How to whiten tulle from natural fabrics, organza and nylon at home?


  • 5. Boiling or digesting
  • 4. Neutralizing shades of gray and yellow with
  • dyes 3. Warm solution with
  • starch 2. Soaking in a hot solution of peroxide and ammonia
  • 1. The decades-proven brine solution

Asking the question howwhiten tulle, we often do not go further than "Belizny", which already reflexively pops up in the mind at the sight of a favorite thing that has lost its former snow-whiteness. Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting to make housework easier, and the popularity of using household chemicals for whitening any things is completely justified. But this is not the only way by which you can correct the situation and return the curtains to the original appearance. See for yourself!

5. Boiling or digesting

Many will recall how in childhood mums and grandmothers boiled your grandfather's school kolgotochki in a huge enamel pan in order to flawlessly whiten them. The same can be done with tulle, provided that it is made of natural fabrics: silk, viscose, cotton, linen. The content of natural material in the fabric should be from 80 to 100%, otherwise you will spoil the thing.

You can say that the machine with the same success can accomplish the task, but in fact it can not achieve a continuous boiling, which you can adjust at your discretion. Usually boiling things takes 1 hour, but you can vary this gap.


It is undesirable to add detergent powders to water for digestion, especially if they contain phosphates( and they contain most of the variants on the market).It will be possible to whiten the thing, but your body will not be happy with chemical evaporation, so it's better to add more old good soap chips.

4. Neutralization of shades of gray and yellow using dyes

One of the most universal methods that can be used for bleaching at home is rinsing the tulle in a weak solution of dyes. It is important that this method is suitable for any type of tulle and is not capable of damaging the fabric structure. The main thing is not to go too far with dyes, in the role of which usually act:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • potassium permanganate.

To ensure that colored spots do not form on the yellowed tulle, which already accurately determine it in the trash, always dilute 3-4 drops of the active substance in a small amount of water and make sure that there is no sediment left after stirring! This solution will need to be poured into rinse water, which will help whiten the curtains.


You do not need to soak tulle in the tinted water for a long time. The desired effect will manifest immediately after a short rinse, because all these substances act solely due to light coloring of the tissue.

3. Warm solution with starch

Another tool that you can take note of the hostess with a yellow tulle of polyester or organza( although, of course, with the help of starch, you can bleach and curtains made of natural fabrics).

All you need to do is rinse the curtains in a barely warm solution of water and starch. Do not boil the mixture. Moreover, it does not even need to rinse again! On average, 2 tablespoons will be needed for the pelvis.l.starch, which must be previously diluted in a small amount of water until the lumps are completely dissolved.

2. Soaking in a hot solution of peroxide and ammonia

The ammonia smells awful and does not give the impression of a safe substance, but, strangely enough, it is in combination with peroxide that is recommended for whitening even children's things. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to bleach nylon tulle or organza, then this method, unfortunately, is not for you. You need to raise the ingredients in water with a temperature of at least 70 °, while for organza and polyester this figure should not exceed 40 °.

On the middle basin, in which you will rinse the tulle, you will need 1 tbsp.l.ammonia and 2 tbsp.l.3 per cent peroxide. To effectively get rid of yellowness, it is better to leave the tulle in the pelvis for 20-30 minutes.


Do not be too lazy to rinse a thing twice after such soaking: you do not want the flavor of ammonia to be the first thing that you will feel in the morning?

1. The decades-proven salt solution

Do you think how to whiten tulle? So here it is, the simplest answer is right on your kitchen shelf. Salt will help restore the whiteness of tulle at home and is suitable for both natural and synthetic fabrics.

Depending on the degree of yellowness, you can choose one of these options.

  • In 5 liters of water, dilute 5 tbsp.l.salt, add a little powder and soak the curtains in this mixture for the whole night. Then wash as usual, and rinse.
  • Rinse already washed curtains in water with the addition of 5 tbsp.l.salt, leave in the pelvis for 15-20 minutes and dry without rinsing in pure water.

So it's not necessary to resort to factory bleaches and stain removers in order to refresh tulle. At home, it is quite possible to get by the tried and tested folk methods, which have just been added in your household cab.

Read the article on how to iron the tulle after washing