Without grounding you are very much at risk not only with appliances in your home, but also with your life. So the question of arranging grounding is not worth it, and you cannot save on it. Only here is the question: if ground loop is made of metal and immersed in the ground, what will happen when it rusts? Is it possible to somehow keep it from corrosion and what to do if the corrosion is already such that integrity has been lost?
Read in the article
- 1 Mandatory inspection
- 2 Can I paint or not?
- 3 Weaknesses of the ground loop
- 4 Is the rusty ground loop working
Mandatory inspection
To determine the condition of the ground, you need to inspect it. The main advantage of this design is that everything is obvious in it: it is not an electrical appliance, which outwardly may look absolutely normal, but in fact not work. The ground loop will immediately give you a signal of its state.

The only inconvenience of inspection is that the contour will have to be dug out at least partially in order to take measurements. If you do not dig up completely, you will need special equipment to measure the parameters.
It is important to regularly inspect the visible part of the ground loop to make sure everything is intact.

Can I paint or not?
Many topics on the forums are devoted to this issue. It is believed that it is possible to protect metal from corrosion by using paint based on aluminum dust. But professionals recommend not to conduct such experiments. Paint, whatever it may be, is an obstacle to the contact of the circuit with the ground, and this is precisely the purpose of grounding - so that the charge goes into the ground.
As for the visible part of the contour (the one on the surface), it must be painted to protect it from atmospheric moisture.

Related article:
This material will talk about how to make DIY grounding in a private house. 220V is the standard voltage in the network, and we will discuss in detail how to make sure that it does not harm either people or household appliances.
Weaknesses of the ground loop
Grounding has its weak points that need to be paid close attention to.
The vulnerability is the connection of the ground wire to the loop. It is usually outdoors and therefore exposed to rain and snow. A good installation technician will place the point where the terminal is installed in an underground hatch, which will greatly facilitate periodic inspection. And there are times when the terminal is located underground, and then only dig, and very carefully.

According to the same PTEEP, grounding elements are replaced if corrosion has "eaten" more than half of the metal thickness.
Is the rusty ground loop working
The ground loop works even if it is very rusty. Moreover, rust in this case even contributes to the efficiency of the device, since it conducts electricity perfectly.
These are the same 50% rust and allowable. But only if the remaining 50% were left without rust. This must be established when inspecting the circuit, removing the soil to a depth of about 30 cm and paying attention to one of the electrodes. This will be enough for a visual picture.

How to correctly make a ground loop for a private house is described in detail in this video:
As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the arrangement of the contour. It is only important to check its condition from time to time - and you can be sure of the safety of your home. Have you ever done such a check? Share your experience in the comments!
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