How to use yogurt: instruction

This appliance can be another reliable assistant in the kitchen. But that has always been on the table fresh and healthy dairy products need to know how to use yogurt.

It is an appliance capable of maintaining the desired temperature for the preparation of fermented milk products with the required number of live bifidus bacteria, which will be useful for body.

In its simplest form, it consists of:

  • the working chamber, sufficient to accommodate several jars under fermentation;
  • an electric heater capable of maintaining the proper temperature;
  • thermostat controlling the temperature regime;
  • metal body with instruments placed on it enable and configure.

that prepare

On a variety of milk products, yogurt are capable of cooking, it can be considered a universal instrument. In addition to its main course used to prepare:

  • kefir,
  • sour cream,
  • cottage cheese,
  • Bifilak,
  • sour milk,
  • curdled.

This short list could be much broader. Most importantly, all of these products will be fresh and healthy.

Sour cream for yogurt in the house

Types of food and especially yogurt

Not all of them have the necessary functionality for the fermentation of all these dishes. Some of them require special tools and related functions.

Sour cream

Function of its preparation have almost all devices. For qualitative cream, the device needs to be mounted temperature lower than yogurt.

cottage cheese

He was not cooked all the devices as necessary the appropriate program. Often in such household appliances in addition to a la carte jars provided the total capacity of more convenient for the curd.

Ice cream

Some of these appliances have the opportunity, along with other dishes to cook ice cream, frozen yogurt, sherbet. To do this, they provided a special function.

Basic rules for the use

For normal operation of the device, in addition to setting the optimal mode of operation, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules. In the process of fermentation:

  1. All jars must be perfectly clean and cleaned without the use of detergent, not to hurt the microflora of the product;
  2. The device must be installed on a flat surface, not rearrange or tilt to avoid the uneven heating.

But compliance with these important preparation conditions may be useless if it is wrong to choose the right ingredients.

fruit yogurt

Choosing ingredients

The main ingredient for self-production of cultured milk foods in yogrutnitse is sourdough. This may be used:

  • sourdough powder, which can be purchased in a store or a pharmacy;
  • residues previously cooked product;
  • bought, natural yogurt with no added sugar or colorings.

If the ferment milk to be used is necessary to:

  1. it was fresh,
  2. a purchased milk is pasteurized,
  3. homemade boiled,
  4. its fat content corresponded to the expected consistency of the finished dish (the fatter the milk, the thicker the result of fermentation).

For the sake of variety in dishes cooked in yogurt add various fillers. It can be:

  • a variety of berries and fruits,
  • jams and preserves,
  • chocolate and cocoa.

When buying milk powder or a starter, different variants of fillers need to pay attention to the expiration date, the observance of which will ensure the quality and usefulness of future meals.


The main factors affecting the fermentation process in yogrutnitse are time and temperature. In most cases, optimum fermentation time is selected from 8 to 12 hours. In this case, home-made yogurt will be quite soft and moderately thick. When setting the timer for a period of at least 8 hours is obtained liquid yogurt. Most modern devices equipped with the function "delayed start". Thanks to her, you can adjust the cooking time so that the product is freshly prepared at the time of use.

For different starter cultures and derived products is recommended to set the appropriate temperature. In the absence of cooking experience to correctly identify them as possible, based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Overheating of the leaven is undesirable since in this case:

  1. useful microflora is destroyed;
  2. yogurt reaches a uniform composition.

If there are additional functions you can use:

  • delayed start;
  • Auto Power Off;
  • time control on the display.

Yogurt from Redmond

One of the most popular manufacturers of yogurt is a company Redmond. Most of its models are made by the standard procedure and differ only:

  • design
  • volume,
  • additional functions.

Redmond All devices are equipped with a simple electronic control, a convenient display and function "delayed start", allowing submit yogurt at the right time.

The procedure for the use of Redmond is simple and involves the following steps:

  1. filling jars corresponding pure final product leaven;
  2. placing them in the operating compartment under the lid;
  3. Set the time and start the fermentation heater.

After the set time the appliance Redmond notify the readiness of fermented milk beep.

yogurt Moulinex

Moulinex is the major known competitor Redmond. Its products are not inferior to the American brand in quality and functionality. The Moulinex slightly smaller volume of the working chamber that can accommodate slightly smaller containers for yoghurt (7 instead of 8 in Redmond). As well as those of competitors for yogurt Moulinex have a convenient electronic control, which allows you to set the cooking time and control it through the countdown.

Moulinex is a positive feature of screw cap jars, making them easier to use. Most models have a double cover operating capacity, which saves space in the kitchen.

  • basic covering of the working container with open jars,
  • under the top cover fit them for the period of preparation.