- Which pillows can be washed in the washing machine?
- Features of feather and down wash
- Recommendations for care
Many household items need the most thorough and delicate care. These items include pillows, because their purity is the key to a healthy sleep and good health. Inside the cushion, during long-term operation, dust, particles of skin, sweat and other contaminants accumulate, which create a favorable environment for the multiplication of dust mites and other harmful microorganisms. In order to protect the body from allergies and other diseases, household items should be cleaned regularly. Unfortunately, not many people know how to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine, and in fact such products are the main breeding ground for dust mites and bedbugs. Today we will tell you how to properly care for pillows and familiarize you with the rules for washing delicate items.
to the table of contents ↑Which pillows can be washed in the washing machine?
Pillows have a different filler, the main ones are:
- Pooh.
- Feather.
- Bamboo.
- Wool - sheep or camel.
- Organic materials - buckwheat husk.
- Synthetic materials - fayberlon, polyester balls, sintepon, holofayber.
Depending on the conditions of use of the household item and filler material, the pillow can be washed as follows:
- Pillows made of feather and down are recommended to be cleaned 2 to 4 times a year( not more often), using manual, machine wash or steam.
- Bamboo products are very strong, so they can be washed 6 times a year - both manually and with the help of a machine-automaton, like all pillows with synthetic filler. Bamboo is a natural material that perfectly retains its shape and does not lose its amazing properties, even after repeated washes.
- Synthetic pillows are recommended to wash as little as possible. Before washing the pillow with synthetic filler should be carefully knocked out from dust and dirt. Caring for products with synthetic filler is very easy - they can be cleaned either manually or washed in a machine.
Important! Machine washings of sinteponovye pillows can be performed in the following modes: "Delicate", "Manual", "Duvet".The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. When choosing a detergent, give preference to the gel-like powder, which is easier to rinse out.
- Anti-stress cushions perfectly cope with loads, so you can clean them 5 times a year. You can use both machine and manual washing. But to wring out such products is not recommended, since the filler consists of polyester balls.
- Wool cushions can be washed in the following modes: "Wool", "Hand wash".Rinse should be repeated, and spinning - at low speed.
Important! When washing the pillows of wool, you need to use special liquid care products for wool products, which include lanolin. This substance protects against the contamination of the fiber of the wool and makes them more elastic.
- Pillows filled with buckwheat husk can not be washed at all. Care for these products is as follows - the filler must be poured, and then dried or calcined. The cover of the pillow is erased in delicate mode in the car or manually.
- Orthopedic pillows can not be washed in the car, as this can lead to loss of shape and health functions. Orthopedic pillows are cleaned only by hand.
Cushion washing is a laborious process, especially for products with feather or feather fill. Next, we'll show you how to wash the feather pillow and the feather pillow, and also how to prepare them for the washing process in the car.
to contents ↑Features of washing the feather and down
The very process of washing is quite long and time consuming. It consists of the following steps:
- Preparation of the product.
- Selecting a detergent.
- The washing process.
- Rinse.
- Drying.
Let's consider each stage in more detail.
Preparatory Measures
If you are interested in the question of whether it is possible to wash the down pillow in a washing machine, the answer is unambiguous - you can. But first you need to carefully prepare for this process:
- Sew or purchase special cases for washing items from down and feather. If the pillow is small, then you can wash it whole, using an additional napernik. However, many recommend washing the filler in parts, especially if the product does not fit into the drum. In this case, the filler should be divided into several parts and washed separately.
- Strike the napernik one at a time.
- Transfer the fluff( feather) into a dry plastic pelvis.
- Place the filler in pouches and tightly sew them. You can use old pillowcases as covers, but fix the filler carefully so that the shell does not open when washing, and the fluff does not damage the drum.
Important! The less filler there is in one case, the better it will be cleared.
- For machine-washed cushions, purchase special PVC balls with small spikes or use regular tennis balls. They will have an additional mechanical effect on the filler during the rotation of the drum and prevent clumping of the material.
- If the pillow is already old and has never been washed, then take it to the dry cleaners, since old fluff can completely break down when wet.
- Carefully pour the stuffed material into the covers to prevent it spreading throughout the apartment. Do work indoors without drafts. Nearby there should be no children, animals and household appliances, which can be clogged down.
- Naperniki for filler can be sewn from dense cotton fabric without holes.
Selecting the detergent
You can apply a soft shampoo or a normal baby soap to manually wash the pillow, but it is best for any method of washing to use special compositions for feathers and down. You can apply and a modern liquid powder.
Use our advice when choosing a detergent so that the result will please you:
- Do not use products with strong perfume, as too obsessive smell of filler can cause a headache.
- For washing the fountain pads in the automatic machine, select a detergent for delicate products or a special means for washing the filler from feathers and down.
- Use an additional rinse to remove detergent residues from the filler.
Important! When rinsing again, add a few drops of any essential oil to the conditioner compartment: cypress, orange, lavender. This will give the product a slight pleasant aroma, for some time it will scavenge from the filler of dust mites.
Washing process
There are 3 basic ways to clean the pillows at home:
- Hand wash. Washing of pillows by hand is carried out without covers.
- Engine.
- Steaming.
Let's look at each method in more detail.
Stages of hand washing:
- Pour water in a large basin or bath with a temperature of 40 degrees.
- Dilute detergent in water. Use gel-like powder, baby shampoo or shavings from baby soap. Calculate the amount of the drug by the volume of water.
- Put the filler in a soapy solution. When the size of the pillow is large, divide the filler into several parts. Pooh should float freely, and not lie in bed.
- Leave the filler in the solution for 1.5-2 hours.
- Collect the fluff( feather) with a colander, rinse with running water.
- Prepare a new soapy solution.
- Put the filler in the solution.
- Rub the filler by hand.
- Collect fluff in a colander, rinse under running water. Rinse the filler under running water until the detergent is completely washed.
- Feathers gently wring out.
- Place the filler on the towel to dry.
- When draining the water after washing, be sure to cover the opening of the tub or sink with a mesh so that the fluff does not clog the sink.
- You can use for the manual washing process a large napernik, both for machine washing. Transfer all the fluff to the napernik and soak it for several hours in soapy water. Rub the pillow well with your hands and drain the water. Go to the rinse down under running water.
Important! This type of washing takes less time, but there is a possibility of gluing the filler.
Washing the cushions in the washing machine
Not every hostess will want to spend the whole day manually washing the pillows. Fortunately, our domestic helper can do this for us. You only need to follow the following procedure:
- Divide the filler into several napernikov.
- Carefully sew the free end.
- Place the product in the drum with tennis balls or special balls.
- In the detergent compartment, pour a small amount of powder( about 50 grams).
- Set the mode to "Delicate wash", "Duvet" or "Hand wash".The optimum temperature should be 30-40 degrees. Remember that hot water is harmful to organic filler.
- Turn on the additional rinse( double or intensive).
- Select spinning at low speed( up to 400 revolutions).If there is no such spin mode in the machine, simply select the water outlet and squeeze the product gently by hand.
- Start the washing process.
Important! Put 2-3 drum napernik with down in a drum at one time. Vibration in the case of wringing out in this case will not be practically, and the load will be distributed evenly, which will avoid large clumps.
How to wash a pillow from swan's down?
It is not so difficult to wash the pillow correctly, the main thing is to stick to the sequence of the process of washing the feather and down products( described above) and use some recommendations:
- The water temperature should not be more than 30 degrees.
- Select the "Hand wash" or "Swanning down wash" mode.
- If there are no special modes in the machine, select the most sensitive one.
- Set the minimum number of revolutions or completely turn it off.
- Turn on the additional rinse.
- Choose a special detergent for washing fillers from feathers and down.
- Dry the product outdoors or indoors with well-equipped natural or artificial ventilation. Pillows of swan's down should be dried only in a horizontal position. You can use a dryer for this purpose.
- During the drying process, turn the filler regularly.
- It is strictly forbidden to iron cushions filled with swan's down.
- After the filler has completely dried, put it in a new or washed napernik.
Steaming - as an alternative to washing
If there is a steamer, steam cleaner or iron with vertical steaming function, you can clean and treat the product in the following way:
- Hang the pillow on the laundry rope.
- Fasten the product with the clothespin.
- Thoroughly treat the pillow with steam from both sides.
- Repeat the stripping procedure two times.
- Straighten down( feather) with your hands.
- Place the product on a horizontal surface for drying.
Important! Steam cleaning will not allow you to achieve such a result as washing, but will relieve the pillow of odors, destroy mites and pathogenic flora, and also refresh the filler and napernik.
Proper drying is an important stage of cleaning
It is very important not only to wash the feather pillow correctly in a washing machine or manually, but also to dry the product. It is the wrong drying that can lead to a stale smell and the reproduction of bacteria in a moist environment.
Use the following guidelines for proper drying:
- Clean the delicate products in summer so that the filler can dry for a maximum of 2 days. Otherwise, mold formation may occur.
- Clean fluff on a dry, horizontal surface in a calm place. Dry fluff in a room with free access of air and sun.
- Place several layers of fabric or a dry newspaper under the filler.
- Mix your feathers constantly to ensure a constant supply of fresh dry air.
- To prevent feathers from flying off, cover them with gauze or a dense cloth.
- Remember that the smaller the number of feathers per unit of area, the better. The drying process should not be delayed.
- Fold the lump of the filler with your hands, do not let them crap.
- After the filler has dried, it must be poured into a clean napernik and sewed with a double stitch.
- If the filler is worn off in the cases, then hang the bags on the street. It is better to use shade or scattered rays of the sun for drying, because intense heat can damage the product. Every 2-3 hours the product should be shaken and turned so that the fluff does not stick together.
- When washing the product in winter, leave the filler for fresh air - the frost will additionally decontaminate the fluff.
- If the pillow does not dry completely within 2-3 days, the filler decay process may begin. Only rinsing can save the situation. Pooh, located in napernike, rinse in soapy water and rinse thoroughly with running water. Spread the filler on a horizontal surface, close to heat sources. You can dry the feathers in the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees until it dries completely. Dry feathers move into a clean and ironed napernik.
- It will help to get rid of the clots of the usual dust-pulverizer. Clean the cushion and put it on a soft horizontal surface, and evenly process it from all sides with light strokes of the dust puff.
- To dry the filler, you can use a special napernik, sewn from an old tulle.
Recommendations for care
To keep the pillow for years to come, adhere to the following recommendations:
- Each morning, beat the pillow by gently placing it in your hands. Thanks to this procedure, the filler will be saturated with air and will retain its elasticity and shape for a long time.
- Take the product out once every two months to open air for ventilation. In winter, the pillow can be held in frost for several hours. This will relieve the delicate product from all sorts of microorganisms.
- Regularly knock the pillow away from dust with a flat plastic swatter. Do this every time you change clothes.
- Do not store the pillow in a damp area.
- Do not use plastic bags for storing products. Keep the pillows in the fabric covers so that they "breathe".
- To napernik less contaminated, put on the main pillowcase extra, sewn from a thin calico. Fold the bedding periodically with a vacuum cleaner. New products - 2 times a month, and old - 1 time per month.
- For professional cleaning of feather and down products, use the services of professional dry cleaners. Specialists on professional equipment will not only clean the filler, but also disinfect it from ticks.
Annual washing of pillows with feather and down filler will help to avoid various diseases and will provide a healthy and full sleep. And how to wash your favorite pillow-girlfriend, you now know. Calm and sweet dreams!