- Kinds of socks
- How to choose men's socks in color?
- Socks dimensions
- Socks length
- Some nuances of wearing socks
- The best socks manufacturers
Socks are one of the most important things of the wardrobe, because they protect our feet from the cold in the winter, and from calluses and scuffing in the warm seasons. Now in the market you can find products of this type from different materials, different colors and styles. At many at purchase there is a question: what socks are better for buying? In order to understand, you should first familiarize yourself with the types of such products and the materials from which they are sewn.
to the table of contents ↑Kinds of socks
On the shelves of shops and markets you can see a variety of socks in color, length, material and functionality. There are the following types of socks:
- By gender - male, female, universal and children's.
- In length - to the knees( male and female), standard( 10 cm), short( above the ankle by 3 cm).
- By functionality - tourist, everyday and for exercising.
- For the season - winter, summer and demi-season.
To say exactly which of these types of socks is better is difficult. Each of them is designed for different purposes, respectively - in their sphere of application they are the best.
Quality of socks
The quality of socks is something that is not recommended for saving. Experts identified several parameters by which it is possible to determine the quality of such products. The main one is the material( fabric):
- One of the best materials for socks is cotton. It is referred to natural raw materials, which is why things made from it are very comfortable and comfortable. Cotton socks are well ventilated, so the legs practically do not sweat. With proper washing and care, socks will be able to last you very long. Cotton products are particularly strong and wear-resistant.
- Bamboo yarn - it is also referred to as natural materials. In addition, due to its organic origin, the material has good hypoallergenic properties. Socks made of such tissue repel unpleasant odors. Their hypoallergenicity persists even after fifty washes.
- Modal is a material made from cellulose. The products made of it are very strong, and after washing they do not become stiff.
- Flax is a beautiful natural material from which bed linens, clothes and underwear are sewn. Linen products cool in the heat and warm in cold times. Socks made from linen fabric have a slight minus - a limitation in color, as flax is difficult to paint.
- Wool and angora - winter socks are made from these materials. They are very soft and pleasant to the touch, and also retain heat for a long time.
All of the above materials are natural. Socks made from artificial fabrics are also diverse( viscose, acrylic, elastane), but their difference from natural ones is that they are poorly ventilated. However, their color gamut is much wider than that of natural fabrics. Many synthetic socks sew from several types of fabrics.
Important! The most acceptable option is when the socks are 75% organic, and the remaining 25% are impurities.
Nevertheless, choosing which composition of socks is better is a personal matter for everyone. Here we must take into account the price factor, because in any case, natural fabrics are more expensive, and this is not available to everyone. At the same time, you can not save on underwear, because it directly affects your health.
to the contents ↑How to choose men's socks in color?
Classic shades for socks are black, gray and blue. What to choose?
- The most universal, suitable for everything, are black socks. In addition, they are easiest to erase. Such a dull color manufacturers can diversify with light and ordinary prints( small speck or cell).Prints are also made in non-bold shades - mustard, brown, blue.
Important! Socks with discreet ornaments can be worn under business suits and strict pants.
- Informal socks produce a wide variety of colors - orange, green, purple. Products of such colors are better to wear with closed shoes.
Important! Experts recommend avoiding light shades, as they do not fit all shoes, and they are pretty hard to wash. Instances in striped and with large patterns are not recommended to be worn with open shoes or bright pants, since the whole image will be spoiled, it will look too nasty and vulgar.
to the contents ↑Sizes of socks
It is very important to consider the size of socks when buying, because too large will slip from the foot, and too small - on the contrary, greatly stretch, create uncomfortable sensations.
When buying only enough to tell the seller his foot size, and he will pick up a product of your size. If you buy socks for a size larger or smaller, their service life will decrease.
Important! Products "one size" is not recommended to buy the owners of too small or large feet, since they will not last long.
to the table of contents ↑Socks length
In addition to the size, colors, materials, socks are distinguished in length. They are short, ultrashort, above the knee, to the middle of the caviar muscle:
- The shortest are considered to be the most preferred among young people, since they are suitable for wearing under shoes, sneakers.
- Also very popular products are above the knee in winter, as they warm well, hide the bare part of the foot when you sit.
Important! Almost all consumers purchase models to the middle of the caviar muscle, since they are considered universal and suitable for almost any kind of footwear.
to the contents ↑Some nuances of wearing socks
In some cases socks are generally not recommended to be worn. Especially if you are shod in open shoes( sandals, sandals).Also it is undesirable to wear socks with trousers-chinos and moccasins, as it looks very unesthetically. In this situation, you can wear ultra-short socks that do not look at all from under the shoes - it will be an excellent and hygienic option for you.
to the table of contents ↑The best manufacturers of socks
The best manufacturers of such products are English and Italian factories. Their production costs a lot of money, however, it is distinguished by its durability and durability. In addition, foreign manufacturers have a wider choice of ornaments on their toes. Therefore, experts recommend to approach the issue of purchasing socks with the mind and not save on them.
Important! It is better to avoid Chinese products, as it may be unreliable and have a low level of hypoallergenicity.
Let's consider some popular manufacturers:
- Falke - the German manufacturer.
- John Smedley - English manufacturer.
- Alexander McQueen is an Italian manufacturer.
You do not need to choose socks from brand manufacturers, despite the fact that they guarantee high quality and reliability. You can find socks cheaper, most importantly - that they are quality.