- When to accustom the puppy to the toilet?
- How to teach a York puppy to the toilet at home?
- How do you learn to go to the toilet outside?
- Do I need to punish a dog?
Many people want to have a dog, but when choosing a breed a four-legged friend should always take into account the living conditions, the way of life of future owners and, of course, the availability of free time for the walking of the pet. Since the bulk of animal lovers live in apartments, where there is not much room, the choice often falls on dogs of small breeds. Very popular in recent years, Yorkshire terriers - decorative dogs, designed only for maintenance in the apartment. Therefore, when buying a small friend, there is always the question of how to teach a york to a diaper.
Why to the diaper? Just as a "toilet" rag and cat filler will not work. The first option very quickly gets wet and can forever repel the puppy's desire to cope with the need in this place, and the filler little pranksters are most often used as a game material. In this article we will introduce you how to teach a York puppy to a diaper, since it is necessary to do it from an early age.
to the contents ↑When to accustom the puppy to the toilet?
To teach a York puppy to the toilet of the house, more precisely - to cope their need in the allotted place, it is necessary from the smallest age, as soon as it appears in your home. Already at week-old puppies can crawl out of their "nest" to fulfill natural needs. On the way out of bed, lay an absorbent diaper so that the puppy gets used to it.
Important! If you have purchased a puppy in a good nursery, then you need to be able to walk on a diaper or a tray, because the terrier learns all the "sciences" from its parents. However, even a pup, previously accustomed to the toilet, can get lost in a new home.
to the contents ↑How to teach a York puppy to the toilet of the house?
All puppies have inherent cleanliness skills. Even the smallest and still blind puppy tries to crawl from the place of sleep to the toilet. If the puppies were grown in good conditions, then they had their own place for the mandrel, which the breeder had covered with special absorbent diapers.
We create comfortable and right conditions for the pet
When picking up the puppy, take this diaper so that it can quickly orient with the toilet in your home. But remember that the memory of small puppies is very short and, being in the kitchen, he does not remember that it is necessary to run into the corridor on the diaper. Therefore, the first time to teach York to a diaper, the toilet should be in every room.
Possible problems and their solution
Sometimes it happens that having arrived from the breeder, the puppy stays on its diaper stably, but after a few days starts to shit anywhere. The explanation is simple - do not shit only in the den, where they sleep, and having got at the disposal of the whole apartment, the puppy determines his own place to sleep, and the rest - the street. Therefore, the skill obtained from the breeder needs to be permanently fixed.
Important! To fix it enough 1-2 days, and if the puppy is taken from unsanitary conditions, then the skill will have to be created from scratch.
Useful recommendations and rules for teaching the puppy to the toilet
So that the process of training the puppy to the toilet was painless for both you and the pet, listen to the following tips:
- For the duration of york's training, remove all carpets and tracks from the diaper. Firstly, if the puppy at least once "manages the need" on the carpet, then it will be done constantly, secondly - to remove the unpleasant smell from the carpet is very difficult.
- Determine in advance where the puppy will go to the toilet: on the diaper or in the tray. When choosing a tray, pay attention to the following points:
- The toilet should be slightly larger than the cat's.
- No filler is used for the tray.
- The grate installed on the tray must be secure and allow the paws to remain dry.
- For the smallest puppy, use the following method: protect the territory of the room - about 1.5-2 square meters. Leave on the territory of the bare floor and the tray or absorbent diaper. Gradually expand the territory, and the familiar tray or diaper with a smell leave the same.
- Do not put the absorbent diaper on the floor - the puppy will drag and drive around the apartment. Use a special diaper tray. You can buy this tray at a pet store.
- While the puppy is small, use several diapers, placing them in different places. A small pet for a very long time can not stand, so initially the diaper should be several, so he managed to reach them. Watch for the puppy and that diaper on which the Yorke walks less often, clean. Gradually bring the number of diapers to one.
- Immediately after eating, sleeping or playing, put him in a designated place for the toilet.
- Use the "carrot and stick" method while training. If the puppy has correctly coped with the task and used the tray or diaper for the purpose, then encourage it with delicacy and affection. But if the kid went to the toilet is not where you want, then express your displeasure and slightly bend the pet's head to the puddle so that he understands what exactly caused your disapproval.
- If the pet has walked past the tray, immediately wipe the puddle with a napkin, or absorbent diaper and put it at home in the designated toilet space. Animals very well recognize the latrine by the smell, so the next time the puppy does not miss.
- All odor of feces from unauthorized places must be carefully removed using deterrents and sprays. You can buy such products at a pet store or use home preparations with a pungent odor. This approach will allow you to quickly learn a york to a diaper.
- Have enough patience in the difficult matter of training a York puppy to the toilet. The whole process can take up to 5-7 months, but you do not give up and do the same ritual all the time.
Important! If you leave the house, then block all the passages into the rooms, for example, plywood or special fences, bought at a pet store. Organize your pet a small corral for the time of your absence with everything you need: a bed, toilet, toys.
to the contents ↑How is York taught to go to the toilet outside?
The issue of walking small decorative dogs does not have an unambiguous answer. Of course, all animals like fresh air and street walks, where they can communicate with their own kind.
If you prefer to walk with a Yorkshire terrier down the street, then watch it more closely and adhere to the following recommendations:
- Keep your pet away from big and aggressive dogs.
- Do not let the dog get close to street cats, as they can grab the muzzle and scratch their eyes.
- Do not admit to large puddles, as they may be too deep for a miniature dog.
- In cold and windy weather, wear a pet so that it does not catch a cold.
- If you want your pet to cope with a natural need in the street, then also accustom it to it:
- Immediately after sleeping or eating for 15 minutes, go for a walk.
- After the pet did everything correctly praise it, caress and treat it with "yummy".
- Puppies like children love to chant after others. Therefore, try to find the same decorative pets in the yard, which will teach your "child" all the tricks.
Important! Teach your puppy to cope with need both on the street and at home. If he gets used to going to the toilet only on the street, then all responsibility will fall on you. In any weather, in any state it will be necessary to walk with a dog, otherwise - it will suffer and suffer, if in time you do not walk it.
to the contents ↑Do I need to punish a dog?
First of all, remember one rule: first, with praise and goodies, explain to the puppy what is required of him. Only when he clearly understands, you can afford to scold the pet. In no case in the first days do not punish the baby for puddles in the wrong place - it's because everything is clear and clear to you, and the puppy from punishment will make sure his conclusions and train a york to a diaper or a tray will be 10 times more difficult.
Important! If your pet does everything right, then it should only be praised and encouraged, in the future, to form the correct nature of behavior. But if a mischievous person always jokes and refuses to go to the toilet in the allotted place, then it must be punished.
But which way to choose, because the method of picking a puppy in a puddle or in a diaper does not always work. Use the following recommendations of the dog handlers to teach the york to a diaper or toilet:
- To punish a puppy is best by slapping a palm over the rump. If you decide to use a newspaper, belt or slippers for this purpose, it will form the aggression of the animal to these objects, and at the time of your absence all these "villains" will be destroyed. But the dog will not bite and gnaw the owner's hand, because the hand feeds, pours and regrets.
- Punishment should be timely. If you started to swear when the puppy has already moved away from the puddle, then for the baby it is not at all clear, because for him 15-20 seconds after the incident - it's an eternity. And here is the result: for what the scolded did not understand, and in the puppy's head the horror and panic, because he remembered only what they poked into the diaper, which means - it is better not to approach the diaper.
- Do not call the puppy to yourself to scold, because next time he just does not come to the call.
- You can also be punished in a loud way, for example, clapping hands or expressing discontent on elevated tones.
Puppy parenting process requires from the owner of patience, reason and care. Little dogs are children who do not understand what is "good" and what is "bad."The responsible owner should be able to understand this, because it will only depend on him whether life with a new pet will turn into true sincere love or into a daily nightmare.
There are no puppies of stupid people, there are only those puppies that did not understand what the owner wants from them, because the method of teaching a York puppy to a diaper is very simple. The main thing is love and patience!