- Washing or dry cleaning, that's the question
- Choosing the right down jacket
- Choosing a detergent:
- Washing in the machine
- Useful advices
Many in the wardrobe have such an object of winter clothing as a down jacket. It is a convenient, practical, relatively inexpensive clothing. Every day, its popularity is gaining momentum. There are more and more advanced models. Down jackets are decorated with artificial and natural fur. If earlier it was just warm and cheap clothes, now it is a beautiful and elegant, comfortable and practical jacket for all occasions. And there are many cases in life: who needs a camping trip, to whom to the theater or cinema, and to someone to work. For all cases, you can choose a suitable down jacket. But the winter has passed and the question arises on the agenda, how to wash the down jacket on a sintepon in a washing machine-machine?
to the contents ↑Laundry or dry cleaning, that's the question
The labels of many down jackets indicate that it is not recommended to wash them, only dry cleaning, or as an alternative - dry cleaning. But after a season of socks even dark jackets are covered with spots or are simply greased in some places. What can I say about white, which somehow have to ennoble several times a season. Dry cleaning is not affordable for everyone, and its results are not always satisfactory. In addition, children's clothes are generally not recommended for dry-cleaning, since chemicals are not always washed out and can cause allergic reactions.
So what to do, how to wash the down jacket on a sintepon? Experienced it was revealed that down jackets can be washed in a machine, you just need to know some of the nuances of this washing. We found out how to wash the down jacket from the sintepon in the washing machine, so that the filler does not get lost after washing in lumps, there were no stains left after rinsing, and after drying the original volume returned.
to the contents ↑Choosing the right down jacket
To think about how to wash, you need at the stage of buying clothes:
- If you prefer white colors, then note that you will have to erase such a thing more often. Plus, white down jackets are that you can not be afraid of white stains after the gel for washing.
- A quality thing can not cost a penny. A cheap Chinese down jacket will live to the first wash and say goodbye to you. As a filler for these jackets glued sintepon is used. When it is made, latex glue is used, which gives the sintepon a splendor. But at the first wash the heater is unstuck, and the down jacket loses its market appearance.
- Pay attention to the jacket quilting. The more quilted areas, the less will be lost insulation in the process of washing.
Choose a detergent:
To wash these things, do not use ordinary washing powder. Afterwards, ugly stains may remain. On sale there are special liquid means for washing down jackets. If you do not have anything at hand, you can use a baby shampoo.
Important! Bleaching is also not recommended. It penetrates deep inside and is very poorly washed away. If there are stains on the jacket, they should be washed with soap.
to the contents ↑Wash in the machine
How to wash the down jacket on the sintepon in the washing machine? If you follow the following recommendations, then your down jacket after washing will look like a new one. So, let's start washing:
- Check the integrity of the joints before starting washing. If there are holes somewhere, they need to be sewn, so that the filler does not begin to get out.
- Unfasten everything you can - belt, fur. They are best washed separately.
- Scrub all the problematic areas with soap pockets - pockets, collar, etc.
- Close all zippers and turn the clothes inside out.
- If there is a special bag for washing, put a jacket there and load it into the drum of the washing machine. Inside the jacket is recommended to put a few tennis balls or special balls for washing down jackets. They will not allow the filler to get into clots.
- Do not wash the down jacket with other things, even if it seems to you that there is still plenty of space in the washing machine.
- The washing temperature should not be more than 30-40 degrees. Choose a delicate mode and put the extra rinse function, if it is in the modes of your washing machine.
- Squeeze the minimum. It is necessary to squeeze out, as if this is not done, the filler will be lumped, and it will be difficult to fluff them.
- After washing, spread the washed item horizontally on the absorbent cloth in a warm, well-ventilated place. Shake it regularly.
Important!some recommend putting the wet down jacket in the freezer for a while. Crystals of ice will crash feathers and smash lumps.
- The jacket with synthetic filler can be dried by hanging it on the hangers.
- Drying on radiators is not recommended.
- Before you hang the jacket in the closet, make sure it is completely dry. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor and mold may appear.
Useful advices for
There are times when there is no time to wash the down jacket in the machine. But you need to remove the stains and at least somehow refresh the jacket. Use the following tips:
- Fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones. If you put a stain, try to get rid of it immediately. Especially if it's blood stains.
- Spots can be washed locally with a soapy cloth, and then rinsed with clean water. Try not to soak a thing hard, so that the water does not penetrate deeply and the filler does not get lost in the lumps.
- If you put a fat stain, do not despair. Heat the iron, put a sheet of paper in place with a stain and walk through the iron. The fat will melt and the paper will absorb it. From the remaining traces, we will be rid of refined gasoline. Moisten them a place of contamination, and then pour the soda. The remains of soda can simply be brushed off. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
- From divorce, ammonia will save us: dilute in 200 ml 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
- If on your outer clothing there are spots from lipstick, foundation or lip gloss, toothpaste will help you. Rub the brushed pasta with problem areas, and then fill them with talc or soda.
That's all the details about the washing of down jackets. Are you sure you can do this with your own hands? Then act to look always neat and beautiful!