not boil. In the warm cream vsypte polbutylochki dry leaven and stir.

The powder should dissolve completely. Best to dilute it in a small amount of cream, then pour the mixture into the rest, so you'll get a smooth consistency. Make sure that there are no lumps and pour the liquid into a container for yogurt.

If your device has been preparing cream, set this mode. In his absence, use the instructions on the package with leaven. Usually, the time is 7-8 hours. The finished product is clean in the refrigerator for about an hour. After that, you can try sour cream.

In order to obtain a thick oily cream, mix of 30 per cent cream or take a fresh homemade product. Heat the cream and mix with fermented baked milk or homemade yogurt. You can whip whisk the mixture to a uniform distribution.

Then, pour into cups for yogurt composition, or in a bowl. In the absence of the appropriate mode timer is set for seven o'clock. After the device turns off, remove the cans, cover and store it in the refrigerator chamber. After one hour, the product can be eaten.

Now you know how to make their own cream, with the help of yogurt. Store home product can be no more than one week in the refrigerator. It is better to use it in food in the first few days after preparation.