- Harm from mosquitoes
- Fight against mosquitoes in apartment
- Combat mosquitoes with folk remedies
- Fight mosquitoes at country house
Every summer we face such a problem as fighting mosquitoes. These bloodsucking insects live in different countries and climatic conditions, so even a trip to distant countries will not be a solution to the problem. To ensure peace and a pleasant summer season, you just need to know what frightens mosquitoes and how to deal with mosquitoes in the country and in the apartment. Our experts have reviewed the most popular modern and folk remedies, about which you will learn from this article.
to content ↑Harm from mosquitoes
Finding the right anti-mosquito remedy is the right thing, because they not only bore their monotonous buzzing at night. These bloodsuckers can cause a lot of damage to health, because they:
- suffer complex and dangerous diseases, which can occur only at a late stage and difficult to treat;
- cause itching and irritation of the skin after bites, especially basements that can reproduce year-round.
Important! To protect yourself and your loved ones, be puzzled in time by the question of how to deal with mosquitoes, and take appropriate measures.
to the contents ↑Fighting mosquitoes in the apartment
If you live in a private house or on a not so high floor where they simply would not have reached, the bloodsuckers are likely to be frequent guests of your home and bored with your presence from year to year. To permanently forget about the problem of fighting mosquitoes in an apartment, try using the following methods:
- Install special mosquito nets on the windows. Such products are offered today by almost all manufacturers of windows. Keep in mind that the smaller the cell, the more likely it is that some insect will not be able to penetrate through them.
- Buy and turn on ultrasonic or electric offenders. They usually work either from the outlet or from ordinary finger batteries. The first produce ultrasound, which is unpleasant for mosquitoes and they will not fly to the place where it comes from. The second - they radiate unpleasant for them aroma from replaceable plates, which to the person is absolutely imperceptible.
- Antique mosquito nets. Such a device is expensive, so you must decide exactly whether you are willing to invest in it to solve the problem of how to deal with mosquitoes. The principle of its action is that the lamp gives the insect-attracting ultraviolet light radiation. The grid itself is placed in front of the source itself, which is under voltage. As a result, insects fly to the light, attract them, and die without reaching the goal. Such devices operate exclusively from the mains.
Fighting mosquitoes with folk remedies
There used to be no special devices or devices to scare off the bloodsuckers, so people noticed that it was precisely that they did not like such insects and shared their experience with the successors of the genus. So, according to these legends, effective means for fighting mosquitoes are:
- Spicy herbs;
- Chamomile, lavender, bird cherry.
- Smoke of a fire.
Important! Most likely, it is for this reason that in the summer in ancient times both girls and boys decorated themselves with wreaths of such flowers and herbs, and arranged folk festivals near the fires.
Despite the development of technology, today this list of folk remedies for mosquito control continues to be replenished by those who prefer exceptionally safe measures. Please note that you will also be able to safely live in the warm season:
- Plants, the scent of which scares away bloodsuckers - tansy, geranium, basil. Some can be planted directly in the apartment in pots and put on the windowsill.
- Aromatic oils - mint, balm, eucalyptus, tea tree, cloves. Wet cotton and place it near the window and in some places in the apartment. But remember, too obvious, sharp smell, which persists for a long time, can cause you headaches and dizziness.
Important! You can, of course, instead of fitness or gymnastics yourself try to catch all the mosquitoes in the apartment with the help of a fly swatter or a folded newspaper, then you have to look for them next to the source of any light. But not everyone will prefer this option, and 100% efficiency is not guaranteed, because after the fight against mosquitoes they can again fly into the house through an open window.
to the table of contents ↑Fighting mosquitoes in the country house
If you managed to get out of a dusty and busy city to fresh air in the woods or go for a couple of weeks to the country house, then you really do not want to spend precious minutes fighting mosquitoes. Therefore, it is best to prevent the problem and stock up modern means from these bloodsuckers.
For this you will be perfectly suited:
- creams;
- sprays;
- gels;
- ointments.
What kind of preference - choose yourself, focusing on the fact that you personally are more convenient to apply. For example, take note of the fact that sprays can be sprayed simply on clothes, not on your own skin, thereby saving it from the effects of chemistry.
Important! The greatest efficiency was demonstrated by the products of such brands as Gardex, Off, Mosquitall. They include series for adults and for children from 1 year, so choosing the right one is quite easy. Note only that they should be applied with an interval of a couple of hours, since the impact after this time disappears.
Now you know all the ways to fight mosquitoes and they will not really bother you anymore if you follow our helpful advice.