- What are the flies dangerous?
- Fighting flies and their larvae
- Preventive measures
- How to kill the larvae of flies?
- Destruction of winged flies
Constant human companions - flies, cause a lot of trouble. They are the bearer of various serious diseases, and they can also poison a person with their annoying buzz. Today, you can buy any remedy for flies in the store or use famous folk remedies to fight, but you must start the war as early as possible until the insects have time to put the larvae off. How to kill the larvae of flies, how to get rid of the annoying insects themselves, and what preventive measures must be taken to never face such a problem, we will outline in this article.
to the contents ↑What are the flies dangerous?
Indoor and houseflies belong to the class of endophilic flies. Insects constantly fly into closed rooms: apartments, shops, houses, cellars and, sitting on food, can infect them with bacteria that cause not only severe food poisoning, but even death. That's why you need to know how to kill the larvae of flies in order to protect themselves from such an unpleasant neighborhood.
The flies habitat is ideally suited not only for development, but also for the spread of serious diseases, as flying, insects sit on any dirt in places of accumulation of debris. The list of diseases that can cause flies and their larvae is huge, here are some of them:
- Diarrhea.
- Dysentery.
- Typhoid and typhoid fever.
- Cholera.
- Salmonellosis.
- Tuberculosis.
- Anthrax.
- Conjunctivitis.
Important! Flies can also be carriers of parasitic worms.
In the life cycle, insects undergo four stages of development:
- Egg deposition. Flies are oviparous, while they are very prolific. At one time the female lays up to 150 eggs. Masonry usually occurs in compost pits, in garbage dumps, manure, in any humid environment, favorable for breeding, but unfavorable for human health. Flying into the house, the female can lay eggs in rotting vegetables, meat, fish, kitchen waste, which is very dangerous.
- Development of the larva. From the moment of laying eggs to the appearance of the larva passes an average of 8 hours to a day. The larva itself develops from 5 to 14 days, feeding on the food on which eggs were laid.
- Pupation of the larva. The process of pupation lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. Before pupation, the larva moves to a dry place, where the process of turning it into a pupa takes place.
- The appearance of a fly. On average, the insect lives for about a month. For such a short time, the female can lay 500 to 2,000 eggs.
Important! Flies are seasonal insects. The largest number of them is in the summer months: July and August, but in places with dry and hot climates the peak of strength and activity is in June and September. In summer, flies live next to a person - in rooms, in the kitchen, and in winter - mostly in cellars and cellars.
to content ↑Fighting flies and their larvae
Fighting "annoying neighbor" includes the following activities:
- Prevention.
- Destruction of larvae and pupae of flies.
- Getting rid of flies.
Let's consider in more detail each of the stages of combating harmful insects and the means from larvae of flies and flies.
to content ↑Preventative measures
The easiest way to kill larvae of flies is to prevent their reproduction in basements, as well as other premises. This is much easier and easier than to later fight actively with older individuals.
Prevention is limited to hygiene standards, which implies the following rules:
- Keep the house clean. Garbage must be thrown away immediately, and the products stored in the refrigerator. Initially, ensure the correct arrangement and maintenance of all garbage cans, tanks, containers and other sources that attract flies near the house. All tanks and other containers should be tightly closed, then the probability that you will have to wonder how to kill the larvae of flies, at times decreases.
- If food is stored in the cellar, then monitor their quality regularly. Preservation, vegetables should not rot.
- All premises of the house should be without cracks. Ventilation holes, as well as windows, must have mosquito nets. Presence of nets on doors, windows will become an obstacle for insects. It will not be superfluous to have a sticky tape placed in the hallway, as it is an excellent trap for those insects who wish to enter the house.
- The area around the cesspools, as well as latrines at a distance of 1.5 meters, must be asphalted or concreted.
- If there is not a sanitary toilet in the yard of the house, then it must be cleaned and disinfected daily with a 10% bleach solution.
- In a house with sewerage, used portable containers must be installed on asphalt and concrete sites, and garbage collected daily.
- Around the house plant special plants that will scare off flies, for example, elder bushes, bird cherry. Walnut tree and wormwood, growing near the house, also excellently repel insects. In the apartment with the task will cope with geranium in the pot.
If the problem of invasion of flies has already appeared, then it is necessary to connect methods of active struggle to preventive measures, using powerful chemical preparations.
to the contents ↑How to kill the larvae of flies?
Flies put larvae in rotting substances of organic origin, therefore at the second stage of extermination of larvae and pupae of flies it is necessary to use larvicides. The fight against insects, especially when it is necessary to kill the larvae of flies, begins with the treatment of liquid waste, cesspools, dustbin and soil under them.
Important! The treatment should start from May, and in the southern regions - from April. Kill larvae of flies very easily with the help of insecticidal solutions and emulsions. During processing, these substances form a film on the surface, and when the larva rises to the surface, it contacts the insecticide and dies.
Means for flies and larvae of flies:
The surface of liquid waste is treated with the following larvicides:
- An aqueous emulsion of dicresyl( 0.3-0.5%).
- Water emulsion of trichlorphos( 0.2%).
- 1% solution of carbophos.
- Aqueous solutions of chlorophos( 2%).
- Water emulsion 0.5% DDVP( dichlorvos).
Application rules:
- Freshly prepared solutions are used for the destruction of insects.
- For the preparation of working solutions, the necessary product is dissolved in room temperature water, evenly mixing.
- The consumption of the preparation is from 0.2 to 1 liter per 1 m2 of the treated area.
- Treatment should be carried out at a frequency of 2-5 times a month.
- The treatment frequency depends on both the climatic conditions and the number of larvae: the more hot and dry the climate, and the more larvae, the more treatment is needed.
At work with working solutions use the spraying equipment of various marks.
Important! When processing littered premises and basements, they must first be cleaned of debris and then carefully sprayed with water. During the processing, it is necessary to irrigate the external walls of the buildings, the waste disposal chambers, as well as the dust collectors.
In addition to the listed chemical agents, the following drugs also possess larmicidal properties:
- Iron vitriol.800 g of ferrous sulfate is dissolved in a bucket of water. It is enough to fill the daily amount of manure from one horse.
- The borax and calcium borate destroy fly larvae in manure. It is enough for 1 kg of borax and 1.224 kg of calcium boron for 1 m3 of manure. These substances must be sprinkled with manure, and then poured with water.
- Fertilizer with calcium cyanamide.
- 5% aqueous solution of the extract from the chamomile powder.
- Extinguished lime.
- Sern-carbolic mixture( not purified sulfuric acid 1 part, black carbolic - 3 parts).
Important! It is much more difficult to destroy larvae and pupae in soil, manure and debris. To achieve the effect and a good result, the same drugs( described above) are used, but in high concentrations:
- from 2 to 5 liters of drug per 1 m2 of treated area with a layer thickness of up to 0.5 m.
- from 10 to 12 liters of the drug on1 m2 at a thickness of more than 0,5 m.
The frequency of processing in such cases also needs to be increased.
to content ↑Flaming winged flies
The third stage of the fight against insects is the destruction of the winged individuals themselves. They use chemical, mechanical, and folk remedies in the struggle.
Chemicals for flies and larvae
Chemicals can be purchased at household stores. The most common of these is aerosols of diclofos, chlorophos.
Important! Use these funds in closed rooms, and after the treatment must be ventilated.
In addition to these tools can be used and the following:
- 2-3% solution of chlorophos.
- Solution from a mixture of DDVP with chlorophos in a proportion of 1 to 10.
- Effective insecticidal chlorophosic paper.
- Chlorophosic tablets.
- Aerosol cans containing DDVF( eg neofos).
Mechanical methods of fighting
Among mechanical methods, one can note sticky tapes, traps with baits with chlorophos, sugars and ammonium carbonate, various fumigators with plates.
Well-known so-called attracting substances. Especially effective are the following:
- The so-called "Amanita".These are sheets of paper impregnated with poisonous for insects substances. Sheets of 10 to 10 size are laid out on plates, filled with water( 50 ml) and 0.5 teaspoon of sugar and chlorophos are added. Plates should be placed in those rooms where there is a large concentration of flies. One "fly agaric" is enough for 10-20 m2 of area.
- Toxic bait: mix 25 g of milk, 125 g of water and 20 g of formalin. Pour the cooked bait into small containers and place it indoors.
- The bait can be prepared as follows: mix 13 ml of water, 4 g of glycerin and 3 g of formalin solution. Stir thoroughly and pour the cooked poison into the plate.
Important! Poisonous bait is suitable only for non-residential premises, such as cellar, cellar, etc.
Folk remedies for combating insects
Effective folk methods in combating flies, but to dream of getting rid of an invasion only with their help would be naive. But as an auxiliary measure, folk remedies are really effective.
The smell of some herbs does not like flies. Plant the following plants around the house:
- Basil.
- Bay Leaf.
- Lavender.
- Peppermint.
- Tansy.
- Wormwood.
- Tomatoes.
- Elderberry.
- Fern.
- Nut tree.
- Currant.
- Bird cherries.
- Plunger.
Important! In addition to the smells of trees and shrubs, flies are afraid of the smell of vinegar, so if you regularly handle basements and places of flies with vinegar( enough to process window frames), flies will eschew you.
Do not tolerate the insects of the smell of turpentine and kerosene, so to protect yourself from flies, rub the floors in the basement with turpentine mastic, and when washing the floors in the room, add a little kerosene to the water and you will forever beat the flies' hunt in the basement or other areas of your winterat home.
If you want to make an adhesive tape yourself, it can also be done at home using the following methods:
- Prepare a sticky mass of rosin and castor oil( 2 to 1).With this mixture, spread the paper or sheets. Hang up or spread the cooked traps in the places where the flies are most concentrated.
- For sticky mass, place 55 g of rosin to the consistency of the powder. Add 5 ml of glycerin, 15 ml of vegetable oil, 12 ml of mineral oil, 10 ml of engine oil, 17 ml of castor oil, 1 tbsp.l.honey. Stir well the mixture.
- For paper strips, first apply a non-drying glue, and on top coat the paper with the resulting mixture. In the room where you plan to place the adhesive tape, there should be no drafts.
Important! Lay down the adhesive tape at the rate of: 20 m2 - 1 tape. One sheet can destroy up to 500 individuals. Use the bait you burn.
All the measures that were considered in the article are effective in a complex. It makes no sense to fight the flies with only a flytrap or folk remedies, unless you have destroyed insect larvae, since this struggle will be endless. Without preventive measures, any other methods will not bring the desired result, and only using all methods to combat bothersome insects will save you from the already existing "neighbors" and prevent the emergence of new ones.