- 2 simple cleaning methods
- Using high temperatures
- Using low temperatures
- Exposure to special tools
Today, fashion labels are glued to virtually every shirt, T-shirt or other clothing. But how to wear a new thing, if there are glue marks left on the fabric when removing the label? There are two options: try to surrender the thing to the store or try to clear the stains. If you are not ready to part with the things you like, we will offer you several ways how to remove the glue from the stickers from the clothes in this article.
to the contents ↑2 simple cleaning methods
The most elementary way to remove the glue from the clothing sticker is to wash the thing along with the sticker. It should be ensured that the fabric is strong enough and will withstand the test by the action of a synthetic detergent. Also make sure that the material does not shed or deform after washing.
Important! Among the advantages of this method is its simplicity and accessibility. The downside is not the versatility of the method. In addition, the label can not exfoliate completely. In this case, tear off the wetted label will help any object, which it can be pulled and pulled over the edge. But the traces of glue can remain on the clothes.
Another cleaning method:
- we take a wide scotch;
- tightly glue the strip to the label;
- jerks sharply.
Important! This method is quite effective, but before using it you need to carefully study the properties of the material from which the clothes are made. If the fabric is thin and delicate - then this method does not work, it can easily stretch or even tear.
to the contents ↑Using high temperatures
If the new thing is damaged by glue, do not get upset, you can remove its traces of hot water or steam.
Method 1
How to remove glue from clothes from the label with boiling water?- For this, it is necessary to pour the stickers with hot water from any container, or soak the product in boiling water. The glue must dissolve and come off the material.
Important! This method of cleaning is suitable for almost all materials, but not for capricious tissues, which are damaged by exposure to elevated temperatures.
Method 2
You can also reheat a part of the product or material with a sticker or traces of glue from the labels using a conventional household hairdryer.
- Place the thing on a horizontal surface, remove all unnecessary items from the hands.
- Put a towel or any fabric under the top layer of clothing that is not afraid of exposure to elevated temperatures, and be able to protect the underside of the product from undesirable effects. The thickness of the towel should be selected depending on the clothes.
- Carefully study the marking on the product, where the maximum temperature should be indicated, at which nothing will happen to the thing. This allows things to stay intact and avoid holes from exposure to elevated temperatures.
- Hot air from the included hair dryer should be directed as close as possible to the place of exposure.
- It is necessary that the household hair dryer be switched on to the maximum hot air supply mode. After a short time, the label or glue will begin to slowly deform and lag behind the fabric.
- To accelerate the process at the same time, you can pick up the label or glue with a knife, and at the same time continue heating.
Important! If there is no household hairdryer, then you can use a hot iron with steam function and wet gauze. At the same time on the glutinous stain it is necessary to put gauze, to warm the product well with a hot iron. This combination of increased temperature and steam will quickly remove the adhesive from the label from the clothing.
to content ↑Using low temperatures
In addition to exposure to high temperatures, contamination from the adhesive can be removed by freezing. At low temperatures, the glue begins to deform, becomes brittle, as a result - will cease to stick together the surfaces of the label and the product.
To use this method:
- You need a freezer, with the lowest temperature regime( preferably minus 30-40 degrees Celsius).But if your aggregate is more than -15 does not give out or is set up for just such a stable temperature, it will also work, just the time of impact can increase.
- Clothes are cleaned in the freezer for 40-60 minutes. During this time, the glue should freeze well.
- After the thing is removed from the refrigerator, you just need to remove the glue from the sticker from your clothes with your hands - it will crumble. It is important to do this as quickly as possible so that clothes do not get warm to room temperature, otherwise - the glue stain will become soft again, and the removal process will become more complicated.
In addition to the temperature effect, there are a number of other methods that will help you understand how and how to remove the adhesive from the clothing label.
to the contents ↑Exposure to
special agents Also, the remnants of adhesive or labels can be removed from clothing using various chemical reagents.
Types of products:
- The most common and available solvent for glue is any vegetable oil. In order to clean clothes with vegetable oil, it is necessary to moisten the contaminated area with a small amount, then to get wet with a napkin or a white cloth. Such actions are repeated several times until the adhesive is completely removed from the clothing label.
Important! But when using this tool there is a huge minus: instead of traces of glue on things you can get an oil halo. And you will have to look for ways to remove grease stains from the fabric. One such - carefully treat with soap, leave for 20 minutes, then wash the whole thing in any way you prefer.
- There are special combined means for removing adhesive residues. Before using them, it is necessary to test the product on a small area of the product in order to make sure that the fabric is not deformed and the paint does not change its color.
- Pretty good you can clean the remnants of the adhesive from the label from clothes with alcohol, vodka or lotion.
- You can also use acetone or acetic acid. But this type of solvents is suitable only for natural dense fabrics.
Important! When choosing a chemical agent, the remedy should be careful:
- Make sure that the product does not emit harmful and poisonous fumes and does not erase paint from the product.
- Also, one should not forget that any chemical substance can be dangerous for both tissue and man, and it should be used in small amounts, in gloves and in a well-ventilated room.
- If you decide to clean your clothes on your own - remember that chemical agents and high temperature can not be used at the same time, because when exposed to high temperatures, chemicals can actively evaporate and quickly penetrate the human body.
If you can not remove the adhesive yourself, or the risk of tissue damage is greater than the expected result - it is better to contact professionals. But we hope that you do not have to spend money on their services, because from this article you learned a variety of ways to remove the glue from the stickers of clothing, including the most sparing. Hence - you can handle the task yourself very easily at home.