- How to remove rust?
- Rules for the use of special rust remover
- How to remove rust from metal?
- How to wipe rust off clothing?
- How to clean coins from rust?
No metal object is insured against corrosion, even processed by special means. With its appearance on the product, the question arises: how to remove rust? He is especially interested in collectors of old coins who need to carefully clean the coins and not damage their surface. It is not uncommon for rusty stains to form on clothes. Use the advice of our experts and you will certainly get rid of this type of contamination from different surfaces.
to the contents ↑How to remove rust?
Before you clean the rust at home, look at what you have at your fingertips. For this procedure you will need:
- vinegar;
- lemon juice or acid;
- baking soda;
- ketchup;
- potatoes;
- Coca-Cola or carbonated water;
- vaseline oil;
- salt;
- oxalic acid;
- glycerol;
- laundry detergent;
- dishwashing detergent;
- ammonia;
- chalk;
- special preparations for cleaning corrosion.
You will also find useful tools for removing traces of corrosion on items:
- cotton pad;
- sponge;
- soft cloth;
- brush;
- needle.
Rules for the use of special rust remover
If you decide to use chemical agents to remove rusty stains from metal, follow these guidelines:
- Read the instructions of the tool and follow the steps described therein.
- Observe precautionary measures, since chemical agents contain oxalic and phosphoric acid and can lead to skin damage.
- Be prepared to take the time to apply them, since chemicals must work on the metal.
How to remove rust from metal?
In order to solve the problem of how to clean steel from rust or any other metal, familiarize yourself with the existing methods of cleaning various objects. Choose the most convenient for yourself and follow the suggested step-by-step instructions.
Method 1
To remove rust from the knife, use vinegar, applying it as follows:
- Pour the vinegar into the container.
- Place the item there for 2 hours.
- Get the product.
- Take the aluminum foil.
- Rub it with soiled areas until they are completely removed.
- Rinse the knife with clean water.
Important! In the event that you decided to clean another object in this way and it is so oversized, it will not be able to be immersed in a container that is near at hand, wipe it with a cloth moistened with vinegar.
Method 2
Before you clean the steel from rust, prepare lime juice and salt. With their help, you can easily clean the steel product from rusty dirt. Proceed in this case as follows:
- Sprinkle salt with contaminated areas of the product.
- Squeeze the lime juice onto the sprinkled areas.
- Leave the mixture on the surface of the object for 2-3 hours.
- Take the lime peel.
- Remove with it the mixture that you applied to the surface of the metal.
Important! Instead of lime, you can use lemon.
Method 3
Another option for quickly removing rust from the knife:
- Take baking soda and water.
- Prepare a thick gruel from these ingredients.
- Treat the resulting blend with stains on the knife.
- Leave it on the product for 2 hours.
- Take the toothbrush.
- Remove dirt from the knife.
Method 4
In order to solve the problem of how to clean the knife from rust, do the following:
- Take the potatoes and cut it in half.
- Scrub with potato soap.
- Put the potatoes on a site with corrosion.
- Leave it on the knife for a couple of hours.
- Repeat this procedure, but leave the potatoes on the metal for a longer time.
Important! You can replace the soap with a mixture prepared in baking soda and water.
Method 5
Get rid of rust marks on the metal as follows:
- Take the dishwashing detergent and wash it with the desired object.
- Rinse with clean water and pat dry.
- Pour 250 ml of warm water into the container.
- Add 5 tsp to it.oxalic acid.
- Place the item in the solution.
- Leave it for 20 minutes.
- Remove the product and clean it with a brush until all rust is removed.
- Clean the object with clean water and pat dry.
Important! When applying this method, wear gloves, goggles, a protective suit and try not to inhale the vapors coming from oxalic acid, so as not to harm your health.
Method 6
If you want to stop the spread of rust over metal, use the tool that converts it. Just apply it to the surface.
Important! This method is ideal only if you want to later paint the metal object, since this tool only stops the spread of rust, but does not remove it.
to the contents ↑How to wipe off rust from clothing?
If rusty stains have formed on your clothing, before deciding how to get rid of them, decide how easy it will be for you to wash the rust off the fabric, Remove them by selecting one of the folk methods suggested below.
Method 1
Clean up your things from rusty dirt on it by applying salt and vinegar as follows:
- Mix the vinegar and salt in equal proportions.
- Treat the resulting mixture with a stain.
- Leave it on the fabric for 30-40 minutes.
- Remove mixture with cold water.
- Wash clothing in the usual way.
Method 2
If traces of rust are deeply ingested into the fabric, remove them by doing the following:
- Pour a glass of water into the container.
- Add to it 5 tablespoons each.oxalic and citric acid.
- Heat the resulting solution on fire to 60 degrees.
- Immerse the soiled areas in the solution and leave them in it for the night.
- Remove product and wash it.
Method 3
Remove the same kind of contamination with glycerin and chalk. To do this:
- Take chalk, glycerin and water.
- Mix these ingredients in equal proportions.
- Stir well the mixture.
- Apply it to the stain.
- Wait until the mixture has dried.
- Wash things in the way that suits you best.
- Rinse well with clean water and hang it.
Method 4
This method not only allows you to quickly cope with the problem of how to remove rust from clothes, but will also strengthen the color of your things. Proceed in this case in this way:
- Pour 6 liters of water into the container.
- Add to it 5 tablespoons.acetic essence of 70%.
- Place the item in the solution.
- Leave it in it for at least 4 hours.
- Remove the item and wash it in the usual way.
Important! This option is ideal for jeans products.
Method 5
If you urgently need to decide how to remove stale rust from clothing, proceed as follows:
- Mix in equal amounts dishwashing detergent and glycerin.
- Apply the mixture to contaminated areas of clothing.
- Leave the mixture on the cloth for a day.
- Rinse out the item under clean running water.
- Wash the product with powder for colored fabrics.
Method 6
Try to remove the rusty marks from your clothing with a stain remover. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Apply the stain remover directly to the contaminated tissue area.
- Wait for 10 minutes.
- Rub carefully the stain until it is completely removed.
- Wash the treated thing.
How to clean coins from rust?
Before you wipe off rust from coins, be sure to consider the following recommendations. Than categorically it is impossible to clean rust from coins in order not to damage them:
- Do not use concentrate of acetic, nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric acids. They are able to dissolve the drawing of the coin.
- Do not use sandpaper or brushes with metal pile.
- Do not heat the coin until it is fully heated when it is cleaned, otherwise it will crumble.
Important! In order to decide how to properly clean the rust from the coin, be sure to consider what alloy it is made of. For this process, select the most appropriate option from the following.
Solution 1
If you are clearing a gold coin, do the following:
- Take a piece of soap bar.
- Dissolve it in one liter of water.
- Place a coin in the solution for a while.
- Rub it with your fingers.
- For a better effect, heat the solution on fire, but do not boil in any way.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
- Remove the coin from the solution.
- Place it between soft tissues until it dries completely.
Solution 2
If you are cleaning silver coins with high metal breakdown, do the following:
- Pour ammonia into the container.
- Place the silver coin there.
- Wait an hour.
- Take a soft, absorbent cloth.
- Remove the coin and put it between the fabric until it dries completely.
Solution 3
If you are cleaning a low-grade silver coin and do not know how to remove rust from it, proceed as follows:
- Buy a special silver cleaner that you can buy at jewelry stores.
- Apply it on a coin hence instructions on the package.
- Wipe the product with a soft, special cloth to clean the silver.
Solution 4
Coins of bronze and copper, clean as follows:
- Take a coin and rinse it under running water.
- Wipe it gently with citric acid or 9% vinegar.
- Wash with warm water.
- Wrap the product with a soft, absorbent cloth until it dries completely.
Solution 5
Get rid of corrosion and white deposits from the iron coins, in this way.
- Take a weak solution of hydrochloric acid.
- Wipe them with an iron coin.
- Clean heavily soiled areas with a thin needle or brass wire.
- Wash the product with running water.
- Wrap in a soft cloth until completely dry.
- Rub the coin with felt, in order to restore her shine.
We hope that our tips are useful to you and you easily coped with the problem of how to remove rust from any desired object or thing.